Life Simulator: Start Rewards Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 159 The Battle Is Raging (For Subscription)



Under the power of this treacherous starlight, the blue light began to gradually disintegrate, and Zhao Wunian was thrown out heavily like a sandbag.

Like a boulder, it hit the ground straight.

"Brother Zhao."

"Brother Zhao.


I saw that as Zhao Wunian fell to the ground, the ground began to crack at an unimaginable speed.


Shen Wuyu was in the position occupied by Zhao Wunian just now, forming a deep pit.

Zhao Wunian was also lying heavily in the deep pit, his breath was like gossamer.

The blue cloud in his hand was inserted straight into the deep pit. It exudes a trace of terrifying thunder power.

"grown ups."

A group of guards from the immortal clan hurriedly protected Zhao Wunian behind him.

At the same time, he looked at the tiny human figure in the distance. What appeared in the pupils was a thick panic that couldn't go away.

"How can this be."

This Zhao Wunian is the pillar of their fairy clan who entered the secret realm.

Now that Zhao Wunian is defeated, it is equivalent to someone dragging down those who can carry the banner among their immortal clan.

"Big, my lord."

The guards of the fairy clan were startled and terrified. We must know that if something goes wrong with Zhao Wunian, he will welcome them after he leaves the secret realm. But beheading is a felony.

For a moment, all the powerhouses of the immortal clan were as quiet as a chilling cicada.



Drops of cold sweat overflowed with Kannazuyu's folded horns.

Some are uncontrollable, falling under the weight of this empty land.


There was not even a bird chirping in the field.

The atmosphere is eerily peaceful.

And all this was caused only by this inconspicuous human being in front of him.

"It's your turn."

Shen Wuyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

The man who looked like a devil before began to walk towards him bit by bit.


Finally, under the pressure, Shen Wuyu couldn't help but speak.

"Brother Chen Mo, is there some misunderstanding between us?"

"Hehe, there is no misunderstanding, I just want the lives of the two of you.

Hearing a soft shout, Chen Mo shot hard.

The star sword in his hand began to move towards the place where Shen Wuyu was at a speed that ordinary people could not understand, bursting out one after another of terrifying streamers.


In Shen Wuyu's eyes, there was a look of arrogance.

Enduring the wave of injuries he suffered before.

"Sunday, the evening of the gods."

I saw two fireballs, one large and one small, slowly condense in Kannazuyu's hands, and then kneaded them into one. This silent fireball contained unimaginably high temperatures.

"Destroy it for me."

Kanna Yu's eyes were about to burst, and he used the most terrifying killing move when he made a move.

In his opinion, it seems that the only chance to own is this one time.

Zhao Wunian, who descended from the sky with a hundred-step Flying Sword carrying a thunderbolt, is a living example.

The posture is handsome enough, and the pretense is also similar.

However, it is of no use.

Of course, this is only for Chen Mo. For others, Zhao Wujail is still a giant in that world.

With the example of Zhao Wunian's foresight before, Shen Wuyu was ruthless when he met him, and he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.



There were sonic booms in the air again and again.

That mesmerizing voice shook everyone's ears a little.


Immediately, a large group of cultivators screamed again, but at this time, there was a strange tranquility on the human side.

I saw a light blue light curtain rising slowly behind Chen Mo.

It is this kind of shield that is blocked by the people of the human race. That is the offensive that crowns the world.


The cultivators of the human race burst into tears.

Isn't the heroic and powerful appearance of Dage in front of them exactly what they hoped for and yearned for?

All the Human Cultivators were full of tears.

"The silent god,"

"Brother Mo."

"Master Mo."

"Bless my human race!"

They actually worshiped towards the sky.

Those unknown aliens and strong people were all shocked. At the same time, he gave Chen Mo a sneaky look.

It seemed as if he wanted to engrave the appearance of Chen Mo, a kid from the human race, in his mind.

I'm afraid that if I don't open my eyes one day, I will offend this fierce god. Grave grass has been planted all over the body.




As the sound subsided, Shen Wushuang stared at the terrifying man in front of him with some difficulty.


"God Emperor! No!"

"He doesn't even have a weapon, just using an energy lightsaber can suppress my Sun Spear."

Shen Wuyu was a little lost.

This is usually a crowd of Protoss, and they dare not even think about it. Even among the Protoss, it is only the rare ancient clans in those secret forbidden places that can be compared with them.

……ask for flowers…

The blue veins on Shen Wuyu's forehead burst out one by one.

His face flushed like a ripe lantern.

Before meeting Chen Mo, no one had embarrassed him, the darling of the God Emperor, so much.

"Sen Luo!"

The terrifying human kid in front of him didn't give Kanna Yu any chance to pass on his breath.

While you are weak and I am strong, I will kill you.

This is an eternal truth.

"As the saying goes, if you strike first, you will be strong, and if you strike later, you will suffer."

As the black dots in Kanna Yuha's pupils enlarged one after another.

Silence's second wave of offensive followed like a shadow.

It seems that there is an ancient troll roaring in the world.

The power of Sen Luo can be said to be the most treacherous power to kill God.

He saw little butterflies gradually flying out of the troll's shadow one after another.




After the strong protoss came into contact with the little butterfly, the little butterfly began to emit a sulfurous breath, and then a huge flame erupted from these strong protoss.

"Boom, boom."

A large number of protoss powerhouses were hit by this treacherous little butterfly, and then exploded one by one like kites with broken strings.

With the death of the protoss powerhouses one after another, too, Shen Wuyu's brows were all twisted together.

But at this moment, a deadly crisis swept over the heart of this protoss powerhouse.

It was a colorful butterfly, on the dark wings of the spotted blue butterfly.

It seems to be covered with smear after smear of the vast Star.

This unspeakable crisis emanated from Xiaodie.

"Damn it."

Kannaba spread out the pair of giant wings that enveloped his back.


I only heard a violent tremor from the ground.

A storm swept through the entire forest for no reason.

"Damn it." The protoss strongman resented.

Kami no Yu ran away.

He wants to leave this place as soon as possible.

But as Own's body got taller and taller, the sense of crisis in his heart didn't weaken at all, on the contrary, it became more intense.

This made Shen Wuyu's heart palpitations deeper and deeper.

Just as he was dazed, this strange little butterfly flew into his pupils.

"Tear it up."

"Tear it up."

The huge figure in the sky captured the mental illusion.

The body began to shake up two. .

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