The students were very busy, and the exam was very exciting.

They came early, and they had to wait for a while until the exam was over.

The waiting time was boring.

In addition to the four people, the people waiting for the candidates included the parents of other students and some media reporters.

The whole environment was very noisy.

"Wait a little longer. I'll go see if there is a flower shop. I'll buy a bunch of flowers. Look for a few people holding flowers." Liu Qinglin pointed to a few parents holding flowers in the crowd and said.

The three looked in the direction Liu Qinglin pointed.

Basically, they were all parents' generation.

Among them, there was a very tall boy who looked young from the back, holding a bunch of flowers.

"This should be a brother or a boyfriend. The boyfriend may be very old. It's so beautiful to wait for his girlfriend to leave the examination room." Wang Yulan pointed at the boy and said with emotion. Several people looked at the boy she was talking about.

They discussed for a few words.

Lu Rang also looked at the boy. He could only see the side face of the boy from where he was.

I always felt that this person looked familiar.

"Then I'll go buy flowers." Liu Qinglin was about to leave. Lu Rang looked at the time and said, "I'll go with you."

After the two left, Jiang Ping asked Wang Yulan curiously, "This person has a good family background. How did they get together?"

"It seems that they are doing business together. That Lu Rang is very good at computer technology."

Jiang Xue, who was in the examination room, had English as her last subject. Jiang Xue finished the paper half an hour in advance, and the rest of the time was spent on checking.

After checking, she put the pen cap on.

Looking at other students who were writing and the scenery outside the window.

Recalling this learning experience, I felt mixed emotions.

When the bell rang and the papers were handed in, everyone was excited. Jiang Xue followed the crowd to the school gate.

The gate opened, and everyone cheered and ran out of the examination room.

Jiang Xue was squeezed out of the examination room by the crowd.

Everyone was very happy, with a longing for the future and a sense of relief on their faces.

Jiang Xue was infected and became excited and happy.

Running out of the gate, Jiang Xue looked around for familiar people.

Then at first glance, she saw a boy holding a large bouquet of flowers, wearing a white short-sleeved jacket and a white shirt.

Jiang Xue's eyes lit up.

Why is he here?

The excitement of rushing out of the examination room and seeing his surprise.

Jiang Xue almost threw herself into his arms.

He also stretched out his hand and caught her.

Because of inertia, many petals of the bouquet in his hand fell to the ground.

This scene of theirs was recorded by reporters.

When Xu Mo was standing there with flowers in her arms, the reporter had already signaled the photographer to record it. When the examinees left the examination room, the girl's appearance was too conspicuous in the crowd. When the camera was pointed at her and she was about to go forward for an interview, she saw the girl rushing into the arms of the boy who was standing there with flowers just now.

I hit it!!

Premature love, campus lovers.

Sweet first love!!

Waiting for you to finish the college entrance examination with flowers in my arms.

Flowers for you, the college entrance examination is over, and the future is promising.

Both of them are so good-looking.

In an instant, I imagined a lot of idol plots.

The two hugged and then let go. The girl was excitedly asking the boy why he came. It was a bit of a spoiler for them to go forward at this moment.

But adhering to her professional qualities, she still went forward for the interview.

After asking the two people, with their consent, the reporter asked: "Are you a couple?"

"You say." Jiang Xue did not answer, poked Xu Mo and asked him to say.

Xu Mo nodded with a slightly red face.

"Classmate, how do you feel about your exam results? Are you and your boyfriend in a premature relationship? Do you think premature love affects your studies?"

"I did okay."

"We didn't fall in love prematurely. We agreed to be together after the college entrance examination. We will go to the same city and study at the same university." Xu Mo also answered.

"Oh, classmate, are you also a candidate this year? I see you've been standing here for a long time. Don't you have to take the exam?" the reporter asked again.

"He was recommended for admission." Jiang Xue said.

"Can I ask which school?"

Jiang Xue glanced at Xu Mo and asked with her eyes if she could say it.

"Beijing University." Xu Mo answered himself.

Looking at the expressions of the people around him and the expression on the face of the interviewing reporter, Jiang Xue felt that she was being played by the two.

Jiang Xue refused the reporter's continued interview and looked for her godmother in the crowd. Then she saw her brother who was also holding flowers, as well as her godmother and aunt.

Jiang Xue jumped over excitedly and hugged her godmother, aunt, and brother, and took another bouquet of flowers from her brother's arms


At the same time, she saw Lu Rang next to her brother.

She hadn't seen Lu Rang since the summer vacation of her second year in high school.

She lived in the school dormitory and was busy studying.

She lived next door to her brother, and they had different schedules, so they met less often.

Seeing Lu Rang again, Jiang Xue looked him up and down, "Lu Rang! I thought you were a passerby at first and didn't recognize you."

"You've gained a lot of weight than before."

Lu Rang's face didn't look good.

"It's not that I'm fat, Xiao Lu is working out, and his body is full of muscles." Wang Yulan explained to Lu Rang on the side.

Lu Rang hummed and didn't say anything extra.

Liu Qinglin's face was not very good either. He pointed at Xu Mo, who was waiting with flowers, and asked Jiang Xue, "Who is he."

Xu Mo took the initiative to step forward.

Introducing herself, she said, "Hello, my name is Xu Mo, and I'm Jiang Xue's classmate in S City."

Classmates hugged each other, and they came from so far to give flowers.

Liu Qinglin didn't believe it!

I don't know if you saw her rushing out and throwing herself into Xu Mo's arms just now. Jiang Xue was a little embarrassed, but she still formally introduced everyone, "This is my high school classmate and boyfriend!"

Liu Qinglin's face was a little bad. He felt that his sister was so young that she was in love, and looked at Xu Mo with a critical eye.

Too thin, too weak, looked so childish, too young, and felt that he was not worthy of his sister.

His sister didn't have a good eye for people.

He was not very satisfied.

And the one with a worse expression was Lu Rang. He didn't have any expression on the surface, but his heart was ups and downs.

She... boyfriend.

She had a boy she liked.

What should he do?

He felt that his attitude towards Jiang Xue was strange before.

It took a long time to figure out that he had a good impression of her.

I think I might have a crush on Jiang Xue, thinking that she is still studying and the high school studies are so intense.

I didn't disturb her.

Because she said she was too weak, she took her own time to exercise, go to the gym, don't eat takeout, eat nutritious food.

She came with her brother to participate in the most important college entrance examination in her life.

She wore clothes that showed off her figure. Everyone said that he wore nice clothes and dressed himself up. He wanted to surprise her with a brand new and strong self.

Then he saw her jump into the arms of a boy he had met once.

Then he accepted an interview and introduced this to the camera as his boyfriend.

He admitted it generously to her relatives and him.

What is his time during this period.

The other party didn't know at all.

No one knew.

Only he knew.

Like a clown!

So uncomfortable.

It was also at this moment that he realized that his crush on Jiang Xue was not just an ignorant crush, but a crazy crush. It was the first time in more than 20 years that he had a crush on a girl.

That's why he did a series of things without getting any response.

Seeing her introduce her boyfriend, he felt wronged and sad, and he could hardly hold back his expression.

It's just a good impression, why is it so uncomfortable...

He wanted to turn around and leave, but for the sake of decency, he had to stay.

Watching the two of them smile at each other.

Their eyes crossed.

The sticky atmosphere of love could not be suppressed.

He turned his eyes away.

His face became colder and colder.

He was angry in his heart, angry that he was too slow to react, he should have discovered the good impression earlier and made a move earlier.

Don't blame Jiang Xue, blame yourself.

If you take the initiative and act earlier.

Is there another possibility.

Lu Rang didn't say another word.

Everyone could see that he was in a bad mood, and didn't know why he was unhappy.

Only Xu Mo saw it among the people present.

He didn't tell Jiang Xue either.

Instead, when Lu Rang looked at him, he acted more intimate.

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