The two of them were married, but they were still together.

"I'm sorry, we're not suitable."

"I'm three years older than you."

"Also, in terms of education, you graduated from junior high school, and although my university is not very good, it's a regular university. Although you are studying at night university now, I told my friends and they all felt that the gap is too big."

"When I get along with you, I can feel that you are very smart, very capable, and know a lot. You are a very good boy. At your age and with this education, you can sell things online and make a lot of money. It's really good."


"We shouldn't have any results. I don't want to just fall in love and not care about anything. I fall in love with the intention of getting married, but my parents will never let me find someone like you, so since there is no result, it's better not to start." She calmly rejected Liu Qinglin.

All the gifts Liu Qinglin gave her and dinner he had invited her to were discounted and returned to him.

"Your friends, your parents, what about you, yourself?" Liu Qinglin asked.

"I am very realistic, I can't help but care about other people's opinions. So I'm sorry."

For the first time in his life, he pursued a girl he liked, and she clearly rejected him. His pride prevented him from pestering her.

He wouldn't blame her, because what she said was indeed true between the two of them.

But he was a little unwilling to quit just like that.

He didn't know what to do next. But age and education were indeed problems that could not be solved immediately.

It happened that he had to open a store before and after the New Year, so he became busy. When he was almost done, he learned from her friends that Cheng Guo had gone on a blind date!

He was very angry.

More frustrated.

The other party clearly rejected him. The two were not in a relationship. Cheng Guo was just going on a blind date. Even if they were going to get married, he couldn't control it.

He gave her friend the tickets to her favorite star's concert that he had bought from a friend in advance at a high price.

Let her friend say that she bought it herself and ask Cheng Guo to see it.

He was going to give up, but he couldn't help but pay attention to her.

But Cheng Guo refused completely and blocked his contact information, which made it clear that it was impossible.

He was also going to give up. For some reason, Cheng Guo's friend told Liu Qinglin the time and place of her blind date and dinner with the blind date.

Liu Qinglin showed up at the restaurant where she was going on a blind date in advance.

Then he saw her and a boy with glasses and a bookish look walked in together.

She also saw herself.

There was a moment of panic, and then it returned to normal.

The two did not say hello or chat.

The distance between them was not far, and as long as he looked up, he could see that Liu Qinglin was eating the food in front of him with a calm face, like chewing wax.

He could see that she and the other party were talking happily.

The two ate quickly, and after the meal, Cheng Guo and the blind date boy left together.

Liu Qinglin thought she had left, and he was going to pay the bill and leave, but she came back.

Sitting opposite him. Looking at him without saying anything.

"What's wrong?" Liu Qinglin asked.

Cheng Guo looked at him angrily and said angrily: "You are so annoying."

"You are so mean."

"It's all your fault!"

"My blind date failed."

"I didn't say a word, and I didn't do anything." Liu Qinglin thought she was blaming him for being here today, and explained.

"Failure is failure. I don't think he is worthy of you. The other party is not very tall and looks weak." After thinking about it, he comforted her.

"The other party is three years older than me, 28 years old, graduated from a key university, has a stable job and good career prospects. His mother is a teacher like my mother. His mother likes me very much. His father is in business. There are three houses and two cars in the family!"

"Are the conditions good?" Cheng Guo asked.

Liu Qinglin couldn't go against his will, so he could only nod.

"I didn't like the blind date with such good conditions." She said aggrievedly.

Liu Qinglin had been about to give up, but because of her words, her heart became active again.

"Because of me?" Liu Qinglin asked uncertainly.

"If not you, then who else!!"

"The blind date was very satisfied with me just now and asked me to go on a date again, but I refused him!" Cheng Guo became more and more angry as she spoke.

With such good conditions, she just refused the other party's invitation to go on a date again.

She didn't know what her mother would say to her after she went back, and whether her sister-in-law would sneer at her.

But she still refused clearly.

Just because of the bad man in front of her named Liu Qinglin


"The conditions are really good, why don't you like it?" Liu Qinglin asked.

Cheng Guo looked at him with resentment in her eyes, "What do you think!"

Then she looked at his smiling eyes and immediately lost her confidence.

Liu Qinglin pulled her hand, and she shook it off in anger.

Liu Qinglin pulled again, but she couldn't shake it off, so she gave up.

Liu Qinglin pulled her into his arms.

Then her heart, which had been restless and had nowhere to rest recently, also settled down a lot with his hug.

Cheng Guo felt that she was finished.

She was in love and her mind was not clear.

She looked at Liu Qinglin and he was so good-looking. She never knew that she was such a superficial person and someone who paid so much attention to a man's appearance.

She was 25 years old, the best age for marriage. Finding a man with good conditions, a house in the local area, and parents with stable jobs was her best choice.

But she was in love and fell in love with a man who was good-looking, kind to her, but only had a junior high school education, no local hukou, no formal unit, and sold things on Taobao. He was younger than her.

"You didn't like him, so do you like me?" Liu Qinglin asked, and Cheng Guo was so angry that he pushed him away.

"Don't go, I was wrong, I like you and pestered you, so you didn't like him." Cheng Guo stopped struggling.

"You like me, I'm also very good, my conditions may not be as good as your blind date now, but I will definitely make you happy with me." Liu Qinglin said solemnly and seriously.

"Humph! I gave up such good conditions for you and chose you. If you are not good to me, I will..." After speaking, he raised his fist, Liu Qinglin held it, and then laughed happily.

"Just now I just wanted to send him away quickly, I didn't eat enough." Cheng Guo complained.

"Let's order what you want to eat." Liu Qinglin immediately asked the waiter to bring the menu.

With a wave of his hand, he ordered many special dishes.

"Okay, okay, how can I eat so much, and it's not cheap here." Cheng Guo immediately crossed out the food Liu Qinglin had just ordered, leaving a few of his favorites.

"You have money, eat without worry."

"Then I want to drink milk tea after dinner."

"I'll take you to buy it."

"You said before that you would take me to see my idol's concert, are you still going?"

"That...ticket." The tickets were hard to buy, so he bought two and gave them to her friend.

"I got it back. My friend is so stingy, she can spend money to treat me, it's so fake! I knew you bought it, I want you to go with me!"


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