Life Simulator: Start Rewards Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 206 Berserk (For Subscription)

After a while, another group of Demon Race squads flooded into this jungle.

The task of these demon squads is to carry out the final "abuse".

Another place, in front of the giant rock barrier.

A large number of demon warriors poured into the solid rock barrier.

I saw that layers of rock barriers began to undulate one after another.

"Ambush, start."

With the sound of an old and hoarse voice, the attacking soldiers of the gold-eating beast clan began to move.

It seems that the gold-eating beast governor who is hiding in the ground can't sit still anymore, he can feel the deep pressure brought by the huge specter in the sky.



The collapse continues.

The layers of rock barriers, also eroded by the grimace of Shankui condensed by Karl, gradually became unable to support them anymore.

At the same time, those 573 were densely packed like ghosts passing through the border.

It is also to take this opportunity to start pushing inward.



"Some couldn't stand it.

"Give it to me and push the formation to the extreme."

The gold-eating beast Dutong seemed to be very angry from embarrassment.

Because behind this defensive formation is the ancestral land of the gold-eating beast clan. Once they are besieged by people, the consequences will be unimaginable. Those gold-eating orcs who have no power to restrain chickens will definitely be slaughtered when they encounter those brutal demons!

"Open it for me!"

The field governor almost exhausted all his energy.

Then the walls of the rock barriers began to condense into a whirlwind of sand...

The surrounding land also began to sink gradually.



The ambush array began to condense.

A large number of demons fell into this vortex of quicksand, and suddenly mourned, and the swamps one after another were like soul burial pits, and countless demons were buried.

"Ah, ah!"

The screams continued, and countless demons were dragged into the quicksand of this depositional place.

"no, do not want!"

The demon screamed in horror, and then bit by bit, from beginning to end, he was dragged into the deep pit by the soul-eating loose sand.

No one would have thought that these elite troops commanded by a great general under Devil Sovereign would fall into such a sand pit, but this sand burial and destruction pit is a part of the gold-eating beast clan. Big killer.

It is said that when the gold-eating beasts once fought against foreign enemies, this strongest cedd defensive attack even trapped the strongest under the eternal realm, the supreme one under the eternal realm, that is Da Zong It's the peak powerhouse, and it's a pretty good master.

If it weren't for transcendent forces like immortals, gods and demons, the big sect-level powerhouses would be placed in second-rate forces such as the Rock Sparrow Clan and the Pig-Badger Clan, and they could be regarded as absolute finale-level existences.

At this time, the demon soldiers trapped in the huge rock formation, cluster after cluster of vast forest, were also sucked in by this meat grinder in large numbers.


"It makes no sense!"

Seeing that he just used that soul-shattering face to crush the defense formation of the gold-eating beasts, now these damned cave-hunting races have come up with such a moth.

"Damn! Damn!"

I'm going to kill you all.

"Karl was a little frustrated."

Originally, before, from Devil Sovereign, I got such a beautiful job as coming to the gold-eating beast clan. If it is done well, it goes without saying that the high officials will be generously paid. This made Carl even think that own spring has come.

Karl remembered how he had swearingly boasted to those guys in Kag when he left the Demon Race, but how those people would humiliate him after they knew that he had lost so many soldiers and horses.

This made Karl feel a little embarrassed.


Carl ground his teeth loudly.



One after another, the magic breath rose.

"Devilish Qi Bomb.".

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