This is not just a restaurant, but a collection of restaurants and hotels, that is, a modern hotel.

Gao Xiang followed Miss Yingbin and turned left and right through the hotel for a while, and then came to a very special box.

At the door of the box stood two slender and slender ladies, two beauties of completely different styles.

Taking a closer look, it was Liu Shunhua and Xia Ji.

: The first update, I beg for automatic subscription and monthly pass, flowers, evaluation ticket, all support, thank you.


Chapter 732

Liu Shunhua and Xia Ji saw Gao Xiang appear, and greeted Gao Xiang with a smile on their faces.

Xia Ji stepped forward, immediately gave a deep hand to Gao Xiang Yingying and said with a slight smile, "Mr. Gao, Gao Xiang, you are welcome to attend this dinner."


Gao Xiang smiled and said, "A beautiful girl like Miss Xia invites you to dinner, I believe not many men will refuse!"

"That's not necessarily true!"

Xia Ji looked at Gao Xiang with a smile, and muttered in her heart: If it wasn't for Sister Hua's help, I wouldn't be able to invite you.

Xia Ji discovered a very strange thing: in front of Gao Xiang, her beauty did not seem to be very attractive.

Girls all want their appearance to be the focus of others, which is the same as the feeling of wanting others to call themselves beautiful girls. This "eight three three"

It can satisfy a woman's own vanity very well.

As a senior reporter of Forbes, Xia Ji has seen many dignitaries, nobles, rich and famous, and they are more or less attracted by their appearance, and some even show greedy eyes.

But these.... all of them are not found in Gao Xiang's body! This is amazing!!! "Please come in!"

Xia Ji made a gesture of invitation, and then the two walked into this unique private room.

The whole private room is full of exotic buildings. If you don’t know it, you would think it’s abroad. It has a distinctive national traditional style, and follows the architectural form of the palace-style roof in the early 50s. There are 6 in the private room: giant columns support heavy The eaves entrance hall, the building gables stand, the eaves corners fly up, the carved railings are made of jade, red and white, hidden in the green shade, present at the foot of the lake, and the location is excellent.

Just a box at such a location is not something that everyone can book. Now that Xia Ji can be in such a grand and majestic box, it means that Xia Ji is definitely not an ordinary mixed-race beauty.

Gao Xiang suddenly became curious about Xia Ji's origin.

The people are seated.

Xia Ji handed the menu to Gao Xiang and said, "Mr. Gao, please order it. This time, I mainly want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to give me an exclusive interview. Thank you very much."

"Because of your interview and cover character in this issue, our sales of Forbes magazine have been greatly improved."

Gao Xiang smiled and laughed at himself: "That's not bad, I was a little worried that this issue of your magazine would lose sales because I was a cover character!"

"Certainly not!"

Xia Ji handed the menu to Gao Xiang.

Gao Xiang didn't take the menu and said, "Miss Xia, just order it."

"All right!"

Xia Ji nodded, then looked at Liu Shunhua: "Sister Hua, do you want to order?"


Liu Shunhua waved his hand and smiled slightly: "Xia Ji, you are a frequent visitor here, you are better at ordering food, you can order it."

"Then I'm welcome!"

Xia Ji was also very clean and neat, got the waiter, and immediately started to order.

Although there were only three people, there were quite a few dishes to order.

After they were busy ordering food, the three of them started chatting with each other.

Xia Ji looked at Gao Xiang and Liu Shunhua and said, "Gao, sister, you are all my nobles. This interview was very successful."

Liu Shunhua said with a smile: "This shows that Gao Xiang is very good. Although he is young, he is very insightful!"


Shaggy nodded in agreement.

Gao Xiang is calm, neither inferior nor conceited: "Sister Hua, Miss Xia, we are familiar with each other once, so let's not tout each other, it's just some superficial introduction. "

Excellent people are humble! Only conceited people are arrogant! The most swaying is always half a bucket of water.

From Gao Xiang, Xia Ji had a deep understanding.

"Mr. Gao is right."

Xia Ji's communication skills are very good, and she quickly got closer to Gao Xiang: "Since we are familiar with each other once, we don't need to be so polite, just chat casually."

The three of them chatted, and the dishes of Xinxin Restaurant came up.

A pot of hot and spicy casserole was brought up, and then the lid of the pot was opened, and a burst of fragrance could be smelled immediately.

"Please enjoy!"

The waiter went down.

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