After a long time, the two of us talked a lot.

I talked a lot with my brother, basically about our respective work.

Jiang Xue mentioned that Yu Juan wanted to sell her steamed buns shop, which aroused Liu Qinglin's great interest.

"Traditional breakfast shops have low profits. If we don't do traditional breakfast, what if we go for the high-end boutique route like your milk tea shop?" Liu Qinglin put forward his own idea.

With this idea, Liu Qinglin's thinking began to spread, "We can still focus on steamed buns. I don't think steamed buns are worse than many fast food restaurants' hamburgers. Those foreign fast food restaurants can open so many stores. I think traditional Chinese food should also be possible. We can do more than just breakfast, noodles, snacks, etc., covering three meals a day, so that the turnover rate will be higher. We will also earn more." Liu Qinglin perfected his idea in his mind and told his sister about it.

"Then it must be delicious, and strict standards must be set for each product sold to facilitate management and subsequent franchise or store promotion. I think there should be a market, what do you think, Xiaoxue?"

Jiang Xue's mind instantly thought of many Internet celebrities in the future, or some relatively famous chain stores.

Their business model and expansion speed, some stores are really doing well. The development in the future is also good.

"There are many money-making projects. You are very busy every day now. Do you have time to do it?" Jiang Xue still put forward her own ideas.

"Lu Rang basically has less things to do here, so other people can take my place. My Taobao stores don't need my intervention too much at the moment, they can run on their own, and Chen Hua is helping me keep an eye on them. I can only do classes and study at the same time, so I can still spare a lot of time. I just want to find something else to do recently. I'll study some of the store models on the market and get in touch with Yu Juan. Her cooking is really delicious. If I want to do it, I think I still need to bring her along."

"Okay, if you have limited energy, just study it. If you feel it's possible, just do it. You're in Kyoto, so you should open a store around Kyoto in the future. The taste will definitely be different from the breakfast that Yu Juan made in S City before. You can consider a taste that is more northern, or you can consider making some food with urban flavors, which will help with online promotion. In addition, as for Yu should pay attention to the sense of boundaries." Jiang Xue thought about Yu Juan and explained.

Yu Juan likes her brother. Although she says she doesn't like him now, if they continue to get along, it's hard to guarantee that she won't have other thoughts.

If her brother doesn't pay attention to the sense of boundaries, Jiang Xue is worried that Yu Juan will get deeper and deeper, and it will be difficult to get out later, or she will be hurt.

"I know, I know she may have some feelings for me before, but I have no feelings for Juan at all. I avoided her when I noticed the signs. She should have noticed my thoughts. I have someone I like now. If I have contact in the future, I will pay attention to the sense of boundaries." Liu Qinglin told Jiang Xue some of his own thoughts about Yu Juan.

"That's good." Jiang Xue nodded in agreement.

"By the way, since you are planning to do it, you definitely don't plan to do it in a small way. If you want to make it bigger and stronger, you probably need to invest a lot of money. Sister, do you want to consider participating in it?"

"If you need money, just tell me. Your sister has nothing else, but she still has a lot of savings."

"Okay, I won't worry about it with your words. Then wait for my news."

Hang up the phone, and once again sighed at her brother's keenness in business.

It's just an idea, and he can immediately associate a lot of things, and then actually understand and take action.

This kind of action is also rare and precious.

Although Jiang Xue didn't know much about the food industry, she thought that with her brother's ability and the current market economy, she would definitely be able to make money.


After Christmas, it was New Year's Day.

The day before New Year's Day was Saturday, and there were no classes. Jiang Xue finished her work in the morning, and met Xu Mo at the school gate in the afternoon. The two went on a date, watched a stage play, and had a delicious meal.

After returning home to rest, Jiang Xue hugged Xu Mo and slept on the sofa for a while. When she woke up, Jiang Xue was working on her computer, and Xu Mo also brought a laptop to browse some information and type.

The two were busy with their own things. At ten o'clock, they stopped their work, dressed neatly, took the things they needed to bring, and rushed to Tiananmen Square to participate in this year's New Year's Eve event.

Considering the large number of people, the two took a taxi there, and when they arrived at the periphery, they found that there were so many people. Jiang Xue put her hand in the pocket of Xu Mo's down jacket, and the two followed the flow of people to the center.

There were so many people that we couldn't squeeze in until 12 o'clock. Someone organized a countdown, waving mobile phone flashlights, and counting down with a group of strangers 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

"Happy New Year 2012." Many people shouted this blessing together.

The winter in Kyoto is very cold, but it can't resist everyone's enthusiasm.

Everyone's heart was on fire when they shouted this sentence.

The whole atmosphere became enthusiastic.

After the New Year's Eve at 12 o'clock, the two did not end and go home, but followed some people to stay up all night to participate in the flag-raising ceremony in the morning.

There were many people, it was very cold, and the waiting was boring. Jiang Xue and Xu Mo chatted, took pictures of the flow of people and heads with cameras, and took pictures of each other. Time still passed very slowly.

Someone organized to sing the national anthem, and everyone actively cooperated to sing. Then at around 3 o'clock, the security personnel began to prepare for security checks, and then it was just queuing, queuing.

After passing the security check, they started the 100-meter sprint. Jiang Xue held Xu Mo's hand and ran very fast, choosing a position close to the front.

Although they were very tired and panting, they were sweating a little in the winter.

But seeing that their speed was faster than many people, they still felt full of achievement.

After running in, it was still a long time before the national flag was raised.

Jiang Xue was a little doubtful whether it was worth doing this. She felt a little silly and might as well sleep at home.

At around five o'clock, she couldn't bear it anymore and started to take a nap. Xu Mo asked Jiang Xue to lean on him.

Jiang Xue closed her eyes for a while.

She couldn't really fall asleep because there were too many people around.

Xu Mo looked at Jiang Xue's drowsy and listless appearance, took out a thermos cup from his bag, and the thermos cup contained hot coffee. The two drank it in small sips, and they felt more energetic after drinking it.

"I thought you only brought warm water, why did you bring coffee?" Jiang Xue asked curiously.

"I brought it considering you'd get sleepy. There's warm water and another cup. Do you want to drink?"

"And snacks. Do you want to eat?" Jiang Xue shook her head.

She didn't intend to take them, but asked Xu Mo: "Is it heavy to carry these things?"

"No, it's okay." Although he said it wasn't heavy, Jiang Xue also pulled a little further away from him, no longer leaning on him to increase his weight.

Looking at the dense crowds and the sub-zero temperature around, Jiang Xue complained to Xu Mo in a low voice, "I kind of regret coming here to watch the flag-raising ceremony on New Year's Eve. I just want to go home and sleep now."

"It's almost there. Wait a little longer. The wait will definitely be worth it." Xu Mo replied.

After drinking the coffee, Jiang Xue's whole mental state was much more energetic. Then the honor guard began to rehearse. The sky began to slowly brighten. They also saw the dawn of victory.

It was time to raise the flag. The honor guard marched in neat steps. The first five-star red flag of 2012 was slowly raised. Thousands of people sang the national anthem together. At this moment, all the sleepiness disappeared. In the cold wind, the nearly ten-hour wait became meaningful.

Jiang Xue choked up a little while singing.

The peace dove was released. As a Chinese, I felt proud to grow up under the red flag.

"Do you still regret waiting for so long?" Xu Mo asked.

Jiang Xue shook her head, "No regrets. It was worth waiting for so long."

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