Chen Xiuzhi looked at the time, the tiredness on her face was very strong, and then she looked at Gao Yiyi and Gao Xiang and said, "If you want to keep the year old, then continue to keep it, I'll go to sleep first."

He kept yawning while speaking.

"Me too!"

Gao Lijun also got up and said, "The Spring Festival is here, and everything starts anew, but I still have to sleep."

Headed by the Hundred Festival, the Spring Festival is the most solemn traditional festival, which not only embodies the nation's ideological beliefs, ideals and aspirations, life entertainment and cultural psychology, but also a carnival-style display of blessing, food and entertainment activities.

At present, the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival are called the four traditional festivals.

As the older generation, the Spring Festival is still very fancy. As a person, you can't forget your roots, and you can't worship foreigners and only celebrate foreign festivals and forget your own traditional festivals.

Although I live in the center of Tongzhou now, I can't set off firecrackers and fireworks, but Gao Xiang's family is still full of flavor.

"Well, then you go to sleep first!"

Gao Xiang stretched his waist: "I'm also ready to go to bed. Tomorrow is the first day of the new year. The first day of the new year is very important, and it is also an important day to pray for good luck in the year."

On the first day of the first lunar month, that is to enter the jubilee to receive blessings, worship the ancestors, pray for the theme of a good year, open the door in the morning of the Spring Festival, and then start to burn incense and salute, worship the heaven and earth, worship the ancestors, and worship the gods of the year.

Then they greeted the elders in turn, and then the relatives and friends of the same clan congratulated each other.

Very solemn.

Gao Lijun and Chen Xiuzhi also went to bed one after another, and they will open the door early tomorrow morning.

Gao Xiang looked at Gao Yiyi, who was sitting on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, with a smile on his face from time to time, and said, "Sister, what are you doing when you're not sleeping yet? Holding the mobile phone and smirking."

Money is good "You are just giggling"

Gao Yiyi pouted, then quit WeChat and said, "It's past twelve o'clock, I'll go and see how your Weibo super talk is going!"

Saying that, clicked on Weibo.

After a while, Gao Yiyi jumped up from the sofa, holding the phone and shouting in shock: "Oh my God!!, this is too strong, Gao Xiang, you broke the record on Weibo. !so amazing!"

: The first update, I beg for automatic subscription and monthly pass, flowers, evaluation ticket, thank you.

Thank you for your continued reading. Although there are not many people reading it now, it is true love who persist in reading. Thanks to everyone's love, especially when I saw that at the beginning of this month, there were still readers who gave a broken five, egg The reward, although the amount of the reward is not much, it really touched me very much. I sincerely thank you for your support and moving!

Chapter 650

At the end of the year, Weibo held a super talk list event to select the first and most influential people in super talk of the year. The selection expires at... 24:[-] on New Year's Eve.

Now that the early morning is over, the outcome is already divided! Gao Yiyi was quite shocked and surprised when he saw the situation on the list this time.

It can be said that Gao Xiang's top ranking is basically a sure thing. The fans of Xu Kunkun who ranked second are completely powerless, so they can only watch Gao Xiang's super talk data is getting better and better! Really! It is very helpless and unwilling! But how could that be arranged clearly by Gao Xiang's supporters! Gao Xiang saw Gao Yiyi so shocked, his face was calm, and he asked very indifferently: "Sister, you How can you be so surprised by something so sudden!"

No. 833 on the annual super talk list! Gao Xiang won it! The most influential person of the year is also well deserved! Gao Yiyi pointed her mobile phone screen at Gao Xiang and said, "Gao Xiang, look, your super talk influences The power has already broken [-] million! It has broken [-] million, this is simply too powerful for [-], it directly broke the record of super talk influence on Weibo!"

1 million to be honest, Gao Xiang has never paid attention to or did not understand the super talk on Weibo. He has no idea about breaking the record this time! The influence of super talk has exceeded [-]. The influence record of Weibo Chaohua is very powerful? It should be very powerful, at least it has suppressed the illusory traffic star like Xu Kunkun! , In last week's super talk list, Gao Xiang's influence was more than [-] million.


influence, but Xu Kunkun's influence is only more than 540 million.

In other words, Gao Xiang's Weibo super talk is more than twice that of Xu Kunkun! Very scary.

Prior to this, Xu Kunkun had occupied the entire Weibo super talk list for a year.

Other idol fans disdain or say that they are not so boring to brush the super talk list, that is, only Xu Kunkun's fans have the spare time and tire of brushing the list day after day.

The list brushed out in this way has wool with "[-] million influence is really strong!"

Gao Xiang's face was also very calm, his current cultivation and connotation had already made Gao Xiang not so easily taken aback, he said calmly and slowly: "The power of netizens is indeed terrifying. billions of influence!"

In the whole year, Gao Xiang's super talk was the highest, so he completely overwhelmed Xu Kunkun, who had been on the list before.

"I really didn't expect that your influence is the most influential in the history of Weibo Chaohua!"

Gao Yiyi exclaimed in admiration: "You are the shining star of the entire Weibo! Gao Xiang's ability to gain such a terrifying influence and to be listed in Super Talk [-] is completely... With the support of a huge number of passers-by fans, they have He joined the ranks of brushing the list, and issued a silent irony and criticism of this data and traffic thinking! And among this group of people, Gao Xiang is the representative! "Is this a New Year's gift for me?"

Gao Xiang smiled and said: "It is estimated that it is on the hot search. I hope that the next traffic stars will be more restrained. This data era is not like this!"

Now is... pay attention to data, everything depends on all kinds of data to judge the quality and results of a thing, this is not a big deal, the premise is that these data are real data.

After all, this is an era of big data, and no one can go upstream, otherwise they will eventually be abandoned by the times! "Hot Search"

Gao Yiyi clicked on Weibo's hot search with confusion, and immediately saw that four of the first five hot searches were related to Gao Xiang.

The first hot search on Weibo is Happy New Year. After all, it is a new year, and it is normal for such a hot search to be ranked first.

But the following hot searches are all related to Gao Xiang! Gao Xiang, breaking Weibo's super talk influence record, fans of Gao Xiang and Xu Kunkun's annual super talk list and the year's most influential person Xu Kunkun cried. Half an hour has passed since the early morning, and these four Weibo hot searches have directly jumped to the top five positions, occupying the Weibo hot search, which is very terrifying.

Obviously, this time Gao Xiang and Xu Kunkun's Weibo super chat battle has aroused the attention and hot discussion of the majority of netizens, otherwise there would not have been so many hot searches all at once.

Gao Xiang reached the top with such a domineering achievement, which is entirely the result of the efforts of all his friends.

However, there is something wrong with the pictures below these Weibo hot searches.

"It turns out that the Weibo ranking is so tiring. After playing this time, I will never play it again. I really don't understand the meaning of Kun Fan Club's people brushing this list all day long!"

"Mom, I have learned how to make a list, it's amazing!"

"I can proudly announce to the general public that I have just participated in a project worth over [-] million yuan."

"Now Xu Kunkun's fans have nothing to say, the influence of more than [-] million is completely... Hanging Xu Kunkun, it's really awesome!"

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