File A: Document

“A Letter to Sir” Dear Sir

, hello!

First of all, thank you for your great contributions in the field of gene editing and cancer treatment.

Below is a general assistant in your lab, maybe you don’t know me or even heard of my name. Even so, I still have the audacity to write to you to make a trivial suggestion.

Regarding the xenomorphs that you unintentionally created during your lifespan extension and human evolutionary experiments, please treat them kindly and do not discard them at will. After my tests, these creatures have extremely high intelligence and inherit all the perceptions that normal humans have.

Some organisms are not as worthless as you think, although they do not meet your expectations and have various defects, their gene expression patterns are still very relevant to us.

In particular, [coconut tree worm, tardigrade, fly, human (12 disease genes), 18 gene sequences of the third test, hamster, spider, and 2 random combinations of the fourth test], these genes have a very poor compatibility with normal individuals.

As researchers, we should act not only for the benefit of humanity, but also with a fundamental sense of humanity. Some of these more intelligent creatures, after they have provided various data, if you cannot provide them with a good home, please let them leave this world without pain.

Sometimes the life you throw away is also spiritual. Especially at any time, you can’t guarantee what the consequences of some actions will be.

Thank you, sir.

An ordinary assistant.

Friday, May 2, 2042.


File B: Recording

“Sorry, that’s all it can do.”

“I can’t save you, I can’t even save myself.”

“It’s up to you for the rest of the day.”

“Hahaha, that bastard, in order for his mother to survive, he experimented on so many innocent people. Damn, such a guy is simply the devil. ”


File C: The document

“Some Thoughts on Gene Editing Technology”

leaves no doubt that immortality is possible.

With the in-depth study of gene editing technology, we are the first to extend the life span of newborns.

By fusing the genes of certain animals with the human body, it is also possible to create some strange creatures. There is no doubt that we are all Creators. Human civilization has developed to this day, and it is gradually solving the mystery hidden by the creator in every life.

What are genes?

In short, this is just a highly complex procedure. Perhaps our brain consciousness is just a combination of more complex information. Ahem, off topic. In short, genes are part of nature, and while it’s not true to say code, it’s very much like code. If our computer programs are low-dimensional flat codes, then genes must be higher-dimensional. It not only contains information, but also has space that must accommodate this part of information, once complex to a certain extent, must be represented by more parametric indicators, then natural cycles and consciousness are naturally born.

What Eternal Life needs to do is to make this highly complex genetic code repairable, assemble and convert. The content it runs must be logically self-consistent and can be permanently looped, and cannot be run to a node and crash.

To test my conjecture, more experiments are needed.


File D: The incubation period of the document


is 3 years, the mortality rate is close to 98%, it is very easy to spread, easy to mutate, and difficult to detect….


Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Viruses should also follow the laws of nature, how can something so terrifying appear?

Humanity is going to be finished, it’s really going to be finished.

In three years, most of the world’s people are now infected, right? Hahaha, it’s over, someone has already become ill, how can this kind of thing exist? This is an alien conspiracy, right?

Who can save humanity?

Crazy, crazy, dead people everywhere, why is there such a thing, why?


File E: Captain of the document

“Area 20 Transfer Information”

, something really happened this time.

I have long said that forcibly transferring the genes of multiple organisms to humans will definitely cause accidents.

It’s just that it is not us who cause this consequence, but a maniac who steals data.

That guy wants to destroy all of humanity.

Sadly, isn’t it our vocation to work for the good of mankind? How could a guy like that get in?

Captain, prepare to destroy experimental data and materials, including all experimental animals: monkeys, orangutans, bats… And those babies.


File F: Document

“Record of Space Physics Research – Parallel Space-Time Conjecture” Dark

matter and dark energy are only affected by gravity (perhaps weak), and are not interfered with by many forces, including electromagnetism. That is, we can hardly perceive them except by searching indirectly through gravitational lensing, etc.

These things do exist in the same universe as us, or even around us, but we can’t touch them directly because they’re “dark” enough.

Only, is this really enough to call it “dark matter”?

Recent theories do suggest that there is something in this space that we can’t perceive.

They do not interact with anything and are not affected by any force, including gravity.

This also means that humans will never be able to observe them!

Although no technological device can indirectly or directly detect their existence.

However, they themselves are self-contained, each of them is connected, and thus forms their own set of movement systems… It’s like a whole group of matter that influences and interacts with each other.

This perhaps… is a possible form of a parallel world.


File G: Computer Files


A group of people in white coats are walking around the lab.

“Make up the A fragment, don’t make a mistake, there are so many sequences, if you don’t pay attention, the result can be wrong.” A middle-aged man said coldly.

“Yes.” The answer was a young woman.

“What kind of creatures can be made this time?”

“The lower body should be a bug, the upper body is human… Women’s bar. I haven’t seen what half of the soft body species looks like, so I guess I have to strengthen it, otherwise my weight will be crushed. The middle-aged man grinned.

“Teacher, it’s obviously the first experiment, why do you know what creatures you can come up with? With such a complex sequence, can the result be known directly?

“It’s nature, genes themselves have rules, it’s just too complex to crack the rules in a simple way.” But this is not impossible to find a rule, eliminate the interference factor of mutation, we still have a way to calculate its final result in advance. This is the program that the Creator set up from the beginning, right… You can even leave some imprints on its mind, such as language.

“Is this all right?”

“No, I can’t do it now, it’s just my fantasy.”

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