Life of a Villain

Chapter 11 - Demon Lord?

[A few moments before Andy fell off the cliff]

A man in a black robe with a white mask on his face was trailing the silver-haired boy.

He continued to follow the boy as he went deeper into the mountains.

The youth's perseverance even impressed him. Even though he was mortal and had a weak body, the boy's face was filled with determination as his eyes searched for something.

He was assigned to protect the boy by the manager of the Phoenix Pavilion. He has been strongly advised not to make his presence known to the boy.

"Who said he was a wastrel?" he mused, his gaze fixed on the boy.

It startled the man when he noticed the boy running towards the white rock. When he saw the boy approaching the cliff, his heart skipped a beat.

"What is he up to? Is he planning to commit suicide?" He mumbled when he noticed the boy staring down the chasm. He approached him slowly because he wanted to deter him from committing suicide.

Lin Juan, his boss, would kill him. If something were to happen to that boy,

"Young Master!"

He called out to the boy as he approached him slowly. He was very cautious because he didn't want to startle the boy.

However, his world was turned upside down when that boy fell off the cliff while he was turning around.

"Oh, no!" he exclaimed as he ran towards the cliff, his heart started pounding faster.

As he stood on the cliff, he noticed the boy falling into the darkness. And after a while, he was completely disappeared from his sight.

"What am I going to do now?" He muttered to himself, his gaze fixed on the darkness.


Andy's mouth was agape as his body fell down the cliff, and he stared in disbelief at the disappearing cliff.

For a brief instant, his gaze was drawn to the figure of a masked man before darkness engulfed him.

As his ears picked up the fast-approaching sound of lightning, his heart continued to pound quickly.

His heart swelled with helplessness as his body continued to fall into nothingness.

"Is this it?" he muttered as he closed his eyes. Memories of his life kept flashing through his mind as his heart relaxed.

While he closed his eyes and became lost in memories when a tear in space appeared down in the chasm and grew until it became the size of a car.

However, as soon as the body of the boy fell into that tear, it disappeared.


He had a peaceful expression on his face as he accepted reality. The sound of lightning was soothing to him.

Suddenly, everything went silent, and he found himself to be lying on the ground.

He was completely taken aback. When he opened his eyes, he was shrouded in darkness.

Is this the end? I'm dead? "Is this heaven or hell?" he wondered as he looked around. He was absolutely amazed that he had died feeling no pain.

But, all of a sudden, he actually realized he was still inside Lu An's body. Just then, his attention was drawn to a white light originating from a distance.

As he moved closer to the light, it became increasingly bright. As his heart pounded, he had a moment of realization.

Continuing to walk, he noticed an altar-like structure with a white light emanating from it.

When he got close to the altar, his footsteps came to a halt when he noticed someone standing on it. He spotted a man dressed in a red robe and white hair. But he couldn't see his face; all Andy could see was the man's back. He could tell that the man was deep in thought and staring off into the distance.


Suddenly, the man burst into laughter, turning around and he stared down at Andy as his laugh came to a halt.

Andy was startled when he saw the man. When he read the book, it stated that the Supreme Saint was an old man with a wrinkled face. Who appeared to be on the edge of extinction.

But the man in front of him didn't resemble him at all. It was a young man in his twenties, with milk-white skin and white hair falling down his shoulders. But it was his bright red eyes that stood out the most. He was so good-looking that any girl would fall in love with him.

"Who are you?" Andy asked, while his heart pounding faster. Despite his fear, he summoned the courage to voice his doubt.

The man squinted his eyes as he looked at Andy, and then he began laughing again.

"So there you have it. That is why she took so long to send someone here. So you're not from this world, are you?"

When Andy heard those words, he became rooted on the spot. Sweat poured out of him in beads as nobody knew he'd been transmigrated.

"Who are you?" Andy stumbled as he took a step backward. As he looked into the man's eyes, he felt a surge of fear in his chest.

"Me?" The man raised his finger at himself. All the while, he had a playful expression on his face.

As he spoke, he sighed and sighed again. "I've been here so long that I've forgotten what my name is. However" He came to a halt in the middle of his sentence to look at Andy.

"How...However what?" Andy asked again.

A smile bloomed on his face as he said, "However, I remember, people used to call me Demon Lord"

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