"Speechless... trolls, mocking your sister, a foreign slave who worships foreigners, there is Buffett abroad, and there is Gao Xiang in our country. Finally, I wish our Gao Xiang's auction a perfect success."

"What are you doing so foolishly? You'll know the result of the auction. Anyway... I don't like it. A young man with a little achievement just auctions his lunchtime in such a high-profile way. He really thinks he is Buffett."

...On the Internet, netizens expressed their opinions one after another, which is roughly divided into two categories, one is optimistic about the auction of Gao Xiang's charity luncheon and supports it, and the other is... I feel that Gao Xiang is humiliating himself by grandstanding, and the final result must be... unpopular.

Of course, the second category is a small part, and they are basically keyboard warriors and trolls.

After Han Muling swiped on Weibo, he looked up at Gao Xiang next to him and said, "Gao Xiang, your charity luncheon will be auctioned soon, what do you think if it fails?"

"Don't worry, I don't think it will pass!"

Gao Xiang always had a confident smile on his face.

He felt that his charity luncheon this time would definitely not pass.

Because of his strength, he is confident! Lu Wanxi smiled and said, "Do you want me to take pictures for you? I will pay a high price for your meal: lunch time!"

"Don't do this... Silly thing!"

Gao Xiang touched Lu Wanxi's head and said, "If you want to invite me to dinner, you can make an appointment at will, you don't need to spend such an unjust money!"

"Oh yes!"

Lu Wanxi nodded: "I feel that my side is... a super rich man, haha!"

Han Muling also smiled and replied, "I don't know how much this meal will cost tonight, Mr. Gao, Boss Gao"

"You two are making fun of me again!"

Gao Xiang stretched out his hand and pretended to show his teeth and claws and said: "Let you taste my family method, and my family method will serve you."

As he said that, his hands kept tickling Han Muling and Lu Wanxi's bodies.



Han Muling and Lu Wanxi let out bursts of silver bells and crisp laughter.

"No, we have to fight back! Hahaha!"

Lu Wanxi smiled and said to Han Muling, "Sisters, let's go!"

: The second update, I beg for automatic subscription and monthly pass, flowers, evaluation tickets, all support, thank you.

It's been 2 years and it's a new year.

This book has been written since July 201. At that time, I was in an uneasy mood. I am very honored to have you accompany me all the way to the scene. It is really an honor.

In the new year, I wish all my readers and friends, my parents, a happy New Year. All your wishes come true and everything goes well. Of course, I hope you can always support this book and keep going, thank you.

Heartfelt thanks.

Chapter 761

In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter


:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter 761

"Hahaha... cluck..."

The two girls, Han Muling and Lu Wanxi, were laughing loudly like silver bells by Gao Xiang's tickling hand. They were very happy! Soon, the two sisters joined forces and launched a counterattack, fighting with Gao Xiang in the house.

There were bursts of laughter from time to time.

Facing the counterattack of the two beauties, Gao Xiang enjoyed it very much. Although he laughed constantly, he was also very happy.

The happiness in it is not shared with outsiders.

The two fought for a while, and then stopped.

"No, no, no."

Lu Wanxi covered her stomach and said, "My stomach hurts from laughing, I'm not playing anymore."

"I surrender too!"

Han Muling also waved her hand, and said with a quivering smile, "I feel like if this goes away, my crow's feet will get a lot more."

Gao Xiang did not pursue the victory.

The three of them sat down on the sofa.

Left and Right: Two beauties each, watching TV and chatting, occasionally taking advantage, enjoying themselves very much.

time flies.

It's almost 11 o'clock in the evening, and basically everyone goes to bed at this time.

Lu Wanxi yawned, stretched, and said, "I'm so sleepy, I'll go to bed first, Mu Ling, Gao Xiang, you two should sleep together!"

"Sister Wanxi, I'm going to bed too, let's go together!"

Han Muling replied with a slight red face.

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