The immediate concern is that I'm n.a.k.e.d. That ruin drawback wasn't messing around. It's more of a legal and emotional concern than a health one. It's still August and its a fairly nice night so I've got a little leeway time-wise. I could go to the police. Well, hypothetically I could go to the police. I don't have a phone to call them, payphones don't exist, and walking across town to the police precinct n.a.k.e.d is my last resort. Could dumpster dive for makeshift clothes? Although I think there's a thrift store 2 blocks away.

Using the cover of night I run over to the thrift store. My new IR vision lets me know no one else is around and my new speed gets me to the thrift shop in under two minutes. I'm glad younger me had years to get used to all the new changes it's still a bit jarring though. Younger me knew he wasn't normal, but had no frame of reference to really understand. How I feel right now is ridiculous. No 14 year should feel this powerful. I'm basically Captain America with slightly different aptitudes. Being able to move and react as fast as I do is like no longer being affected by gravity. I feel free of restraints I didn't know I had.

I also have a body no 14-year-old should. I've got the body of an a.d.u.l.t comic superhero. People in this world still have normal body proportions unless their quirk specifically effects that. With the exception of All Might and Endeavor, no one has anything close to the superhero physique. I don't even have the sidekick physique I skipped that. I'm nearly 6 ft tall and 250lbs I went straight to Superman physique and I'm not done growing. Younger me didn't even realize that his heat vision wasn't how everyone else saw the world. Or that the sharp whistling noises that only I could hear were probably dog whistles. Another thing I hadn't noticed was a subtle tingling I got in the back of my neck right before I would get hit in a fight or when I was just about to get mugged. I hadn't known what to look for, but I do have a bit of a danger sense. It's just barely noticeable and to a quirkless kid if I had even realized it I rationalized it as a gut feeling. But that is something that needs some work.

Once at the thrift store I went around back to their dumpsters and recycling bins. Japan's got strict resale laws so a lot of donations have to be thrown away or recycled. Shopping for clothes post quirks has become a hassle finding the right size for people because of all the nonstandard modifications that are needed. Tailors and baggy clothes, however, are in right now. I find a good selection of stretchy/ baggy clothes I immediately put on some basketball shorts, flip flops, and a tank top. I luck out and find a backpack also. The employees must have missed it when going through the other clothes. I pack up some u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r and 2 more full sets of clothes in my backpack which I'll wash before wearing later.

Now clothed I have time to think about my other immediate concerns. Food and water for obvious reasons. Shelter is also a much higher concern now. Past me didn't know anything about the criminal underground, but I know as a uniquely talented quirkless kid I might be taken by all for one or really any gang. Sleeping on the streets has already gotten me mugged once in three months. Then I need to make sure I'm eligible to take the UA entrance exam. Then make sure I can pass it. The first three can be solved with money, so I need to get a job of some sort. The second should hopefully just be paperwork. The third is just studying. I need to study actual school subjects mostly just to brush up on them. Learning about support device design is critical but might be able to push that off until I'm in UA. Then I need to physically study. That's probably the least urgent, considering I would need a specialized gym to train. Either a dojo to learn more martial arts or just a place with weight machines designed for super strength. Both of which will be expensive. I might be able to use body weights anime style, but testing that will be even further down the priority list.

So how to get money? I need a job. I could find a local place and maybe get a job + room and board. Maybe assist at a dojo, but that would probably pay pretty poorly. A model? I wonder if there's a modeling agency it has the potential to pay the best. Alright, that's plan A. I need to go to the library and see if I can find one.

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