Life Simulator: Start Rewards Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 193 Success, Dragon Of Evil Abyss (For Subscription)

Ashes Dragon God almost endured all the previous attacks with his injuries.

I saw his body gradually becoming dilapidated and decaying.

It seems that there is no longer a fraction of the previous momentum.

Under the power of the most important rules of the Realm Slashing Method, Chen Mo almost completely compressed the strength of his physical body to the extreme.

Although the body is dilapidated, the speed of recovery is almost ten times that of the power that did not comprehend the rules of weight before.

After rebounding most of the damage to Ash Dragon God, Chen Mo's body stood up again.

It just appeared in an instant. Above the head of the Ember Dragon, "Open the Emperor's Blade!"

Following Chen Mo's sharp shout.

A blade exuding the peak of the eternal level appeared in the void so brightly.

It seemed that rays of light could fall one after another in the void.



In just an instant, the dragon body of Ashes Dragon God was cut dozens of hundreds of 327 knives.

"Stab, sting."

That was the sound of the broken dragon's body.

I saw the body of the giant dragon of Ashes Dragon God collapsed like gravel.


Only a loud noise was heard, and Ashes, Dragon God's dragon body fell heavily into the dust.

At this time, a light blue dragon soul slowly appeared in front of Chen Mo.

"Congratulations, you have chosen War Practitioner, you have completed the Dragon's Breath Realm, the highest standard trial."

You are a genius who meets once in 500 years, and rewards for forbidden areas will be automatically issued below.

In just a moment, Chen Mo felt the surrounding light suddenly dimmed.

In this dark twilight, a light blue dragon soul with blue light floated in front of Chen Mo.

You are the only person who reactivates the final taboo after inheriting the Dragon Emperor Eyuan. It will activate one of the three ancient, extremely powerful dragon souls.

Obtain Tai Cang ancient dragon soul (ceaj) x1.

Immediately, the light blue dragon soul slowly merged with Chen Mo's body.


Immediately, Chen Mo let out a scream similar to that of a beast.

As the soul of Tai Cang ancient dragon slowly entered into the body, even Chen Mo could feel his own body, which became whiter, smoother, and more compact at the same time.

As the illusion in front of him dissipated, Chen Mo slowly came to a stone chamber.


The door of the stone chamber opened slowly, and inside sat a man like a stick of wood.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you."

"My lord, I give you a chance to make your request."

Other than the iron-eating beast clan, Shen Daojun and Xian Wuya had also arrived.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill him."

Xian Wuya's teeth itched in anger.

"Devil Sovereign, where?"

Seeing the exasperated Xian Wuya, Devil Sovereign immediately said softly: "Brother Wuya, don't blame me.

Finally, he pointed to Zhou Chunyang who was helping Qufei to heal his wounds inside the barrier.

Zhou Chunyang and Tu Mi returned to the clan of the Iron-eating Beast Clan after a few tricks.

Ever since Zhou Chunyang entered, the iron-eating beast clan's defense was as hard as a tortoise shell.

At this time, it seemed like a day and a night had passed.

"But Qu Hui, that old beast probably won't be able to do anything about it.

Tumi sneered.

He knew that only the Soul Devouring Bell could relieve Qu Hui's injury.

As for that boy Zhou Chunyang, he didn't believe that he could take out something stronger than the holy weapon of the demon race.

The figures of the two clans of immortals and gods disappeared in place and stepped in. In Devil Sovereign's camp behind the demons.

Then a terrifying giant dragon who couldn't see clearly took Chen Mo and Yu Mengzhu to the iron-eating beast tribe's camp.

This time Eyuan was followed by Annihilation and a group of Dragon Warriors.

E Yuan didn't know how long he had been hiding behind the scenes, but he just let the twin Little Brother who was hundreds of years younger than him take the place.

If it wasn't for Chen Mo's passing the Dragon Clan Forbidden Land Trial, plus the fact that he owed Zhou Chunyang a promise before.

This also allowed this Dragon Clan, whose strength was no worse than Qu Hui's, to bring a few human beings to kill here.

At this time, Yu Mengzhu and Chen Mo had smirks on their faces. The one who appeared in the secret realm before was Annihilation, but they didn't know it. When, Immortal Sovereign, God Emperor, and Devil Sovereign, these old fellows, after seeing the Eyuan Dragon God, how would they feel in their hearts?

"Chen Mo faintly has some expectations in his heart."

Chen Mo can smell the breath of war this time, it is definitely not easy. Maybe this mysterious powerhouse will teach the immortals, gods, and demons a lesson.

"Doo, it is detected that the system is full of energy, and the simulation will start automatically."

【Name: Chen Mo】

[At the age of 18, you joined the battlefield of all races and became the Sirius Army. 】

[At the age of 19, you have made great military exploits. Become the number one presence in the army. 】

[28 years old, because of being hated by others, he was secretly instigated by others to carry out the task of narrowly dying. 】

[But you survived, you survived, and you succeeded in overthrowing your opponent's plot. Your "enemy" was sent to the gallows. 】

[30 years old, you are married, but fell in love with a fox family member. 】

[A large number of officers and soldiers said that your wife is a heterogeneous. You want to execute her, but you are unwilling to bear the crime of the rebel army, and your men will fight together with you. 】

[In the end, he died tragically because he was outnumbered. 】

[At the age of 30. 】.

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