The more you say, the more you should forgive my parents.

"So according to what you say, I should forgive my parents?" Jiang Xue asked softly in a calm tone, like a pool of still water.

"I'm not asking you to forgive, but I hope you won't get too entangled with them. Their actions stem from the era they live in. Each era has its own unique thinking patterns and behaviors." Chen Xi said.

"I can't completely agree with your point of view." Jiang Xue argued, "Other girls of the same age and in the same place can enjoy the love of their parents. Many families are full of warmth and parents care for their children. Why are my parents the only ones who are poisoned by the times, while other people's parents are spared?" Jiang Xue continued to explain her views.

"That must be because someone in their previous generation had insight into this problem and understood these principles, so they stayed awake." Chen Xi responded.

"You're right, so I never compared myself with others before, not even with my brother, just because I knew he was a boy and was different from me in my parents' hearts. I have always compared myself with my sister. We are of the same gender, both came from the same womb, and our mother is the same person. My mother may be deeply influenced by that era as you said, but she was partial to us, who were also daughters. This is the fundamental reason for my imbalance in my heart before." Jiang Xue said.

"The words you used to describe this memory are all in the past, before, which proves that the you in your words is actually completely separated from the you now." Chen Xi pointed out this problem.

"You have actually done very well. You have escaped from your birthplace, away from them, and have achieved spiritual and economic independence. You have noticed the psychological problems, and you can find me. By doing these, you have actually achieved spiritual self-consistency."

"Maybe your parents still have an influence on you now. You may not be able to get rid of the identity of the victim of the times for the time being, and you cannot change your parents for the time being, but you realize that this experience in your childhood has caused you personality problems now. You know that this mentality is wrong. You are very smart. For example, when your boyfriend gives you a gift, you feel burdened, but when you receive the gift, you show positive and give emotional value. It is worth giving back. "

"You are great for doing this. You clearly understand the impact of your childhood on you, so you choose the right way to respond. Just like being sick, you know what disease you have and you take the right medicine. "

"You are actually lacking love. My advice to you is that instead of getting it from others and letting them give it to you, it is better to create love yourself and cultivate your ability to love others, because the one who takes the initiative has the dominant power, and you can take it back if you don't love them. "

"As you establish a new intimate relationship, those childhood experiences will have less and less impact on you as the new relationship iterates. "

The two chatted a lot more.

They talked for nearly four hours in total.

It cost more than an average person's monthly salary,

but it was worth it.

Chen Xi was really professional. He didn't just appease her emotions. He went along with what she said. The two of them discussed one sentence at a time more like an academic discussion.

Because of this kind of chat, Jiang Xue was able to calmly explain a lot of her own things. He didn't comfort her or sympathize with her after listening. He told himself that you were sick in your heart before, but you did a good job and you were healing yourself. These problems may still affect you now, but they will have less and less impact on you in the future.

Jiang Xue agreed with his conclusion.

She has grown up, and childhood can't trap adults. No matter how bad it is, you can move forward. The past cannot be changed, but the future can.

She doesn't need to be compensated by her parents.

Personal thoughts cannot change the tide of the times. She didn't have a substantial mental illness due to the shadow of her childhood in her previous life, and she can't be trapped in her childhood in this life.

When Jiang Xue left the psychological counseling room, she let out a long breath.

Then she walked out of here briskly.

After going downstairs, Jiang Xue went to KFC not far away to eat hamburgers, drank Coke, which she didn't drink much, and ordered a lot of fried high-calorie snacks.

Jiang Xue turned off her phone in advance because of chatting. When she turned it on again, she saw a message from Xu Mo.

He asked her if she wanted to have dinner together in the evening.

Jiang Xue replied: "I'm not in school. I've eaten."

Xu Mo's QQ video came over and Jiang Xue picked up the call.

"Well, actually I didn't eat. I'm eating." Then Jiang Xue took a picture of the small pile of food and


"Don't you not drink carbonated drinks?" Xu Mo looked at the iced cola and asked in confusion.

"It's okay to drink it occasionally."

"When will you return to school? I have nothing to do in the dormitory. Do you want me to accompany you?"

"Have you eaten?"

"Not yet."

"Then come over. Come and have a hamburger." Jiang Xue sent the address to Xu Mo, then slowed down and waited for Xu Mo to come.

He took a taxi and came very quickly. When he arrived, Jiang Xue slowed down and was full. Jiang Xue ordered him a cup of cola and added some food for him. Then she sipped the drink and ate French fries while watching him eat big mouthfuls.

"When I was a kid, I could only come here to eat after I passed the exams. I thought the food tasted good when I was a kid, and the taste didn't change much, but now it doesn't taste as good anymore."

"I only saw it on TV when I was a kid, and in my brother and sister's mouths. I always thought it must be expensive and delicious, but after eating it for the first time, I felt that it was not as delicious as I imagined, nor as expensive as I imagined." Jiang Xue smiled after saying that.

Thinking of the first time she prepared enough money in her sophomore or junior year in her previous life, she went to McDonald's. She ordered a hamburger set for more than 20 yuan. At that time, she ate in the school cafeteria. A meal cost three to six yuan. Seeing the price, she didn't think it was expensive.

The set included hamburgers, chicken nuggets, French fries, and Coke.

She held the plate and found a seat by the window.

She stood straight, pretending that it was not her first time eating, and imitated the table next to her to tear open one side of the wrapping paper and squeezed ketchup on the French fries wrapping paper.

When she ate it, she thought it tasted just like that, not very delicious.

But she still ate it all.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" Xu Mo asked.

Jiang Xue nodded, and without avoiding the topic, she took the initiative to talk to Xu Mo: "My brother you met before, his name is Liu Qinglin, he and I are half-siblings, he was born out of wedlock when my mother was young, and he has been raised in my grandparents' home since he was born."

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