By the time he came back to his senses, the vehicle had returned to where it started.

“Success, finally not in vain, this time can get a lot of bonuses, he!”

The young man stretched excitedly and got out of the car.

This guy took the initiative to run over and help Xiaojing open the car door: “Distinguished miss, thank you really this time.”

“No thanks.” Xiao Jing rolled his eyes and stretched out his foot to step on the ground.

Sure enough, this man was interested in himself, and looking at this look, from time to time he floated to the calves and skirts wrapped in black socks, and he almost drooled.

It’s worth 11 points, and it’s inevitable to encounter this situation.

Xiaojing still knows boys very well, and knows that they like to watch beautiful girls or something… Ahem, I always feel like I’m talking about my former self.

She stepped out of the vehicle and tried to take a few steps forward, but she felt that her balance was a little difficult to maintain.

Hallucinations also appear from time to time.


It is impossible to cancel the doppelganger for such a small thing, that would be too costly.

Fortunately, when he was in the car before, he already felt wrong, and the body re-summoned the doppelganger dream in advance and sent it here.

At this moment, Shi Meng, who had slightly changed his appearance, had almost arrived at the scene.

Xiao Jing looked at the sky, turned back to the captain behind him and said: “I should go, you give me a number, and I will contact you when I ask for money.” ”


The other party nodded solemnly, turned and ran into the door, wrote a note and handed it over.

On it is his number.

“Okay, you guys go in, happy cooperation.” Xiao Jing waved goodbye.

“Goodbye and nice cooperation.” The woman beckoned to her.

Several people entered the door one after another, leaving only the young man. After hesitating for a while, this man suddenly plucked up the courage to come over.

“Can you leave a contact information?” I thought…” Xiao

Jing’s expression became strange.

This guy doesn’t really want to pursue himself, does he?

Although her appearance is not really tender to the extent of a complete loli, she is also a relatively petite girl, which is really embarrassing?

I already knew that I was in my thirties.

Sighing, Xiao Jing said faintly: “You are not quite right, sir, think I am beautiful and want to pursue?” ”

The youth is embarrassed.

It’s so direct, do you want to say it so clearly?

“No, I didn’t mean that, I…” His

face turned red, although it was subconscious, it lasted for a moment, but he was indeed poked in the mind.

In this regard, Xiaojing could only sigh helplessly: “I’m very sorry, sir, in fact, I have lovers.” ”

“?” The young man looked stunned.

Xiao Jing turned around at this time, and saw the doppelganger who had slightly changed his appearance-Shi Meng came from behind.

“Here it is.”

Very happy, he ran over and took the hand of the comer.

Seeing this taller and equally stunning beautiful girl appear, the young man’s expression was dull.


, I like girls.”

Without waiting for the young man to react, the little girl stood on tiptoe, kissed the figure in front of her like a dragonfly, and then shyly took her hand and leaned into her arms.

Under the protection of Shi Meng, Xiao Jing looked apologetic:

“I’m really sorry, sir, you are a good person, but we really can’t be.” Good bye!

With a wave of her hand, she and Shi Meng held hands and left.

Only the petrified youth were left at the scene.


A minute later.

“Ma yes, I’m really getting better at playing.”

Thinking of the guy’s dull expression, Xiao Jing couldn’t help but laugh.

But the attention shifted, and she really felt that she was not quite right.

The hallucinations are getting worse.

Although under the same conscious control, only the mirror avatar can see the illusion.

“The situation of Xiaojing is not right, let’s not go back to the body today.”

With the body’s ID card, he ran to a nearby hotel to open a room, and the two lived in.

After checking that there was no problem, Shi Meng exited the door, leaving Xiaojing inside.

At this time, Xiao Jing took out the [Broken Wood Chip] and squinted to observe.

“I could have been so polluted.”

I just used it once, but I didn’t expect the side effects to be so exaggerated.

She pondered for a moment and decided to seal it for the time being.

However, at this time, a more violent feeling of vertigo reappeared.

The picture in front of him swirled, and several suspended heads suddenly appeared in the line of sight, floating less than 30 centimeters away from him.

She quickly closed her eyes.

And yet….

Xiao Jing was surprised to find that even if he closed his eyes and did not use telepathy, he could still clearly see the scene in the room.

The heads were always in the center of their sight, staring at her deadly.

Whether you pay attention or not, wherever your eyes are heading, you can see clearly.


She was actually frightened.

What’s more frightening is that in the line of sight, the picture of the entire house becomes extremely terrifying, and even the blurry faces are pasted outside the window.

“It’s scary, is this what it feels like to be contaminated?”

Xiao Jing covered his head, feeling like he was going crazy.

Obviously I try not to be afraid, but the fear is still like I can’t brake the car, and it keeps rising.

All kinds of negative emotions rolled in.

Screams began to appear in the ears, accompanied by a shrill grinding sound.

A wave of nausea came in, and she saw that her hands had become pitted, full of blood, and the most terrifying thing was that the idea of eating her arms had come to her mind.


Shi Meng, who was standing outside the door, hurriedly prepared to enter the door.

But at this moment, Xiao Jing’s condition changed again, and the voice in her ears slowly took on a kind of magic.

It is a cry that can deprave people.

The sound was more like a strange whisper, completely incomprehensible, but with an unspeakable demagoguery.

Let her be fascinated uncontrollably.

The ontology whose thoughts were still normal frowned.

She remembered the last simulation.

“Exposure to pollution, hearing the call… In line? That

call became stronger and stronger, as if to hook the soul of the little mirror. Fortunately, with the support of other doppelgangers and the souls of the connected parts, she was not lost.

Just when she was about to be unable to bear it, a vague starry sky suddenly appeared in her sight.

In a trance, she saw 9 glowing stars, one of which was far more radiant than the others, and it was incomparably alluring.

The call seemed to be in her ears, telling her… Touch the brightest star.

There was a message in the star: appetite.

Eat it! Eat it!

Enjoy the never-ending gluttony.

Touch it, you can eat it.

Xiao Jing felt hungry.

Little by little, her consciousness is approaching….

Just when the stars are about to touch.


Shi Meng slapped Xiao Jing’s face and pumped her whole person out.

Xiao Jing finally woke up.

“It hurts!”

She quickly covered her face.

All the images disappeared, and she was still sitting in the hotel normally.

Everything in the arm returned to normal, and the hallucinations still appeared from time to time, but they returned to a controllable range.

Looking back, the situation encountered before is indeed a bit strange.

“9 stars, constantly calling, I’m afraid it’s not… Fortune chart!?

Su Ye suddenly thought of something, and his expression changed slightly.

Just now, the small mirror seemed to have touched the threshold of the extraordinary.

“The one that attracted her the most was the 1st pick, appetite?”

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