Then the three of them put down the tea in their hands and walked into the yard.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Li Feng's chatterbox opened, and he described every bit of the courtyard with vivid and vivid descriptions. Gao Xiang had to be amazed, this is definitely a talent.

From the beginning to the end, Gao Xiang said less than five sentences in total, basically he understood, I understand and so on.

It took nearly an hour to complete this lap.

However, Gao Xiang was indeed extremely satisfied with this courtyard. He only saw the atmosphere and luxury of the house. As for what Li Feng said... he didn't listen to it at all.

The structure of the entire courtyard is indeed as Li Feng said, it is a single-shaped structure, divided into three small courtyards in total, and of course there are quite a few rooms, which makes Gao Xiang extremely satisfied.

In my heart, I thought that when the time came, I might be able to bring my parents over to live with them, and let Wanxi's parents come with me. It would be good for the four old people to drink tea and play chess every day.

Until the end, Li Feng asked after the introduction, "Mr. Gao, I wonder if you are satisfied with this courtyard?"

What he asked was complete nonsense.

If you can come to see the courtyard, you can't be dissatisfied when you see a courtyard of this size.

Gao Xiang smiled, looked around, nodded and said, "It's really good, I don't know how your boss plans to sell this courtyard."

Li Feng said: "Our boss is actually out of respect for those of you who have an interest in the house, and it really shouldn't be designated by our boss to whom to sell to, and whom not to sell to. , so it was decided to take the form"

Gao Xiang was taken aback and said: "Auction"

Chapter 870

Li Feng explained: "Yes, there is no way to auction it. After all, there are not a few people who want this set of courtyard houses, so there is no way to do it."

Gao Xiang understood when Li Feng proposed the word auction.

The actual situation is indeed the case. There are definitely many people staring at this courtyard house. If Zhang Mingrui decides the buyer privately, there will be no problem on the bright side.

But no one knows what will happen in private. After all, all walks of life are complicated now. If you decide the buyer privately, you will offend people. ...... Control issues.

Although Zhang Mingrui really has no idea of ​​looking down on anyone, human nature is... so, it is inevitable.

Moreover, the use of auctions can also raise the value of the courtyard a lot, so why not do it?

Gao Xiang understood, so he didn't say much about it, just asked, "What form will our auction take, and have the time and place been set?"

Hearing this, Li Feng shook his head and said, "The specific details have yet to be negotiated. If Mr. Gao is interested, he can leave your contact information or home address, and someone will inform you at that time."

Gao Xiang and Lu Wanxi looked at each other and responded, "That's fine, then I'll leave the contact information."

Afterwards, Gao Xiang and Li Feng returned to the west wing where they drank tea before, leaving their contact information and preparing to leave.

When Li Feng heard that Gao Xiang was about to leave, he said, "Mr. Gao has stopped looking at some of the interior decorations in our room."

Gao Xiang waved his hands and said, "No need, some of the interior decorations and arrangements will definitely be changed when I have them. It doesn't make much sense to see them or not. It's not too late to look at them after buying them."

Li Feng nodded and said, "It seems that Mr. Gao is very confident. Since that's the case, I will first wish Mr. Gao a successful victory, and it will be a success soon."

"Thank you."

Gao Xiang nodded: "Since there is nothing else to do, then I will leave first. When the auction is finalized, just let me know."

Li Feng was not holding back, and said, "That Gao, as soon as there is news, we will notify Mr. Gao immediately."

Afterwards, the two exchanged a few more words, and Gao Xiang took Lu Wanxi away.

After leaving, the two of them had nothing to do, so Lu Wanxi took out her mobile phone and called Xia Lan. Xia Lan didn't say much on the phone, she just told the two to wait for a while, and then asked Zhao Zihan to pick them up and go back. .

...On the other hand, after Lu Yuan and Xia Lan separated from Gao Xiang, they walked directly into the office building of Tianxia Group and took the elevator to the conference room on the top floor.

The entire conference room has a space of nearly 200 square meters. In the center is a huge ring-shaped table. In the middle of the table is a large circular hole. Various decorations are placed around the conference room. Various plant decorations are placed around the conference room. A whole wall facing the south was made into a floor-to-ceiling window, the sunlight slanted in from the southeast, and half of the conference room was covered with golden gauze.

At this time, the senior management of Tianxia Group and the heads of various industries gathered in the conference room and were talking in twos and threes.

When everyone in the conference room saw Xia Lan and Lu Yuan walking in, the entire conference room fell silent in an instant.

Xia Lan and Lu Yuan didn't speak when they saw this, Lu Yuan sat on the main seat, and Xia Lan sat next to him.

After the two were seated, Lu Yuan asked, "What's going on?"

At this time, a middle-aged man sitting in the second position from Lu Yuan's right hand, dressed in a black expensive suit, with a Chinese character face and a big back, gave people the feeling of a gangster, and said a little serious at this time: " There was an accident at Tianxia Seafood Restaurant, and a large group of people ran to the door of Tianxia Seafood Restaurant Shenyue early this morning, holding a huge banner that read such words as black-hearted merchants, poisonous food, and murder."

"At that time, there were only two security guards on duty in the restaurant, and it was impossible to control it. When our people arrived, the police and the people from the food safety inspection center had already arrived. The test results given by the hospital."

"The test result given by the hospital is indeed food poisoning, and the people who made trouble at the time said that the patient only ate in our store last night, and after eating, he got sick after returning home. There were too many people and the situation was relatively low. serious."

After listening to this person, Lu Yuan asked, "Did there be any... fatalities?"

The person who spoke before replied: "Not yet. Most people should have already escaped the dangerous period. Only a few went to the hospital in the early morning. It took a long time and the condition was more serious."

Lu Yuan continued, "What about the people from the Supervision Department? The food hygiene and safety of the catering industry of the Tianxia Group has always been controlled by people from the Supervision Department. Can you explain this to me?"

At this time, another bald middle-aged man stood up and said, "According to our inspection results, our food hygiene has been in good condition, so this shouldn't happen."

Lu Yuan asked in a cold voice: "It shouldn't happen that such a thing has already happened. Is this the answer you gave me?"

Xia Lan has been watching from the sidelines, without speaking.

Chapter 871

The... bald middle-aged man heard the words, a trace of sweat oozed from his forehead and said: "The Supervision Department is indeed inspecting various restaurants every day, and has not found any unsanitary or unsanitary food. "

Lu Yuan stared at the man with bright eyes, and said with a cold smile: "Oh, now that this situation has happened, don't you think you should explain it?"

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