"Young actors go from their debut to their popularity. Today's Internet era is very fast. It is possible to create an Internet celebrity in a few days, and a traffic star has a stronger team behind it. It is very easy to think of a traffic star, but such The quality of the star may not be outstanding, and he has no control over the sudden popularity, and he has no control over the future direction."

"The other thing is... being popular and sought after, young actors participating in some events or variety shows are loved by most fans and sought after by audiences, lost in everyone's pursuit, and have no career plans for themselves. It is best to lose yourself. Promotion opportunities, random asking for sky-high remuneration, so TV dramas are getting worse and worse!"

Jiang Yuxue and Jiang Yuqing listened very seriously!! Although Jiang Yuqing is not from the entertainment industry, it is a girl's nature to gossip in the entertainment industry.

Since he chose the path of music, he must be very concerned about the entertainment industry, and he also listened very seriously to what Gao Xiang said! Gao Xiang watched the two girls listen so seriously, so he continued to talk nonsense. Now, tell me your opinion: "In my opinion, if you want to make money 1.

, It's more about spending time on the work to get everyone to recognize that although the traffic stars are very powerful, the use of powerful stars will also make the audience feel the sincerity of the show."

"Why there are no bad kung fu films from the past to the present, this is the reason for a theme, and it is also an attitude. The themes of many works now are those... about love, Even if it's not about love, it seems that every drama has a bit of love in it, so the directors, actors, producers and others in the entertainment industry have calmed down and made a work, rather than being very impetuous. After the work is finished, it is a kind of disrespect for myself and disrespect for the industry!"

"It makes sense!"

Jiang Yuxue nodded and said, "There are really too few good works now, and there are really too few excellent domestic dramas and movies to watch."

Gao Xiang raised his head and looked at Jiang Yuxue with a little secret: "Yuxue, look at how you want to develop, with your conditions, you can also follow the routine of idol traffic artists! Now traffic stars can make money, and it's easy...that's it. .. tens of millions of paychecks."

In fact, in recent years, star pay has become a vicious circle. On the one hand, TV stations and video platforms will pay attention to the ability of some stars to bring their own traffic when selecting episodes, and will not hesitate to pay high pay. On the other hand, the level of star pay is also This logic goes up and down.

Sky-high remuneration in the film and television industry, "yin and yang contract"

, tax evasion and other issues "not only push up the production cost of film and television programs, affect the overall quality of film and television creation, destroy the healthy ecology of the film and television industry, but also promote the tendency of money worship, mislead young people to blindly chase stars, and distort social values. measures to correct it.

Generally speaking, the remuneration of traffic stars is also very high and very terrifying, at every turn...that is... tens of millions of dollars in remuneration, not including some other dividends and interests.

With the appearance of Jiang Yuxue, plus he is from the Beijing circle, and there is a jade brand empire of Beiyu Qinglong behind it, it is quite easy to debut as an idol traffic star!!! :P Three shifts, I beg for automatic subscriptions and monthly passes, flowers, evaluation tickets, all support, thank you.

Chapter 794

Idol star streaming artist Jiang Yuxue shook her head and said, "I don't want it anymore, I just want to make some pure music, I hope more people know and like my music!"

"So you also need to attract widespread attention. As long as you become the focus, your music will receive more widespread attention. This is a very helpless and realistic thing. This is why many musicians debut as idols. And then the path to develop music."

"Of course, you can choose a path that insists on making music and capturing fans through music, but this path will definitely be tortuous and lonely, and it is unknown whether it will succeed in the end!"

After listening to Gao Xiang's words, Jiang Yuqing fell silent! After a long time, Jiang Yuqing said slowly, "I'm not afraid of loneliness. I really have no interest in... intrigues in the entertainment industry. I just like music."

"But this society is...very realistic, if you work hard to sing and make music, it may not be popular."

Gao Xiang said with a serious face: "Because the music industry has always been full of high-profile critics.

In fact, among music consumers, there is also a "music consumption contempt chain" all the year round.

, No matter the music region, genre, instrument, singing style, it has become a superior way for music fans to show off."

"You are a person in the music circle, and you should also know the contempt chain of this music circle!"

Someone once concluded that "in history, the "chain of contempt" will be

This bizarre phenomenon that makes me laugh and cry is very clear.


Despised by music regions: Europe, America, island countries, stick countries, Hong Kong, Taiwan, mainland, Southeast Asia and other regions.

Music genres despise: classical jazz, rock, folk, electropop, rap, phoenix legends, in particular, there is also a "chain within a chain" within each genre


Despised by the music major: Composer, conductor, orchestral folk, vocal, music education, musicology.

Instruments despise: piano, violin, cello, wind, percussion, um, especially the triangle.

Singing contempt: Bel Canto national pop.

Put aside the "mutual" within the academic school

, the relatively clear "consensus" in the circle

There are mainly the following two types: academics despise wild ways of music genres, and regions despise them.

"Yes, yes, in general, academics look down on non-professionals! In the academic view, the reason why some non-professional musicians can get fans is largely due to luck, marketing rather than strength. , classical music is their favorite.

At the same time, they claim that many pop music is unpopular and cannot be called classics.

The academic school is often the spokesman and preacher of high art."

Jiang Yuqing also said angrily and helplessly: "I really dislike the contempt chain."

"The chain of contempt is nothing new, it has always been the case with critics, the most representative of which is the Frankfurt School.

There are those who are enthusiastic about his critical theories, and there are those who believe that his views are no longer applicable in today's popular culture."

"Their pop culture is a cultural industry, the creator's labor is stripped of subjective expression, and the musical works produced by the assembly line are "soulless"

, Only opera and classical music are worthy of admiration.


It can be seen that Jiang Yuxue's three views are very positive, and he also has his own views and opinions.

Gao Xiang nodded and said, "It's true that a large part of today's pop music is produced on the assembly line.

Lyrics, composing, arranging, recording, post-production, etc. After division of labor, a song can be the result of multi-person collaboration."

"And traffic is king also leads to creative orientation.

It cannot be denied that in the entire music industry, almost 90% of the revenue comes from 10% of the songs. In order to make the works become popular in a short period of time, music creators have to use some psychological learning, neuroscience techniques, and capturing audiences through set hook arrangements.”

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