The truth is, the truth is that Jiang Xue couldn't help laughing.

The scammer was very unprofessional.

He recharged his Q-coin phone bill and found an online friend to transfer the money at a low price. He borrowed money directly from his father's bank card.

If he didn't turn himself in, Lu Rang wouldn't have to find out this information. I think the police would have been able to lock him in.

Lu Rang was even more suspicious. How could he transfer the money with just two sentences?

Did Lu Rang trust her or did he trust himself that he couldn't be cheated?

The other party compensated Jiang Xue for all the money she was cheated of, and compensated Jiang Xue another 5,000 yuan, asking Jiang Xue not to pursue the matter.

He also asked someone he knew to find a connection with his uncle's family, and went to the door to give gifts and apologize.

The police also told Jiang Xue that the man was too young and later returned the phone on his own initiative. The most likely reason for pursuing the case was to warn him and leave a criminal record.

Seeing the boy's parents, Jiang Xue finally did not pursue the matter and took back her phone.

This experience was a bit magical.

What was even more magical was that the mother and son she saved, their family found her uncle's house and asked Jiang Xue to bear the medical expenses of the woman who jumped into the water.

The people who came were a mother and son, who knocked on the door and asked if they were the ones who saved people last night.

The uncle Wang Bin opened the door. He was at home with his two children. Jiang Xue was at the police station dealing with the phone, so she was not at home. Wang Bin asked the other party's identity and found out that one of them was the mother-in-law of the woman who jumped into the water and the other was the husband of the woman who jumped into the water. He thought that the other party came to thank him.

So he let the two people in.

Who knew that the two people almost fainted Wang Bin when they just opened their mouths to say a word.

These two people came to ask for money.

The reason was that Jiang Xue knocked her daughter-in-law unconscious and she is still in hospital. The hospitalization and examination fees cost two to three thousand.

The hospital asked them to pay, but they didn't have money.

And the doctor said that the concussion was quite serious. Not only would she be hospitalized now, but there might be sequelae in the future.

They thought that Jiang Xue had hurt the woman, so she should pay for it.

The godmother received a call from her eldest brother, and after hearing the whole story, she was so angry that she took Jiang Xue back.

When they saw the two people, the woman was in her fifties or sixties, very thin, with triangular eyes, and looked difficult to get along with.

The man was a little fat, tall, about 1.8 meters, not fat, but an ordinary man with a big belly.

The two should be mother and son.

"My daughter-in-law was beaten by you, a little girl, right? Pay the money. If you don't pay the money, we won't leave today." The old woman said unreasonably.

"Mom, I asked and it was this little girl who beat her. How could she hit so hard at such a young age? You almost beat my wife to death."

"How can you be so unreasonable? You beat her to save her. My husband almost drowned to save her. Your family didn't say anything. We haven't heard a thank you in a day or two. Not only that, your family also wants us to pay for the medical expenses. How dare you ask? You are too shameless." The godmother couldn't help but scolded back.

"My daughter-in-law jumped into the water. Did we ask you to save her? No one asked, did they? You saved her voluntarily. Do you want to repay us? The police station has also said that they will give you a certificate for bravery. Why are you still not satisfied? You still want us to repay you. You are too greedy."

"But you hurt people. Why don't you pay compensation? I don't understand. Save people, save people. Why do you hit people and use so much force? I suspect you have bad intentions."

"So we saved people and saved them wrongly, right?" Wang Yulan was amused by the old lady's bandit logic.

"Saving people is not wrong, hitting people is wrong!"

Jiang Xue saw that her godmother was very angry, so she pulled her to comfort her.

The two sides were on the verge of a fight, and Jiang Xue called the police directly.

It's hard to argue with such people who have their own logic.

There is a saying that you don't argue with fools.

Let the police handle it, and then they went back to the police station just after they came out of the police station.

The police criticized and educated the mother and son.

Soft tactics didn't work, so they warned them with a hard approach.

They said that if they harassed the rescuers again, they would arrest the two. Only then did the mother-in-law stop harassing Jiang Xue and the others.

Then she said to her son.

"You should divorce your wife quickly. She is as fat as a pig. After the divorce, I will find someone to introduce you to a young and beautiful one! She is the same. If she wants to die, she should find a place where no one is around to die. Why would she implicate the child? I think she just wants you to cover her up. Fortunately, my precious grandson is fine. Otherwise, if she died, I would crush her bones and scatter her ashes." Jiang Xue was recording the whole time.

"What kind of people are they! ! The woman who jumped into the water is also stupid. People like this are so stupid that they would die.

Don't be afraid, you should kill the person who bullied you before you die." Wang Yulan said angrily. After complaining, she thought of the woman and said, "This mother-in-law is like this, I know why that woman jumped into the river. She seems to be hospitalized in the Municipal People's Hospital, I want to go see her." The godmother put forward her own ideas.

The uncle and aunt advised her not to go.

The godfather also said.

Said that this family's attitude was stained with trouble.

The godmother insisted, "They are all women, I will go to see them even if I can comfort them a few words, because her parents-in-law are hateful, and the woman is pitiful. After all, she was saved with great effort, so I will go to see her."

"I will go with you. "Jiang Xue said.

My godfather and godmother have always been very good people, and they have compassion for those in need around them. It is precisely because of their nosy and soft-hearted attitude that they have helped many people.

Jiang Xue had the same idea as her uncle and aunt, but she still respected her godmother's idea when she wanted to go.

Then Jiang Xue and her godmother came to the woman's ward.

I thought I would see the mother and son, but I didn't. The woman was hospitalized alone. Her head was still wrapped in gauze, and no family members stayed with her.

When Jiang Xue and the others went there, the nurses at the nurse station were urging her to pay the bill in front of her bed.

The woman was in a daze without any emotion, and the nurse sighed and left.

Seeing Jiang Xue and the others, her fat face was blank. Knowing that it was Jiang Xue who saved her, she smiled bitterly and said, "Thank you for saving my son. In fact, you shouldn't have saved me."

"It's you who don't want to die. Your desire to live is very strong. If you wanted to die, you wouldn't have struggled so much at that time. After being rescued, you can continue to choose suicide. You didn't prove that you still want to live. "After Jiang Xue finished speaking, her godmother slapped her hand: "What nonsense are you talking about, kid?"

"Sister, I see you are not very old. We have also seen your mother-in-law and your husband. They are unreasonable and make trouble for no reason. If you have not suffered a great injustice, you will definitely not choose to commit suicide. Since you have survived a great disaster, then live well. If you are not afraid of death, why are you afraid of living!"

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