Gao Xiangxuan was about to talk about what happened at the party last night, Wen Chengwu laughed and said, "It's a coincidence, you came to Huhai City to know the two of us.

It's still an uncle and nephew relationship, this Shanghai market shouldn't be so small."

"Fate is such a wonderful thing indeed."

Gao Xiang Compound Road.

Wen Chengwu heard the words, and continued without thinking: "Forget it, your business is your business, I won't interfere, but our relationship is our relationship, and it's still comfortable as brothers."

It seemed that he was forced to agree.

The two talked for a while... before Gao Xiang said goodbye: "Okay, Brother Wen, it's getting late, I have to leave, and I'll definitely come over when I have a chance to come to Shanghai City next time."

Wen Chengwu didn't say anything to hold back, and said directly: "That's fine, then I'll ask the housekeeper to take you back to the hotel directly, you can wake up your younger siblings and go directly to the airport, which is also convenient and saves time. ."

Gao Xiang did not reject Wen Chengwu's good intentions this time, he said with a smile: "Well, when you go to the capital, you must call me, I will meet you. you."

Then, under the watch of Wen Chengwu, Gao Xiang was driven out of the villa by the housekeeper.

On the way, after thinking about it, Gao Xiang still dialed Lu Wanxi's number. To his surprise, the call was quickly connected.

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "This is when I slept."

Lu Wanxi's voice came from the phone and said, "I woke up, I'm having breakfast, are you done over there?"

It turned out that when Gao Xiang and Wen Chengwu were talking about things, Lu Wanxi and the others had already woken up, and seeing that Gao Xiang was not around, Lu Wanxi knew that Gao Xiang must have gone to discuss the contract with Wen Chengwu.

Gao Xiang replied on the phone: "After talking, let's go back and pack your things first, I'll go back soon."

Then he said that he was sent back by the housekeeper.

Lu Wanxi heard the words and replied, "Okay, we'll clean up after dinner, it's nothing, soon, remember to greet the waiter when you come up and ask them to help us go down."

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "Okay, I know."

...After a few minutes, Gao Xiang rushed back to the hotel, greeted the hotel staff, and took the elevator back to the hotel room.

At this time, Lu Wanxi and others had already packed their things. When they came, there were not many things, but when they went back, there were a lot of large and small bags, mainly those in Hanfu. Clothes can't be thrown here.

Ask the waiter to move most of the things down and put them in the trunk of the car. Gao Xiang and the others are just holding some valuable personal items, of course, including Jiang Yuxue's biggest gain this time, Lu Qi.

The four of us got into the car and rushed directly to the airport. When we arrived at the airport, it was already 4:9 in the morning.

Gao Xiang went directly to the ticket office to buy the latest flight, four consecutive first-class tickets, the departure time was 11:[-] am, and the arrival time in Kyoto was [-]:[-]: [-]: pm. After checking in the luggage, finally Boarded the plane.

Jiang Yuxue slumped in her seat and sighed, "I'm so tired. Next time I go out to play, I must find a free time. It's really uncomfortable to be in a hurry."

Jiang Yuqing comforted: "Okay, don't complain, just sleep a little longer when you're tired, and wait until we call you."

Jiang Yuxue pouted and said, "I'll bet that we will be called Gao Xiang in the end, you can sleep better than me, well, my dear sister."

Jiang Yuqing was ashamed.

After a short time, the plane took off and set sail for the location of Kyoto.


The three girls naturally didn't get enough sleep, and after the plane took off, they went to sleep one after another.

Gao Xiang looked at the three sleeping girls, shook his head and took out a magazine to read.

At 11:[-]:[-]:[-], the plane landed at the airport in Kyoto on time.

Gao Xiang had already called up the three of Lu Wanxi in advance.

When the plane landed, Gao Xiang asked, "What's the arrangement in the afternoon, where are we going now?"

Jiang Yuqing smiled and said: "I have already sent a text message to the housekeeper, he should have arrived by now, let's have a meal first, and then pick up the things you have identified, and then go home and gather with my father. "

Chapter 999

Gao Xiang and others dragged their luggage out of the airport, and they found the Jiang family's car, put the luggage down, Gao Xiang was naturally placed in the co-pilot's seat, and then drove to a Chinese restaurant.

Since Lu Wanxi and the three of them ate breakfast late and slept all the way on the road, they really didn't feel hungry, so they just ordered something to eat, and the call cost a little more than 3 soft sister coins.

After eating, he directly asked the butler to navigate to the courtyard where Lu Fengtian lived.

On the way, Lu Wanxi called Xia Lan, reported that she was safe, and recounted what happened in the afternoon.

Xia Lan didn't say much. Knowing that Lu Wanxi had already answered the capital, there was nothing to worry about.

The starting time of the treasure appraising meeting was 2:[-]:[-] in the afternoon, and it was a little after [-]:[-] after everyone finished their meal, so they were completely in time, so Gao Xiang and the others were not in such a hurry.

After all, they asked Jiang Yuxue and Jiang Yuqing's father to help, and they had already agreed.

When they arrived at the courtyard where Lu Fengtian lived, the four of them got out of the car and walked in together. Since Jiang Yuxue and Jiang Yuqing were already here, they naturally wanted to go in and say hello.

At this time, Lu Fengtian was playing chess with a white-haired old man in the yard, and when he heard the movement at the door, he glanced at it and said with a kind smile: "The people who came today are... Yuqing, Yuxue, I didn't expect you two little girls to come, is this what happened?"

Jiang Yuxue and Jiang Yuxue called grandfather respectfully at the same time, Jiang Yuqing explained: "We heard Wanxi say that there is an item that needs to be appraised, and it happens that my father is going to attend a treasure appraisal meeting today.

Wanxi and the others came to get things, we came here together, after all, I haven't seen you grandpa for a long time, so it's time to come and say hello."

Jiang Yuxue also smiled and said: "Yes, grandpa, we haven't seen you for a long time, but I miss you very much."

Hearing this, Lu Fengtian laughed happily and said, "Since you were young, you two sisters have been nice to talk to each other, but now this little mouth is still so sweet, it's alright, you can see that I didn't prepare any gifts, but I let you juniors come here for nothing. "

Naturally, Lu Fengtian was joking with Jiang Yuqing and Jiang Yuxue. The two were family friends and they had a very good relationship, so he really didn't care much about such superficial things.

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