The case is still under investigation.

If the other party only posted to the group, and the subsequent posts and Weibo were not posted by him, it would be difficult to send him to prison.

The police station would detain him for a few days at most, impose administrative penalties, and release him after leaving a criminal record.

However, the lawyer said that Jiang Xue could sue him.

The result is unknown.

However, even if the law can only punish them slightly, as the culprit of this incident, she does not believe that the school will not do nothing.

The punishment will have an impact on postgraduate entrance examinations or future employment.

At the same time, Jiang Xue's company's marketing account published some blog posts and videos to refute the rumors.

In addition, some accounts received lawyers' letters.

Soon, those who deleted posts deleted posts, and those who apologized apologized.

The incident slowly calmed down.

It was the beginning of August.

Xu Mo had been planning their travel strategy for the rest of their summer vacation these two days. The two decided to fly to Yu Juan first, play in the city where Yu Juan was, and then set off from Chengdu to other surrounding cities, planning other itineraries while playing.

At the same time, the two hadn't gone out on a date for a long time. Before the trip, they went to the movies together and visited the food street under the mall.

Then they found that there was a milk tea shop on this street.

Jiang Xue immediately joined the crowd to line up for milk tea after seeing it, while Xu Mo helped Jiang Xue buy the snacks she wanted to eat, and waited for Jiang Xue to line up next to her.

Xu Mo was playing with his mobile phone and waiting on the side, when a sneaky boy suddenly appeared beside him.

Xu Mo, who realized it later, thought that he seemed to have seen this boy several times along the way to the snack street today. Did he go with them?

The other party's sight was obvious, and he seemed to know them.

Seeing Xu Mo waiting here alone and Xu Mo saw him, the boy took the initiative to come forward and talk.

"Brother, I'm curious, how much is it per time?" Xu Mo showed a trace of confusion on his face after hearing this.

The boy looked young, in his twenties, and he laughed obscenely when he asked this question. Xu Mo couldn't help but feel an inexplicable disgust in his heart.

"How much is it per time?" Xu Mo asked.

The man's eyes fell on Jiang Xue not far away, and then pointed at her with his chin, "Isn't she a seller? How much is she so beautiful, brother?" There was a kind of contempt and ridicule in his words.

Xu Mo clenched his fists tightly, trying to suppress his emotions, staring at the man seriously and said: "Shut up, please stop your rumors, this is my girlfriend."

"Is it true? Your girlfriend is famous on the Internet. Not only does she sell, but she also serves two people at a time."

After the boy finished speaking, he felt a pain on his face.

Xu Mo punched him.

He was about to come up and continue to beat him. Jiang Xue, who was waiting in line at the side, quickly grabbed Xu Mo and asked with a puzzled look on her face: "What's wrong? Why did you suddenly hit him?"

Xu Mo was too embarrassed to explain what the boy said to Jiang Xue, so as not to pollute Jiang Xue's ears, and only said: "He has a foul mouth."

Jiang Xue frowned slightly, obviously not believing Xu Mo's explanation.

She looked at the boy who was beaten, and he was not someone she knew.

"What did you say? Why is he so angry?" Jiang Xue asked sharply.

The boy covered his face and said a little angrily, "I think he is sick, I want to call the police."

"You report it, report it quickly, if you don't report it, I will report it." Xu Mo pointed at the other party angrily and said.

Jiang Xue looked at Xu Mo and had never seen such an angry look on his face.

He has a good personality and temper, and he would not do things like hitting people in the street for no reason.

The other party must have said or done something that made him particularly angry.

"How disgusting did he say that you could hit him?" Jiang Xue asked Xu Mo.

Before Xu Mo answered, the boy took the initiative to say to Jiang Xue with a smile: "I didn't know he was your boyfriend, I thought he was also your customer, so I asked about the price."

After hearing what the boy said, Jiang Xue let go of Xu Mo's hand and her expression turned cold.

Looking at the man without blinking, the man was a little scared by Jiang Xue's gaze, "Why, your boyfriend doesn't know yet, he's too pitiful."

"I saw your photo in the group yesterday, isn't it you? You look exactly like the photo."

The boy said hesitantly, and one side of his face hurt without paying attention. Before he could react, the other half of his face was slapped again.

"Call the police, right? Call the police quickly, you stinky man." It was Jiang Xue who beat him, and she said angrily after beating him.

The man wanted to fight back, but was beaten by the other side.

Xu Mo, who was standing by, stopped them, and then they started a two-on-one fight.

Or the passers-by couldn't stand it anymore and called the police.

The three of them came to the police station. Xu Mo started the fight first, but the other party started the verbal provocation first.

The fight wasn't serious, so the police asked the two sides to mediate.

"You deserve it." Jiang Xue refused to apologize. Not only that, Jiang Xue also called a lawyer, with an attitude that she would not give in and could not settle the matter peacefully.

"It is illegal to solicit prostitution in our country. You asked people the price on the street, and you must be a frequent prostitute."

"Do you have a school? Do you have a family? Do you have friends? I really want to ask them if they know you are this kind of person?" Jiang Xue asked angrily.

The police officer in charge coughed next to him, indicating that Jiang Xue was not allowed to threaten people.

The other party was also shocked. After listening to Jiang Xue and the police's explanation, he knew it was a rumor. The other party had already clarified it, and he was the one who asked the question first. The police said a few more threatening words, saying that his behavior was considered harassment. Although the other party started it first and he also fought back, it could only be considered mutual fighting. He immediately stopped asking Jiang Xue and Xu Mo to apologize, but kept explaining that he didn't know the situation, but just saw Jiang Xue's photo in the group and thought Jiang Xue was a prostitute.

"Take out your phone and find the group." Xu Mo said.

The other party took out his phone obediently and opened the group he mentioned.

Jiang Xue took it and looked at it. In addition to the previous photos, there were also her life photos posted on social media. The person who posted the photos said that he heard that the beauty of the Beijing University department had gone to the sea, and asked if there were any brothers who had played with it and how it was.

Then a group of people took her photos in the group and estimated the price.

It was full of stench.

Jiang Xue wanted to throw her phone away.

Trying to calm herself down, she handed the phone to the lawyer and asked him to collect evidence. It happened to be at the police station, so she continued to call the police directly.

Jiang Xue didn't think the matter was serious at first. It was just a misunderstanding, and she just needed to explain it.

Unexpectedly, it would never end.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I got!

Jiang Xue was still angry when she got home.

Xu Mo was there to accompany her when he noticed Jiang Xue's anger, and patiently coaxed her not to care.

"I think I should do something," Jiang Xue said.

If she didn't do anything, she would always feel uncomfortable because she hadn't vented her anger.

"I collected evidence and called the police. The police or lawyers will handle it," Xu Mo said.

"It still feels not enough." Through this incident, even though Jiang Xue actively fought back, and even though she was a lawyer and she herself took so much effort.

Some platforms have removed these comments, but some groups are still spreading them, using her photos to create new rumors.

It is conceivable that if an ordinary person encounters these, it will be very troublesome to collect evidence and refute the rumors.

"When I encountered this kind of thing, I actively fought back and sued, so the relevant persons involved were dealt with by public security, and criminal responsibility can be pursued if the conditions are met later. my country's criminal law has the crimes of insult and defamation, but these are all crimes of personal prosecution. They will be dealt with only if I sue, otherwise they will not be dealt with."

"Many girls who encounter this kind of thing can't explain it clearly even if they have eight hundred mouths."

"They don't know how to collect evidence, don't know how to sue. Without the help of a lawyer, they don't know how to punish those who hide behind the Internet and point fingers and speak ill of each other."

"I won't go out to play for now, and I'll change my flight ticket first. I want to make a few popular science videos about what I encountered this time."

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