I can't say for certain there were no survivors, but I can say that the Night's Watch ended that night. Without the Night's Watch or the wall blocking the south and with undead monsters in the north the free folk flooded south. The only good thing for the seven kingdoms is that the free folk were no longer an army, but a countless number of individual groups. Everyone joined together to go south, but with how easily it was accomplished fewer and fewer people saw the need to keep together. It only took a few days for Mance's entire camp to go south past the wall. I lead the giants just north on the wall and the set out to complete the linchpin of my plan.

I practiced on Rayquaza to see just how fast he could go while I still held on, quick dives, dragon jousting, and teleporting escape with Walts on my back. I went to the sky with Rayquaza searching for the Night King using his extreme speed to help search the land. I eventually found him near the border of the Lands of Always Winter. He wasn't even surrounded by undead. There were two Others and a hand full of White Walkers, but no horde. I dove at him at speeds near a formula one race car and slammed Great Reason into his c.h.e.s.t before he even had time to react to me. He turned to ice and shattered as did the Others and Walker nearby. It was thoroughly disappointing in the show and even more so in real life. But I'm not really going to complain about easy to kill zombies. Just more reasons to never have anything with a single fail point. I mean it's like buying a house where if the heater broke the entire house collapsed. It's that but applied to a species.

I have Rayquza take me back to the giants were I share the news. This time I don't hide Rayquaza from them. Unbelievable news becomes more believable when told by a person riding a dragon. I tell them of my defeat over the Night King and how I have now reclaimed the true north back from the humans. I thought maybe there would be some upset over tricking the Free Folk to go south, but I've become incapable of error to my people. I'm their giant messiah and unless I do something terrible to giants I'm in the clear. Unfortunately, that's all been the easy part. The b.a.r.e minimum for giant survival, now I need to make them thrive.

I delegated most of the daily control of the tribe to Mag Mar Tun Doh Weg while I worked on the larger projects. The first being using Kwan and Rayquaza to use Ice and Water moves to fill in the tunnel in the wall in order to block people from coming back north. It only took a couple of days to finish patching up the wall. After patching the hole I went and raided the Night's Watch's 19 castles along the wall. I knew only three were even occupied but thought the others may still have supplies. They did not. Castle Black was ransacked and the other castles were in only slightly better shape. All of them were completely abandoned. Two of the castles looked recently occupied, but still equally deserted. I guess news of the fall of castle black reached the Shadow tower and East Watch and they decided the order had fallen. There was no food, weapons, or trade goods to be found. There were some furnishings and general tools, but nothing useful for the giants. However, there were plenty of books in Castle Black the free folk had left the Libary completely untouched. The 16 abandoned castles had a few tomes, but most were in terrible condition due to exposure. The Shadow tower's and East Watch's library were also empty.

It makes sense every castle needs a Maester. A Maester is a scholarly adviser, a doctor, a message, and more. Every castle filled with fighting soldiers needs one. East-Watch's and Shadow Tower's maesters must have taken the admittedly smaller libraries with them when they fled or they were all concentrated at Castle Black. I take the books from Castle Black and the various other castle and added them to my growing collection of unread books. I want to read them, but right now any time I spend academically I spend it with Sarea.

With the castles sufficiently looted I move onto the next part of my plan. A project I like to call operation No Foothold. Every Week I visit a castle on the Wall then completely destroy it with the horn. Which works, but is rather slow and gives me a lot of downtime. Mag Mar Tun Doh Weg does a good job running the day to day, and there are really no immediate problems for me to deal with. Without the free folk, there is basically no competition for food. So I spend my time on a couple of other more involved side projects. Finding the children of the forest. Keeping track of what happening south of the wall just to make sure it won't affect us. Learning Valyrian. Occasionally I also need to use Walts for healing either injured hunters or for pregnant giants during birth.

Giants typically have a 15-month pregnancy producing 2-4 kids on average, however, it has almost a 100% fatality rate for the mother. So I make sure I'm at every birth with Walts healing them. Leaving them ready to look after their kids or even have more.

Finding the children wasn't very difficult as they found me. They came to me after confirming that the others were indeed gone. I was surprised that after their destruction the three-eyed raven died. It was his death that alerted them to the change. The children might seem non-violent at first thought, but they are f.u.c.k.i.n.g vicious. They loved me tricking the human out of the north. The giants and children had a pact before man so it wasn't too hard to work out a new given how few of us there were. We talked out terms of mutual cooperation with keeping the human away and both of our people safe.

The first act of this pact was for the children to reinforce and reverse the protections on the wall. I asked about it and it seems their magic is like druidic sorcery and you need to have an appropriate bloodline to perform the rituals. Meaning the magic was largely restricted just to the children and nothing would be helpful for me. They are lucky to be able to pull off as much as they do. There is no way they could reenchant or rebuild the wall now with so few of them left. The fact the wall and it's magic was still intact meant all they needed to do was modify the protections which is possible for them. Despite the new peace, both groups kept mostly to themselves. Both shared belief in the old ways and gods, but their societies are completely different.

While helping the children with their ritual and occasionally destroying a castle I also checked in on the things going on in the south.

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