2 years new year, ask for a broken five, egg reward.

Chapter 763

Five million, this is definitely a sky-high price! It is absolutely unimaginable to spend five million for a meal, and only those who really think that Gao Xiang is valuable will spend it So much money for a meal.

Gao Xiang looked at the two of them and said, "How about it, do you think this is an extremely expensive and completely impossible thing!"

"It's not completely impossible!"

Lu Wanxi said very rationally: "From my point of view, this is difficult."


Han Muling also nodded and said: "The price is a bit high, after all, no one knows what the outcome of having a meal with you will be. If someone has already eaten with you and has achieved great success, then it is estimated that [-] million people will be willing to for the price!"

Han Muling was on the point. The most critical question now is... No one has ever paid such a large price to eat with Gao Xiang and achieved success. To put it simply... There are few sample cases, so few people Willing to be the first to eat crabs.

The reason why Buffett's lunch is so expensive is because most of the people who have paid for Buffett's meal before have achieved great success, which sets a good model case, so the price of Buffett's lunch has risen.

The earliest Chinese to photograph Buffett's lunch was Duan Yongping, the founder of Backgammon.

[-] dollars, took the following year's "Buffett Lunch"

, asked in the media after the meal to 62.

When the $62 photo was taken for lunch, Duan Yongping said: "We spent $[-] as a donation, not a meal, so it doesn't matter whether it's worth it or not!"

Later "The Godfather of Private Equity"

Zhao Danyang took the opportunity to have lunch with Buffett at a price of $211 million. After the meal, Zhao Danyang once told the media that this experience cannot be measured by money, because not only can he get Buffett's investment experience, but also directly from the experience. Benefit from meals.

It is reported that on the day of lunch, Zhao Danyang greeted the "stock god"

The stock of Wumart Commercial was recommended. Although Buffett just said that he would pay attention to it, Wumart Commercial rose all the way due to Zhao Danyang's recommendation, and rose nearly 44% for four consecutive 24 trading days. In just a few days, Zhao Danyang went crazy. Earned nearly 1.

3 million Hong Kong dollars, not only recovered the cost of having dinner with the stock gods, but also made a lot of money.

...these are living examples that directly drive the price of Buffett's lunch.

At present, there is no successful example of Gao Xiang's charity lunch, so it is naturally difficult to shoot for a high price.

Gao Xiang looked at the surprised expressions of Han Muling and Lu Wanxi, and then said with a slight smile, "How about I make a bet with you?"

"What to bet"

Lu Wanxi asked.

"Uh...if the price of my auction this time exceeds 500 million, then you have to promise me one thing!"

Gao Xiang thought about it and said, "The opposite is true. If I lose, I promise you one thing, unconditionally!"

"OK, alright!"

Lu Wanxi nodded and replied.

Han Muling also said, "I didn't either."

"Then it's settled!"

Gao Xiang smiled.

To be honest, Gao Xiang doesn't know how much his charity lunch can be auctioned for, but the requirements of the mysterious task of this system are... I hope that the price of Gao Xiang's charity lunch can be auctioned for more than 500 million, then it will be considered completed. Task.

So Gao Xiang used this to ask Lu Wanxi and Han Muling to play.

Just a small gamble! After breakfast, Gao Xiang, Lu Wanxi, and Han Muling decided to go shopping.

The three have not been shopping together for a long time.

Inside a Rolls Royce, back seat.

Gao Xiang sat in the middle, Lu Wanxi and Han Muling sat on the left and right sides respectively.

Lu Wanxi looked at Gao Xiang and said, "Gao Xiang, let's go and make a suit for you, and then wear it for lunch, so that it will look decent."

"But it's too late"

Gao Xiang thought about it, there are still three days left for the charity lunch after tomorrow's auction, and the time is relatively rushed.


Lu Wanxi said: "There is nothing that can't be solved with money. As long as we expedited processing at an appropriate price, then naturally we can do it."

"Okay, then let's go get a suit made."

Gao Xiang has a lot of suits, but so far he has never customized a suit.

Rolls-Royce drove directly to the most prosperous Wulinmen business district in Hangzhou.

After getting off the bus, Gao Xiang, Lu Wanxi, and Han Muling walked in this bustling business district, which attracted the attention and attention of many people.

There's no way, whether it's Gao Xiang, Lu Wanxi, Han Muling, etc... Everyone has outstanding temperament and looks, especially the three of them walking together. , very attractive.

.............. In order to avoid bad influence among the public, Gao Xiang, Lu Wanxi, and Han Muling did not hold hands.

After all, the law says that bigamy is not allowed, but there is no rule that you cannot have two girlfriends.

There is no law, but there are moral obstacles.

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