Life of a Villain

Chapter 43 - Floating Valley (II)

Andy stood silently atop a cliff, his robe billowing in the breeze, mesmerized by the picturesque scene before him of an endless valley surrounded by a lush forest.

As he stared out at the valley, his eyes crinkled and his lips curled up, and a voice echoed in his mind.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Andy nodded as his eyes searched for something in the valley.

"To think that this enormous valley could float in the sky? To be honest, I wasn't expecting that." Andy mumbled as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"There are many things in this world that are completely unbelievable, but you must believe them. Anyway, what are you planning to do now?" The Demon Lord's voice echoed in his head once more.

"What do you think I should do? Should I go straight to the inner circle, or should I hunt some demonic beasts?" Andy mumbled as he slowly opened his eyes.

"We still have some time, so you should try hunting because you have fought no one yet. Hunting will, at the very least, assist you in developing your instincts."

Andy nodded as he scanned the serene surroundings before turning around to make his way towards the valley.

"Don't you think everyone would have been transported at random?" Andy muttered something to himself. While scanning the forest in front of him, he ran his finger through the dry bark of a tree. His eyes turned to the pathway, which was surrounded by lush green thick trees, while the ground was covered in dead, dry leaves and some broken branches, and the rustling of the leaves, as well as the chatter of squirrels, reached his ears.

"It would be," Demon Lord's voice echoed in Andy's mind as he took a step through the trees, but then he vanished.

Images of a man in a black robe running through the forest could be seen from time to time, as could the sound of dead trunks breaking and dead leaves rustling. Small animals hid in their burrows as a gust of wind rustled the trees and a burst of hysterical laughter echoed throughout the forest.

Meanwhile, Andy laughed hysterically as his eyes echoed through the forest, his bright red eyes fixed on the path ahead of him as he passed the trees like a blur, and adrenaline pumped through his veins as a never seen before madness was visible on his face.

"Now this is life. I wanted this," his voice boomed throughout the forest.

"You don't want any resources, do you? There are many items here that you could sell outside. That old man would dance in joy if you did that." The Demon Lord's voice echoed in his mind once more.

"Do you think I'd want anything after I got your storage space? Even the worst resource in there could be considered a rare resource in this lower world. I'd just throw something out of the storage for that Grand Elder, but I'd have to be careful or he'd make me his son-in-law or something. Anyway, I'll see what we can find here. Perhaps we can find something useful in the inner circle." Andy's steps came to a halt as a loud roar of an animal reached his ears.

Standing on a wide branch of a thick tree with his right hand on the trunk's support, he turned his head to stare in a direction, his red eyes turning blue as his lips curled upward.

"Let's hunt the hunter," he muttered as he vanished from the branch.

Andy saw a big white tiger the size of a bull, with black stripes all over its body, gnawing on a dead deer with his two protruding canine teeth while standing quietly at a distance.

He stood there for a while before he smiled slightly as he stepped onto the dry branch on the ground.

A snapping sound alerted the Tiger, who stood up and stared at Andy. The tiger roared softly, its gaze fixed on Andy, who was approaching slowly.

Its eyes turned ferocious as it saw Andy not slowing down in the least. Suddenly, an almost transparent wave pattern could be seen in the air as a loud reverberated throughout the jungle, while that wave attacked Andy at the speed of sound. The wave quickly passed Andy as his black robes rustled a little while a smile remained on his half-masked face and he approached the Tiger slowly while words escaped his mouth.

"Do you want to scare me with such a pathetic roar? You let me down." His palms clenched into fists as he sighed. Suddenly, a huge white fist appeared in the air, following Andy's hand movements as he drew his hands back and punched towards the Tiger. That Tiger was rooted to the spot as a slight mew escaped its mouth and its gaze was fixed on the approaching massive punch.

A whistling sound filled the air as blood and brain matter splattered everywhere as a tiger's mangled body fell to the ground, while a disappointed sigh echoed throughout the surrounding area. However, claps followed by the voice of a young man resounded abruptly.

"Awesome. As one might expect from the Famous Young Master. But, alas, he chose the wrong family. You should not have messed with Young Master Lin. We could have been good friends with you, but now you see. Could you take on four peak-level core formation experts? Even though you came from the outside world, no one could save you from us. It's a shame we're meeting at such an unfortunate time." The man sighed, a smile on his face, as he stepped forward somewhere between the bushes, followed by the three men, his gaze fixed on Andy's back, who was staring at the dead body of the tiger.

When he didn't get a response from Andy, his smile grew even wider as he realized Andy was shivering in fear. But then a deep voice echoed through the woods, and his smile became stuck.

"When I read those novels, I always thought that these young masters were fucking stupid, especially those lackeys who always blabber shit from their mouth without knowing who they're messing with. I used to think it was nonsense, that no one could be so stupid in the real world. But then I met your Young Master Lin. You know, his lackey also said something he shouldn't have. And you saw the result: Your Young Master Lin is now a fool. I told them that day that if the Lin family didn't want to live another day, they could come to me. I believe they lived enough on this planet." Andy turned around while his head was still down.

"Novels?" The man frowned as he turned to face his colleagues, then returned his gaze to Andy, who was still looking down. But then, as his legs buckled, a fear struck him. As he saw Andy looking up, a feeling of submission welled up in his heart and his body shuddered as he saw a pair of bright red eyes of a demon staring him down.

Andy's lips curled into a smile as he saw four fools shuddering incessantly, then he vanished and reappeared in front of the leader as he whispered in his ears.

"Did you say novels? Ah, I'll show you how those fools end up in novels."

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