The next day, she went to the company and continued to be busy with work. During the afternoon tea time, several male and female colleagues gathered in the tea room. She heard a female colleague who entered the company at the same time as her and was still working at the bottom level chatting and laughing with other colleagues in the tea room. Feng Xuan turned on the recording, "Do you know? Didn't that person take a day off some time ago? It seems that she went to have an abortion." "It's the confinement period anyway, so why not take a few more days off." "I heard from Xiaoli that she and the boss left together yesterday. It was very late when they left. Before leaving, they were teased in the boss's office and their walking posture was not quite right." "Then she hasn't finished the confinement period yet. She is really working hard." A group of people laughed together. Feng Xuan could hear the malice in their laughter through the door. Feng Xuan seized the opportunity without hesitation, opened the door and immediately asked back: "I went to the hospital to have an abortion and saw it with my own eyes? What was the specific situation at that time? What day and time, which hospital." Her words revealed firmness and confidence.

This sudden question caught the colleagues present off guard. The female colleague who had just spoken began to stammer and tried to avoid the question. But Feng Xuan held on tightly and continued to ask for details, revealing the loopholes in the other party's words step by step.

"I didn't mention you by name, so don't take it personally." The other party couldn't answer, so he began to respond with a rogue attitude.

"Oh, it's not me. Then after I left work with the boss yesterday, the boss came back to the company? And left the company with other colleagues? Who is this person? You, come with me to ask the boss." Feng Xuan pointed at the female colleague and was about to come over to pull her.

Of course, the other party refused. Feng Xuan ignored her struggle and used a lot of strength to pull her to the direction of the boss's office, just in time to meet the boss who was about to return to the office at the door.

Feng Xuan called the boss and asked directly: "Boss, the company is saying that I was reporting to you in the office yesterday, but I actually had sex with you in your office. Boss, did I sleep with you yesterday?"

Boss: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Feng Xuan: "Boss, then tell everyone, have I slept with you? How many times did you sleep with me? How did you sleep with me? Is it because you slept with me that I was promoted? So the training opportunity belongs to me?"

The boss frowned and looked puzzled, "What are you doing? What nonsense are you talking about? And you guys, this is a company, not a vegetable market."

"I didn't do anything? Everyone is very curious and discusses it every day. You come to answer and satisfy everyone's curiosity, so that everyone can go to work with peace of mind, instead of gossiping every day with pay."

"Manager Feng, what are you doing?" The boss asked sternly.

"I'm not making a scene." Feng Xuan said seriously, "I'm trying to protect the environment in which a hard-working woman can continue to work in the company."

"As a boss, you have an obligation to provide an environment without dirty rumors for your excellent female employees."

Feng Xuan pointed at the group of people who had just gossiped in the tea room, "If you allow this group of idiots who don't work hard to make up a story about a female employee who works overtime to create benefits for the company today without doing anything, then I'll resign and find another job!"

The boss frowned, but softened his tone and looked at the silent group of people: "How do you want me to deal with it?"

"You." Feng Xuan pointed at the woman who took the lead in saying bad things about her and entered the company at the same time as her, "As a grassroots employee of the company, you are discussing the private lives of the company's executives. Please hand me your resignation letter."

The woman immediately refused, "Why? You are not my boss, and I am not the only one talking about you. You fired me just because I said a few words of gossip about you."

"Gossip?" Feng Xuan sneered.

"If you don't have solid evidence, don't spread rumors and slander others at will. I will protect my rights through legal means and let you rumormongers know that you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want."

"And you said that you are not the only one who said it. Who else said it? You? You again." The group of people who were gossiping happily in the tea room just now didn't dare to look at her.

"I didn't, I just listened to what she said."

"We know what kind of person you are. She slandered you. She was jealous that you and she entered the company at the same time and your position is higher than yours."

Looked around, and finally looked at the boss to put pressure on him.

The boss's momentum was also weakened by her. One is an ordinary employee, and the other is a company executive. They can bring benefits to the company. The boss is not stupid and knows how to choose.

"You, submit your resignation letter, or wait for the company to fire you

You." After the boss finished speaking, he said to the crowd watching the excitement: "Why are you still gathering here? Don't you want to work anymore?"

Everyone scattered.

Feng Xuan looked at the pale female colleague and continued, "You can't fight me head-on, so you throw dirty water on me from behind. Didn't you say that I am unscrupulous and bully people by taking advantage of my power? I took advantage of my power to bully you. Do you have the ability to fight back?"

"Hehe, in the workplace, incompetence is a weakness."

"Humph, resign if you want to, crappy job, don't do it if you don't want to do it, I said you slept with the boss and the client, I don't have evidence, do you have evidence to prove that you didn't? You think you win by making such a fuss today and letting the boss fire me. Those who should talk about you behind your back will still talk about you, if you have the ability, let the boss fire everyone."

"Did you forget what I just said, you can eat whatever you want but you can't say whatever you want, it's easy if you admit to spreading rumors about me, just wait for the court summons. "After saying that, he patted the woman's shoulder and left with a smile.

After getting off work early and returning home, Feng Xuan gave Jiang Xue feedback on her series of operations today.

She explained in detail how she did it, what she said, and everyone's expressions.

For this fan's execution and a series of operations, Jiang Xue couldn't help but applaud her.

She couldn't help but want to make a video of the other party's operations and share them.

She asked the other party's wishes and got an answer of agreement.

Checking the other party's Weibo, some of the check-in addresses are also in Kyoto.

"Are you also working in Kyoto? If you are not happy with your current company and want to fire it, you can consider working in my company. "

Feng Xuan said yes, but she didn't take it seriously.

After resigning and looking for a job, she thought about this joke and contacted Jiang Xue, and she really got a very good job.

Of course, this is all later.

Feng Xuan's incident made Jiang Xue realize the influence and significance of posting this video.

Jiang Xue applied for an account for this incident, and attracted thousands of fans by cursing people before.

This incident was posted for a day, and there were views, and the comment area was also very lively. Everyone talked about their experiences, but this Weibo post did not explode.

It doesn't matter. I just earned a large sum of money. I have plenty of money. I opened the online bank, recharged, and invested.

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