The water was too cold, and the water was too wet.

Jiang Xue rushed forward immediately.

Then she saw a child floundering in the water.

The only light around was the street lights, which were not particularly bright. The black water was as terrifying as a huge mouth of the abyss, which made her hesitate for a while.

Seeing Yang Zhian trying to jump into the water to save people, taking off his shoes and clothes, Jiang Xue stopped him.

She jumped into the water with a swimming ring.

The water was a little cold, Jiang Xue quickly swam to the child's side, saw the right moment, picked the child up, and then put the swimming ring on the child, swam the child to the shore, and the people on the roadside immediately took the child over.

The child was only three or four years old, crying and calling for his mother, but he seemed to be fine. Jiang Xue just breathed a sigh of relief, and she searched for her godfather on the shore. She didn't see him, but she saw her godmother looking nervously in another direction not far away.

Jiang Xue turned around and saw her godfather swimming towards a splashing place.

"The child's mother is still in the water." People on the shore were talking at once, but Jiang Xue heard this.

"The mother seems to be sinking."

"What a sin, why did you take the child with you if you were going to die."

Jiang Xue felt her breathing stagnate.

After a while, she saw Yang Zhian swimming to the side of the woman.

He lifted her up with all his strength to expose the woman's head.

The woman reacted and began to struggle.

She hugged his neck, and used all her strength like grabbing a life-saving straw, just to expose her mouth and nose.

She could breathe a few breaths of fresh air.

She saw her godfather being pulled into the water by her.

Jiang Xue hesitated for two seconds, tried to calm herself down, took a brick from the shore, took the swimming ring, and resolutely swam towards the direction of her godfather.

It was not a long distance, and Jiang Xue kept telling herself to calm down, calm down, and not to be caught by the woman.

"Relax, don't hold him, relax, it's okay, I will save you." Jiang Xue's shouting had no effect, and the woman struggled even harder.

She didn't grab the swimming ring handed over, but only grabbed her godfather's neck.

Jiang Xue seized the opportunity, walked to the side of the woman, and knocked her unconscious with a brick.

Then rescued the godfather.

After the godfather breathed smoothly, together with the godfather, exposed the woman's mouth and nose, and brought her to the shore.

After the woman was pulled ashore by everyone, Jiang Xue and Yang Zhian also climbed ashore. The godmother trembled to check on the two, hugged Jiang Xue and cried, and then turned around and slapped Yang Zhian.

"I didn't let you go down, but you insisted on going down. Have you ever thought about me? If it wasn't for Xiaoxue saving you, do you think you could come back alive!!!!"

After saying that, she was so angry that she slapped his chest hard again. After hitting him a few times, she lay in his arms and cried loudly.

There were many people around.

Some people took off their clothes and put them on the child, and some people gave the woman artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

There were also people who called the police and called 120.

Jiang Xue felt that her heart was about to jump out. After getting ashore, she felt a little dazed when she listened to the sounds around her. Looking at Yang Zhian who was safe and sound, she murmured to comfort herself: "Don't be afraid, Jiang Xue, it's over, it's over."

Wang Yulan wiped her tears, looked at Jiang Xue's appearance, and put the thin coat she brought on Jiang Xue.

"Teacher's wife, I'm fine, I saved Teacher Yang. Teacher Yang will not die." Jiang Xue didn't even notice that her words were trembling after she finished speaking.

Wang Yulan hugged her and wiped the water off her face with her clean clothes.

The child just acted very calm, but she was just a child, she must have been scared, patted Jiang Xue gently and said: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, godmother thank you, you are so brave, if it weren't for you, I really can't believe what your godfather would do. Thank you... Thank you..."

Godmother's embrace was very warm, Jiang Xue's mood stabilized,

She glanced at the unconscious woman on the ground, smiled bitterly and said: "She didn't drown but was beaten to death by me."

At that time, watching Yang Zhian struggling and seeing the woman lose her mind, Jiang Xue used words to calm her down, but it didn't work. Instead, she hugged Yang Zhian's neck tighter, and Jiang Xue used a lot of strength with the brick.

Worried that she wouldn't faint, worried that she would be caught by her.

She didn't want to die.

She felt it was not worth dying for a woman who committed suicide with her own child.

The police came quickly, and then the ambulance took the woman and the child away.

Because Jiang Xue and the other person went into the water to save people, their bodies were soaked,

It was a bit cold in the evening of October. The police recorded the ID number and mobile phone number, and asked the two to go back and change clothes, and then go to the police station to make a statement the next day.

The next day, my uncle took the three of them to make a statement.

Jiang Xue saw the police and immediately asked: "How are the mother and son yesterday?"

"Both of them are fine, but the mother was hit by a brick and had a concussion." The staff was a middle-aged policeman, who said jokingly.

"It's just that she was lucky to have a concussion. Does she know that she almost killed someone?" Wang Yulan said this and pulled the police to look at Yang Zhian's neck: "Look, my husband's neck was strangled by that woman. She didn't want to live and wanted to drag someone down with her."

"Don't talk nonsense. When a person is drowning, he just wants to grab everything around him that he can pull. It's not rational at all." Yang Zhian explained to his wife.

"You know you still go down!!" He said with grievance and wanted to cry.

"I was wrong. I will definitely put my own life first in the future. Don't cry." Yang Zhian coaxed in a low voice.

"But little sister, you are really brave and calm. It is right for you to knock the drowning person unconscious. We advocate for courageous actions, but we must also do what we can." The latter sentence was said to Yang Zhian.

Then he asked for the schools and units of the two people, saying that they would be awarded certificates.

On the way back, Jiang Xue said to Yang Zhian seriously: "You two were rescued because I had thought about what to do before I turned back to save you. If I couldn't save you, I would give up."

"I am not so noble and selfless. I think it is not worth exchanging my life for hers. My own life is the most important. Godfather, I hope you can be more selfish in the future. If you encounter such a thing again, remember that your own life is more important than anything else. Don't think about others, think clearly for godmother, put yourself first, and think clearly whether you can get out of it unscathed."

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