Life Simulator: Start Rewards Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 235 Secret Realm Mutation (For Subscription)

As the pioneer of the secret realm this time, Sheng Pu can clearly see the end and the end of it.

Although being so provoked by the devil made all the generals of the Protoss very unconvinced, they endured the calm for a while and took a step back.

"Don't let me take the inheritance of this secret realm into my hands. Then I will settle the accounts with this despicable monster."

Sheng Pu gritted his teeth viciously.

ghost mountain.

In this gloomy mountain range, from time to time, one after another, the cries of ghosts can be heard.

Youhun Mountain, as its name suggests, is a place of the underworld with Yin attributes.

A group of masters of the Protoss also slowly stepped into this mountain full of delusion and evil intentions. Looking at the surrounding rotten crows and withered tree trunks everywhere, all they could see was dilapidated and depressed, and then darkness.

Endless stretches of bones, dead trees and graves.

Carrying around these things is a thick forest fog that cannot be dispelled.

On the other side of the river, after about 12 hours of fast gliding, Chen Mo can be considered to have left this swampy waters.

The boat docked slowly on the shore.

This is a sudden loud noise on the river. This was a giant tiger-toothed whale. Chen Mo casually used a twig with great force in his hand, and after piercing the lung of the giant whale with a single blow, the river bank seemed to suddenly quiet down.

The man slowly raised his hands, and the giant whale was attracted to the shore.

Chen Mo rubbed his forehead a little bored.

As for the compatriots of the human race, it depends on own Good Fortune.

Chen Mo was the only one who approved the special operation of Longguo.

Sometimes in the face of big interests, it doesn't matter if you sacrifice a part of small interests, and the eagle sauce country, the island cherry country and even the kangaroo country are not considered as our own.

As soon as he thought about this, the man showed a thoughtful, cold smile.

Moreover, there are different divisions in the human realm, and not all of them belong to the Dragon Kingdom. In terms of facing major problems in various countries, the struggle between countries is also quite fierce, even to the point of life and death.

This gives Chen Mo, the core representative of the Dragon Kingdom, every reason to believe that in entering the Great Saint-level secret realm this time, people entering the country from other countries may make some small braids

""~Kang Dang~"."

A huge log collapsed under Chen Mo's gravity.

After Chen Mo used the law of fire, a pinch of bright flames gathered in his hand.

After marrying the grill, the whale also started to emit oil.

Because after a day and night of trekking, even if Chen Mo Dazong was at the peak level, he would still feel a little thirsty.

Originally, before the Great Saint secret realm showed any signs, this guy (got it) was a kid who got a secret position in the Ministry of Education and Martial Arts, and he was just a big early stage.

But as time goes by, what seems to be an unbreakable barrier to others is not so strong to Chen Mo.

It seems that in just a moment, with the years of accumulated pressure, he easily reached the peak of Da Zong, which is impossible for ordinary people to reach.

"Swish, just when Chen Mo is eating barbecue."

There was a crackling sound from around. .

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