After the conversation, the two girls were also very close.

"Don't you often leave messages to him? I saw your chat history, he would take the initiative to reply to you, but he would not reply directly in his own space. And you don't pay attention to who is liking other messages, they are obviously paying attention to you."

Tan Xiao recalled the spaces of several girls that Jiang Xue had just opened from her visitor record.

The two girls Jiang Xue had just added also sent messages to her.

Jiang Xue didn't beat around the bush and sent a message directly to ask: What is your relationship with Qin Junming?

"Classmates, ordinary friends." The two people answered.

One of them immediately sent a message to Jiang Xue, afraid that Jiang Xue would not believe it: It's really just an ordinary friend, I have a boyfriend.

Jiang Xue: Did Qin Junming pursue you or did you have a relationship with him before?

Ordinary friend: How do you know? I had contacted you several times before, but I felt it was not suitable, so I stopped contacting you.

Ordinary friend: Are you a couple?

Jiang Xue: Not yet

Ordinary friend: Sister, I saw the content of your space. You are only a freshman this year. You may not be very old. It is best not to fall in love so early.

Ordinary friend: People who interfere in other people's feelings will eventually end up badly.

I didn't reply to her message later. When I sent a message again, I found that Tan Xiao's QQ was blocked.

The classmate only replied with "classmate". Facing Jiang Xue's tentative questions like the previous one, he didn't say anything else.

Qin Junming: Are you talking about the girls who often like my space? I have no relationship with them. We are just ordinary friends and classmates.

Qin Junming: You can ask me directly if you want to know anything.

He is quite good at hiding things. This classmate probably told Qin Junming the questions Jiang Xue asked.

Jiang Xue used Qin Junming to search for his mobile QQ and his name, and the email address with the name of the school. First, she found the forum, and the content was fine. Through the name of the forum, she found his campus network, and then found his Weibo through the information on the campus network.

After a long time of searching through the Weibo followers, she accurately found his small account. Sure enough, the small account posted a lot of things showing affection. At the same time, she found another female account that was closely connected with this account. In the female account, the girl would show affection and post some chat screenshots with her boyfriend.

Jiang Xue handed the phone to Tan Xiao.

Tan Xiao flipped from top to bottom. Although the photo did not take a picture of the face, he could recognize Qin Junming from the clothes he wore and the back view without looking at the face.

The chat record avatar was not the same as the one when he added her.

Qin Junming probably has another account on QQ.

The girl had a selfie, and Tan Xiao felt familiar. After thinking about it, this person seemed to be Qin Junming’s high school classmate.

From the content of the Weibo, it can also be seen that the two were not in the same city for college, and they were in a long-distance relationship, but they often met on holidays.

Tan Xiao found out that the girl posted a Weibo on the day he watched a movie with her. Qin Junming had just sent her back to the train to school without changing her clothes, and he came to watch a movie with her again. He even touched her in the middle of the movie.

Tan Xiao directly took a screenshot of the girl's homepage and his second account homepage and was about to question him, but was stopped by Jiang Xue.

"I'm so angry!!! How could I like this scumbag who has so many girlfriends under his feet."

Instead of taking the screenshots to question him directly, he sent a message: Does your girlfriend know that you have other girlfriends behind her back?

Qin Junming: Are you investigating me?

Qin Junming: Don't you have a crush on me and like me? You offered yourself to me. He acted reluctantly, but he actually enjoyed it.

Qin Junming: I was just moved by your crush, and I broke up with my girlfriend for you. I am a scumbag and you are also the third party.

Then he took a few screenshots of the logs posted by Tan Xiao.

Qin Junming: I read and saved all the secret crushes you wrote about me. I was really touched. I made a mistake because I was moved by your sincerity.

Qin Junming: I have figured it out now. This is immoral. Let's not contact each other anymore.

When Tan Xiao sent another message, the other party had blocked her.

When Tan Xiao saw the message he sent, she looked embarrassed and angry, "How could he do this!!!"

"I feel so stupid!!!!" Then she burst into tears.

"Wait, why did he take a screenshot of this diary? ? I have never seen it before." Jiang Xue asked puzzledly after seeing the explicit expression of love in the diary.

"I added a password. I don't know how he saw it..." It was filled with some girlish thoughts she wrote when she couldn't stick to studying. She wrote more in junior high school and the first year of high school. Later, because of her studies, she stopped writing.

She stopped writing because she was busy with work. The content was very immature and shameful. She had forgotten it herself. Now she was so embarrassed that she dug her toes into the ground. She didn't expect that someone else would see it.

"What's your password?" Jiang Xue asked.

Tan Xiao thought about it, but she couldn't remember it. She looked through her phone and then looked at the password she set: "Qin Junming's birthday."

"I'm so stupid and so embarrassed!" After saying that, she buried her head in her arms.

She really didn't have the face to face Jiang Xue.

How could she write those shameful things? What was she thinking at that time?

"Okay, stop crying, change your password quickly, or delete those logs." Jiang Xue reminded.

Tan Xiao sat up immediately, took her phone and deleted the logs without hesitation.

"What should I do next?" Tan Xiao asked Jiang Xue. Her head was so muddled that she had no ability to think. Jiang Xue's performance and a series of operations on this matter made her completely convinced of Jiang Xue's ability, and she also believed that Jiang Xue could tell her what to do next.

"Do you still like him? Should you give up?" Jiang Xue asked.

"I feel so disappointed. I regret having a crush on such a scumbag." Tan Xiao replied.

"What are you going to do? He has deleted you. You are no longer friends. Just don't contact him."

"I feel like I haven't vented my anger yet. I want to enforce justice on behalf of the heavens and at least let the scumbag girlfriend and girlfriend know the true face of the scumbag!"

"Aren't you afraid that he will expose your diary, or put the shit pot on your head and spread rumors to discredit you?"

Tan Xiao thought about it. Although it would be really socially dead if the content was exposed, she wanted to retaliate more than herself when she thought that this scumbag was not punished.

She told Jiang Xue clearly what she thought.

"Then let me help you analyze it. Qin Junming dared to delete you and said that it was because you broke up with your girlfriend. He should not be lying. He is probably not afraid that you will expose him, but do you remember the Weibo of the girl we just saw? She also forwarded the funny video Weibo today."

"So..." Tan Xiao was puzzled.

"So the girlfriend Qin Junming is talking about is probably not the girl on Weibo, otherwise he wouldn't be so careless to repost such a video after breaking up, and both of them are still following each other, so Qin Junming must have had a relationship with another girl besides you, and this girl might have broken up because of you." Because that ordinary friend said that Tan Xiao interfered with other people's feelings.

"I really feel that the human brain structure is different. Jiang Xue, you are really too smart, no wonder you are the top scorer and can be admitted to Beijing University. Fortunately, I told you this time, otherwise I don't know how it would develop."

"I actually found a lot of flaws when I was in contact with him, but I didn't want to think about it. Alas, I will never have a secret crush again. The novel I read before is right. Secret crush is actually a crush on someone in your imagination."

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