Life Simulator: Start Rewards Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 268 Bloodbeard And Black Fire (For Subscription)

Since the addition of gods and demons, this "inner world", the pattern of ethnic groups and ethnic groups, has undergone indescribable changes.

7 Day War.

8th battle.

The 10th battle.

The Zerg seem to be in their greatest frenzy ever.

Among them, the fangs displayed by the black fire worms are the most ferocious.

Originally, when there were no such foreign races to join, it was only the three major Zerg races from the alien void, and they were just killing each other in this corner of the land.

But now since there is an influx of "other inexplicable forces." The division of this force has moved in a direction that cannot be deduced.

Ever since the demons moved into the black fire worm family, that pitch-black old worm seemed to have gone crazy.

Sharp fangs were continuously growing toward the border, and the most affected were the bloodbeard zerg, which made the bloodbeard worm king feel particularly annoyed.

In the colony of the blood beard cicada.

A large number of outsiders were crushed into the territory of this monster.

"Look at this group of figures with divine breath."

The Zonghuang seems to be stuck in a distant memory.

At this time, a man with holy breath all over his body said lightly: "Zonghuang, I can help you."

The old eyes of the worm emperor with scarlet and bloody power all over his body froze slightly.

"Oh, young man, do you need to make a deal with me?

The land outside the Zerg.

On the battlefield full of gunpowder, there are countless insects with black magic flames and countless insects with scarlet power.

Fighting in this wild place, swarms of insects pass by. Wave after wave of wind and sand slowly rose.

The scene was bloody to the extreme, and the killing of the swarms never ignored the corpses, but fought while eating.

All of a sudden, the meat grinder on this battlefield was slowly turned on.

With broken limbs, countless insects scrambled to hiss!

On the 12th, the black worm was defeated.

On the 13th, the black worm was defeated.

"damn it.

Inside the Black Fire Zerg Hall.

A man who exudes a terrifying demonic breath all over his body has completely lost his mind.

He really couldn't figure it out, these filthy bloodbeards with scarlet power.

Why did they defeat the Black Fire Bugs one after another?

These stupid big guys seem to have suddenly become smarter. Under the map of the battle formation that they are preparing for, this is the absolute picture among the demons.

It would be cracked by this simple-minded blood beard worm with well-developed limbs.

Could it be that there are "mysterious people" behind the other party.

Thinking of this, a trace of cruelty flashed in Mo Beichen's eyes.

Immediately, this idea was thrown out by the devil again, because the kid Qiangmo really couldn't think of it.

The immortal clan who is the most skilled in void so far has not yet shown up.

Who else could be more terrifying than yourself?

But on the other side, the man who was sitting in the territory of the Bloodbeard Zerg showing a touch of divine brilliance showed a faint smile.

Scarlet blood and dirty blood gradually formed a stream along this wilderness.

The Zerg, who were still on their last legs, uttered a mournful sound.

Ever since Sheng Pu joined the "Bloodbeard Clan".

The Black Fireworm clan has been defeated repeatedly, and the dilapidated border situation has gradually stabilized.

Sheng Pu's performance made this bloody old bug quite satisfied.

Immediately, as a high praise for this group of "outsiders." The old insect emperor was not stingy at all, and gave this group of gods a lot of bloody sweet liquid.

This bloody sweet liquid is a kind of strange product in the worm.

This is produced by the female worm in the blood beard worm, which can enhance the strength of the user to varying degrees.

Obviously, it is similar to the purple ore of the purple crystal family.

After getting these special products, Sheng Pu didn't hesitate.

An imperceptible coldness flashed in the pupils of the eyes, and then they were all used by the gods.

It can be seen that the ruler of the Protoss has ambitions beyond the present

Then the Black Fire Zerg organized again, and there were several waves of frontier wars.

But without exception, they were all resolved by the Bloodbeard Clan.

Inside the Black Firefly camp. Mo Beichen had doubts in his heart, and his desire was deep.

Because according to common sense, 273, these insects are known for their tyranny and killing.

The creatures with insufficient intelligence, except for a few upper-level creatures, have the intelligence equivalent to the high-intelligence creatures, and the others are nothing more than 1 to 3-year-old babies equivalent to human beings.

With a lot of doubts in his heart, this powerful demon planted the hidden demon who is very good at hiding among the demons, and went to the back of the blood beard cicada group to find out.

At that time, a figure quietly poured into the rear of the Bloodbeard Cicada Clan.

But everything in front of him seemed to surprise the hidden demon.

This scattered Zerg seems to have been deliberately trained.

It even established an offensive and defensive formation that made the Hidden Demon a little confused.

And the most surprising thing is that there are humanized buildings similar to human tents in the battlefield of the Bloodbeard Zerg.

A breath of magic slowly approached the big tent, just when the demon wanted to explore further.

A manic breath suddenly hit the back of the demon. .

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