During this period, Yu Juan brought her team members to Kyoto and took over two milk tea shops that were similarly decorated.

Tan Xiao was in charge of employee recruitment, and the training work was taken over by the employees brought by Yu Juan.

Jiang Xue, Yu Juan and Tan Xiao met and showed them a thick stack of plans she had made, one of which was about franchisees.

Jiang Xue drafted several franchise models, namely single-store franchise: franchisees join their brand in the form of a separate store and enjoy the brand's right to use and business guidance.

Direct franchise: the brand headquarters directly invests in opening direct stores, and converts some direct stores into franchise stores, which are operated and managed by franchisees.

Joint venture: franchisees and brand headquarters jointly invest, cooperate to open franchise stores, and share profits and risks.

In each franchise model, Jiang Xue wrote the franchise conditions and detailed rules and regulations in detail. After reading them, the two felt that they did not need to make any comments and could use them directly.

In addition, they also drafted the funds required for franchise stores, the equipment and raw materials provided by their company to franchisees, their company's profit ratio and many other materials.

It can be said to be very detailed.

"Before, many people who have the intention to join came to the store to ask, and I added their contact information. I think your document is very comprehensive. If you are sure, you can sort out an electronic file for me, and I will send it to those who came to the store to ask about joining before."

Jiang Xue nodded and decided to go back and make a more complete one and send it to Yu Juan.

There is also another one about the future development of the milk tea shop.

The two took several documents prepared by Jiang Xue, and they knew the words, but found that they only understood half of the content and could not understand it at all.

Jiang Xue patiently explained to them, "The next step for a milk tea shop is to find investors, and there are three stages to find investors."

"The first stage is the angel investor stage."

"I know, that's the money that the three of us put in before, which belongs to the angel investment stage, right?" Tan Xiao expressed his opinion.

Jiang Xue nodded, approved of Tan Xiao's words and added: "Angel investors are generally relatives and friends of entrepreneurs. They will invest money before the brand prospects are clear, which is a trust in entrepreneurs."

"The angel investment stage has been successful. In addition, we have opened three stores in S City and two stores in Kyoto. It is certain that the stores are profitable and profitable. This proves that this is a sustainable and replicable profit model, but the market is huge, there are so many cities in the country or the world, there are many consumers and demands. If we want to quickly occupy the market and open more stores, the investment of several of us, including the profits of the stores, is far from enough. At this time, we need to find investors in the second stage, venture capital, which is also commonly referred to as VC in the industry."

Both nodded to show that they understood and waited for Jiang Xue to continue.

"The VC we need should first be able to provide us with sufficient financial support. In addition, it is best if this company has rich industry experience and professional knowledge, can provide Youcha with resource convenience, and can help Youcha provide guidance in strategic planning, operation management, marketing and other aspects, so as to help Youcha avoid detours."

"Through this round of investment, we can improve brand awareness and reputation, and more franchisees can trust and join, making Youcha more competitive in the market."

"So we still have to be cautious in choosing investors, not just who gives money."

"Currently, two professional VC companies have expressed interest, and we have already After the initial meeting, I will talk to your father and we will see how to make a decision. "Here, Jiang Xue did not tell Tan Xiao that the investment amount offered by the two companies she contacted did not meet her expectations. After all, the other party was her father.

The two companies Jiang Xue contacted not only invested little, but also wanted a high proportion of equity. Because they found these two investment companies from the school, many of their investments were college students' entrepreneurial projects. They were very interested in Jiang Xue's project, but they had done too many low-investment, high-return orders. They felt that students were relatively poor and they would be grateful if they all invested. It was impossible to raise the price, so naturally they could not reach an agreement.

The situation on Tan Xiao's father's side is still unknown. If they can't reach an agreement, Jiang Xue still has a lot of money. She plans to set up an investment company by herself, and the first project is to invest in her own project.

I feel that this is not impossible.

So she is not so anxious about finding investors.

"Then I

I have to urge my dad." After saying this, Tan Xiao and Yu Juan continued to look through the materials prepared by Jiang Xue. After looking through them for a while, they gave up.

Too professional. They are not professionals, but looking at the documents made by Jiang Xue, all aspects are very complete, from which we can see Jiang Xue's dedication and professionalism.

"I don't understand these things, you can handle them." Yu Juan spoke first.

"I think so too. I can still do some chores. This thing is too professional. Jiang Xue, you control the general direction, we will listen to you." Tan Xiao also said.

"Don't worry, you will definitely not regret this investment in the future. "Jiang Xue said confidently.

With Yu Juan coming over, employee training was in full swing, and the opening hours of the milk tea shop were also on the agenda.

As the weather got colder, the shop mainly promoted some hot drinks. After the three of them talked, they decided to open the Kyoto market quickly. Just like the first store at that time, they would continue to give away free drinks for three days. The two stores opened at the same time and the activities were carried out at the same time.

At the same time, the advertisement was put out that the milk tea shop with the longest queue in S City was coming to Beijing.

Have you tried it?

With S City, a first-tier city, as the background check, it aroused the curiosity of many people.

Jiang Xue did not participate in all matters including the opening and activities. They created a group and talked and laughed. Zhizhi shared the queues of the two stores with Jiang Xue in the group.

There were also the number of orders and the amount of money on the cash register.

After three days of trial operation, I thought that due to the weather, the business would be greatly reduced because of the hot drinks, which could not be compared with the previous opening of the S store. Unexpectedly, the consumption capacity of young people in Kyoto was reflected. One week after the official opening, the daily sales of the two stores were more than one thousand cups.

This undoubtedly gave Jiang Xue a shot in the arm.

In early November, Tan Xiao's father Tan Zhengming came late. Tan Xiao and Jiang Xue told each other the time and place for dinner. Jiang Xue packed her business clothes and took all the prepared materials to go to the appointment.

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