The two of them went to the supermarket to buy a lot of daily necessities.

The rice at home was gone, so someone mentioned it with Xu Mo today, and bought a bag of rice.

They also bought a lot of fruit snacks.

Whenever they were at home on weekends, they would usually cook together at home. After Jiang Xue's words and deeds, Xu Mo could not only make fried rice with eggs, but also several dishes that he often liked.

When Xu Mo drove back, Jiang Xue took out a bag of potato chips and ate them while feeding Xu Mo.

Xu Mo was distracted while driving and watched her eating with small bites, his eyes full of pampering. When he noticed that there were potato chip crumbs on her mouth, Xu Mo took out a tissue and handed it to Jiang Xue.

"After the exam, what are your plans for the summer vacation?" Xu Mo asked Jiang Xue.

"Going out to travel, then working, what about you, will you go home during the summer vacation?" Jiang Xue has no plans yet. She and Yu Juan have agreed to visit her during the summer vacation.

"I will help in the laboratory of another department for more than a month in July. I don't have any plans in August to go out with you."

"Are you not going home?" Jiang Xue asked.

"I have told my family that I will stay at home for two days before school starts." Xu Mo replied.

"Then we will plan where to go when the time comes!"

Throughout July, Jiang Xue planned her studies, and then took photos for the autumn and winter seasons. She had plenty of time to inspect several industries she invested in.

Give some development suggestions.

At the end of July, Jiang Xue received a call from Yang Wengang, saying that after several rounds of contact with Jingsheng, Jingsheng had already agreed and reached a preliminary cooperation intention.

Jiang Xue felt that it would be better to make her plans clear to Lu Rang before making a decision.

Then it was Sun Jin's side. If he had no problem, he could sign.

Then he found an opportunity to invite Lu Rang out for lunch.

After investing in Sun Jin's Jinxin, Lu Rang basically had no contact with Jiang Xue.

Her company's employees were the ones to contact him about the company's issues.

Taking the initiative to invite him out for dinner, and only two people were having dinner, which made Lu Rang doubt Jiang Xue's intentions.

It couldn't be that Jiang Xue was going to break up with Xu Mo and was going to develop herself.

Jiang Xue didn't look like that.

With curiosity, he shaved, cut his hair, and changed into clean new clothes.

After fiddling with himself in the mirror for a long time, he arrived at the restaurant that Jiang Xue had agreed to in advance, and waited for Jiang Xue to come for the appointment with a little expectation.

Then he saw Jiang Xue dressed very businesslike and appeared with information.

"I plan to sell Jinxin's shares while the market is good now?" After sitting down, Jiang Xue bluntly said that she planned to invite Lu Rang for dinner.

Jiang Xue's words almost made Lu Rang think he had misheard.

"So fast? Is there a buyer?"

"Why do you want to sell it?" Lu Rang felt that his brain was a little bit stuck. This news was too sudden.

Jiang Xue did not beat around the bush and directly stated her intention: "Jingsheng wants to buy it."

Lu Rang stopped all his actions and looked at Jiang Xue without blinking. Almost instantly, he figured out all of Jiang Xue's plans and intentions.

"You are not selling shares, you are selling Lao Sun together!" Lu Rang said a little angrily.

He further guessed that in fact, when Jiang Xue first acquired it, he only thought of it as an investment and wanted to maximize profits.

Unlike his own mentality, he thought that Lao Sun was in trouble, and he and Jiang Xue invested money to help him through the difficulties.

Lao Sun survived, and they would reap the benefits in the future as Lao Sun's software became profitable.

He thought Jiang Xue had the same idea as him, and this was a win-win investment.

Now I realize that Jiang Xue didn't think so. She probably had made plans before investing in Lao Sun, so she signed a contract with me. She wanted absolute controlling rights, because only in this way would there be no resistance when selling.

And after the funds arrived, they made a big fuss online and offline. The external publicity asked Lao Sun to exaggerate the total investment amount and spend a lot of money on marketing and promotion. In fact, these were just plans from the beginning of the cooperation. He planned to leave in the middle to prepare for the cash out later.

Not only was Lao Sun sold out inexplicably, he himself didn't realize it at all.

He really thought he was smart, but was fooled by Jiang Xue.

Lu Rang looked at Jiang Xue again, with a scrutinizing look.

"Lao Sun is my friend. I made this investment. Lao Sun has invested so much effort in Jinxin. How can you let him accept his heart?

The blood was sold, and it was sold to Jingsheng, who had suppressed him before and wanted to surpass him. "

"Lu Rang, I want to apologize to you for this, but I am a businessman, and my company is also an investment company. Sun Jin and I didn't know each other at the beginning. I invested such a large sum of money because I saw that there would be returns. Now there is an opportunity to cash out and leave, I must not miss it." Jiang Xue explained her position.

"Jinxin has a good development momentum and will definitely bring us a lot of income in the future. There is no need to sell it now. We can give him some time and wait. . "Lu Rang wanted to persuade Jiang Xue again to see if she could change her mind.

"Jingsheng plans to go public in the United States. You can check Jingsheng's background information and the background of the investment companies in several rounds of financing. With so much money, they are heading for listing. Before, he took action against Sun Jin to clear the obstacles that were not yet ready. I stepped in. As you said, the development momentum is very strong, so strong that the other party regards Jinxin as an opponent, not an obstacle that can be dealt with with a little effort.

We now have two options: accept Jingsheng's olive branch and leave with the multiplied money, or fight against Jingsheng and the investment companies and capital behind him. In order to go public, they will spare no effort and spend a lot of money to encircle and suppress us. Do you think Jinxin can beat Jingsheng? "

Lu Rang was silent after hearing this, with no expression on his face.

"Lu Rang, aren't you curious about how much Jingsheng's acquisition funds are?"

"How much." Lu Rang asked.

"The 51% of the shares I hold have been negotiated for 50 million. "Jiang Xue didn't keep him in suspense and said it directly.

Lu Rang didn't expect it to be so much.

Then his three million, in just two or three months, turned into more than ten million.

That was really a successful investment, with such a huge return in such a short period of time.

If he wasn't also a part of it, he would only think Jiang Xue was awesome after hearing it.

Very smart, very powerful.

But now he was in it.

"You are the major shareholder of Jinxin, you sold your shares to Jingsheng, then how did Old Sun arrange it?"

"Jingsheng said that they want Sun Jin to stay in Jinxin Company. If he is willing, he will still be the CEO."

"What if he doesn't want to?" Lu Rang asked again.

"According to relevant legal provisions, the rights of small shareholders will be protected. Jingsheng is willing to purchase his shares at the price of purchasing my shares."

"If he doesn't choose to take the money and leave, Jingsheng will give an explanation to the investment capital in order to go public, so the purchase money, or more than the purchase money, will become a budget to deal with us in reverse. ”

“So what choice do you think I should make?” Jiang Xue explained clearly and threw the question to Lu Rang, wanting to hear what he would say.

Lu Rang felt that his mind was in a mess.

He admitted that what Jiang Xue said made sense, but when he thought of Sun Jin, the other party helped him be a friend. They drank together some time ago. He was very grateful to him and said that he helped introduce Jiang Xue to him. He can still be so successful now, otherwise he would have gone bankrupt.

He felt like he had betrayed a friend.

He also felt like he was stabbed in the back by Jiang Xue.

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