Life swap game

244. Pharmaceutical LV6 (Third update/Additional update for leader River Jiujiu)

After clicking on the envelope, Xia Yu got a reminder that the task had been completed.

The completion of the task was expected by Xia Yu, but Xia Yu did not expect that he would receive the news of completion just after he finished the exam.

After accepting the LV5 level improvement card, Xia Yu thought that now all that was left was to change the skill of making medicine to LV5.

After returning home, he played games as usual until the evening, and then logged into Youxue's body.

Giving himself a piece of comfort, he hung up and collected game points.

In the following days, he played games every day during the day, went to Youxue's to get 1.5 times the game points at night, and went to Yin Shulan's every three days to check on the development status and conduct further research.

On the night of the 24th, the college entrance examination results came out. Xia Yu became the top scorer in Jiangsu Province without any suspense. He scored 442 points, surpassing the second place by 22 points.

Youxue and Kong Hanyue were overjoyed. Their classmates also sent congratulations, and some media came to interview them.

Xia Yu only accepted one reporter who was an acquaintance from the past, and rejected everything else.

Kong Hanyue also wanted to hold a celebration banquet for Xia Yu, but Xia Yu refused.

Xia Yu didn't do it, but Gui Zixiao's family was planning to do one, scheduled for a week later.

Gui Zixiao surpassed the first line by twelve points, which is already a great result. In the last semester, his grades were not even up to the second grade.

His father did not break his promise and immediately gave him a Pig-Headed Man, and his brother also gave him a handheld console.

Now, Gui Zixiao has completely turned into a useless person. He only eats, sleeps and plays games every day.

Xia Yu would go shopping and watch movies with Youxue from time to time. Gui Zixiao was even more depraved than Xia Yu.

On the morning of the 27th, Xia Yu came to Yin Shulan's body.

He came to the research room and continued research on new drugs.

Research has reached a bottleneck. The level of LV4 pharmaceuticals is still too low to support Xia Yu in completing his research.

Xia Yu sighed.

"Teacher Yin, why are you sighing?" the young assistant asked while recording the data.

"My ability is still too poor." Xia Yu replied.

"...You are responsible for a research and development team by yourself, and you are still incompetent?" The young assistant could see the trouble on Xia Yu's face. This farewell was very sincere, which made it even more difficult for him to accept.

If your level is not good enough, then who do you think you are?

"The reason why one person takes over a team is because I know everything and don't need help from others. It has little to do with the quality of my abilities. One is breadth and the other is depth." Xia Yu explained.

"You are asking too much," the young man said.

Shaking his head, Xia Yu continued to look at the microscope.

In the afternoon, the young assistant's cell phone rang. After going out to answer the phone, he walked in and told Xia Yu in surprise: "Your research company has set a price, 30 million."

The young man was talking about the previous acquisition of Xia Yu's research on a previous drug.

"Oh." Xia Yu's mood was calm.

Ten million is no longer what he pursues, and this money is for Yin Shulan, so he can't take it.

Xia Yu was calm, but Yin Shulan couldn't be calm.

[Yin Shulan’s bonus has been increased to LV3]

[You can choose one of the following rewards...]

Xia Yu thought about it. The last time Yin Shulan's bonus was increased, it was also when giving money. Is this old lady so realistic?

He glanced at the rewards, which were the skill level improvement card LV3, the managed AI character change, and a ten-fold experience card.

Rewards are average.

Instead of choosing, Xia Yu saved it first and made a choice when needed.

He then thought about the purchase price of 30 million.

If this drug will be successful, the price is too low, but in fact, even Xia Yu cannot guarantee that this drug will be successful. This is a very risky acquisition.

Moreover, the initial research and development cost of a drug is the lowest among many links.

The subsequent phase three clinical trials and marketing research and development are expensive and laborious matters.

After a set of procedures, it will take another five or six years and an investment of about 100 million to complete this drug.

Thirty million is already not low.

Nodding in agreement, Xia Yu continued his research.

Another hour later, Xia Yu saw that the pharmaceutical had changed from LV4 to LV5.

In an instant, many points that he had not thought about before were highlighted in Xia Yu's mind.

A new research plan emerged in Xia Yu's mind.

After getting used to the LV5 medicine, Xia Yu took out the skill level improvement card and clicked to use it.

Pharmaceutical has become LV6 again.

This is his first LV6 skill.

[A skill has reached LV6]

[You have received a reward from the game]

[Please choose one from the following three items:]

【1. Blank field card】

【2. Body search opportunity】


Xia Yu could understand the first two options, but for the last one, Xia Yu was sure that there was nothing wrong with his eyes. It was indeed a string of garbled characters.

He really wanted to click on the garbled code and try it, but reality is not a game. He touched strange things out of curiosity, and then was killed by the group. This was a standard plot of a horror movie.

Leave it alone for now.

Saving this opportunity for now, Xia Yu touched his chin.

When he reached piano LV3, he also received a reward. This reward was given to the first skill to reach that level, and it could only be given once.

Before, he thought that there would be one after LV3 broke through to LV4 for the first time, but it turned out that there was no one. Now it seems that there is one for every three levels.

After writing down this information, Xia Yu came to his notebook and started writing a new drug plan using LV6 medicine.

He first took out Xu Youxiang's medical records and many examination reports and looked at them.

To make medicine, you must understand medicine. Medicine is for diseases, so Xia Yu understood Xu Youxiang's disease after a simple study.

As he watched, a storm surged in his mind. The storm disrupted everything and arranged it in a completely new way.

Stretching out his hand, Xia Yu tapped the keyboard flexibly and wrote down his thoughts.

On the skill panel, while medicine is shining brightly, inspiration is also shining.

It's just a sign that the skill is in use.

In an hour, Xia Yu finished roughly writing down the thoughts in his mind, and the eight hours were up.

Yin Shulan's bonus has reached LV3, Xia Yu can continue to stay in Yin Shulan's body, and he continues to perfect his ideas.

At night, when the moon was high in the sky, Xia Yu opened a new document and prepared to write down what he wanted Yin Shulan to do.

But as soon as he typed a character, his vision went black and he returned to his body.


[Yin Shulan’s fear level has reached critical value, you have been offline]

The last time he was kicked was when he was practicing yoga with An Siyao's body.

Xia Yu could understand An Siyao's shyness, but what was Yin Shulan's fear about?

The prompt is not over yet, new text appears.

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