The obstacle course race begins with a loud beep. Hundreds of students are trying to make their way past the narrow entrance of the tunnel. My size alone is giving me the advantage of pushing past people. Not enough of an edge as Todoroki just freezes the floor and the feet of several competitors. Jeeze if I knew PVP was allowed I"d just be knocking people out. No, I wouldn't its a d.i.c.k move. Plus the ice benefits me. The ice clears a path out ahead. I run on the ice as easy as I run on dry ground. I step off the ice and back onto normal ground. As I pass Todoroki I sense him targeting me with his Ice I dodge to the right just as a large ice structure forms where I had been. Now on his right, I kick him hard in the gut. He goes back a few meters and is on the ground. PVP is only a d.i.c.k move if you start it. If they invite you then you have to finish it. Part of me wants to keep fighting the little shit. Making him lose in the first round would be immensely satisfying, but I'm going to win to reason to give it up just to make Todorki look bad. Especially when me beating him in the finals will be so much better.

That little stunt cost me some time. While I'm still in first I'm neck and neck with the pack. I turn on the gas and start really running. 3/4 max speed. I break away from the pack and I'm now in a definitive lead.

When I enter the next portion of the obstacle course there are robots attacking. I just keep in running whenever I sense that I'm about to be hit I either speed up avoiding ahead of the hit or slow down and vault over it. It's a system that serves me pretty well as I pass the area with no major hindrances. The next area was made for me and my perfect coordination. There is a deep pit and to get across there are individual ropes attaching small rock formations. It might be a challenge for everyone who can't create a bridge or fly, but not me. I don't tightrope walk. I tight rope run. I run across this entire obstacle like it's the golden gate bridge. The only thing slowing me down is the slight zig-zag to my path. The final section is a minefield a perfect application of my danger sense has me sprinting full speed ahead without setting off any of the mines. I cross the finish line for first with an enormous 2 event lead on all the other competitors. None of the obstacles slowed me down at all. Well, I guess Todoroki did. So no drops in speed and to that I'm the fastest kid of this year. The event was made for me. As I run through the last tunnel I find myself back inside the stadium from earlier.

"THE WINNER WHO TOOK THE LEAD AND NEVER LOOKED BACK HANO GIN OF CLA.S.S 1-A" Present Mic announces my win as I enter the stadium

I was followed by the usual suspects of Class 1-A then 1-B then some other miscellaneous classes. Todoroki came in much later than expected at 26. I guess that kick at the beginning was worse than I thought. Knowing what I know about the upcoming challenge I move next to Momo. Midnight announces the next game a Human Calvary battle. Where everyone is assigned a point value based on how we did during the race with most positions being a normal amount of points and 1st place is worth 10,000,000 points. The points are attached to a grabbable band that has to be at or above the neck. After explaining the rules were given some time to pick teams.


"Alright who else"


"Yea man let's do it"

"Who else?" Momo asks me again.

"No one this is all we need. Momo I need you to make duck tape and super glue"

"Okay? Fine here you go"

I then take the duck tape wrap a couple layers around my neck. Then superglue my 10000000 point band to my duck tape neck protector.

"Bro that is so not manly"

"Yea, but it totally within the rules"

"Are we actually going to do anything in the game?"

"No. No, we will not"

And we didn't do anything. Me, Momo, and Eijirou just casually walked around for the full-time period ignoring everyone else. Oh, plenty of people had wanted to take the point band, but when they came by we told them what we had done. No one was able to get the band off without either dismounting or knocking one us off. They would still try, but would all leave dejected and embarrassed. With no one able to grab our point band we stayed with 10,000,000+ points the entire time placing us in first. We could have taken more point bands, but we felt kind of bad about the whole thing so we let every place but first work itself out naturally.


"No respect" I have to carefully cut the point band before ripping off the duck tape which was incredibly painful. Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakagou, Shinsou, and the rest of their teams had enough points to make it to the next round. We then take a lunch break. I make sure to tell Momo that I overheard Mineta planning to trick the girls in class to dress up as cheerleaders. She thanks me before running off. Might have cut that warning a little close. Maybe I could have left it, but no way am I letting Mineta have a win. I eat a pretty peaceful lunch. Despite my double first-place victories, it seems Midoriya and Todoroki are still having a thing over who is better than who. I was feeling a little jealous that people weren't coming over to me and announcing that they were better. The feeling doesn't last long as Bakugou comes over.

"Listen you extra, there is no way quirkless trash like you is going to win. You winning the first two events was a fluke. I'm going to show you your place, so you better not lose until we fight" He angrily yells at me before stomping off. What a weird mix of insult and encouragement. I think it was kind of sweet.

After lunch, we are called to the arena. The final part of the sports festival is a tournament of 1 on 1 fights. The fights are selected by random lot. Before we can pick lots everyone from Shinsou's team except for Shinsou himself forfeit. Having been brainwashed they didn't feel like they earned it. So two new people from a runner up team are selected to take their place. Now that it's back to having 16 competitors the event can continue, so we draw lots for the tournament. The order of fights turns out like this.

Fight 1: Ilda vs Shinsou

Fight 2: Me vs Shiozaki

Fight 3:Yaoyorozu vs Tetsutetsu

Fight 4:Kaminari vs Tokoyami

Fight 6:Midoriya vs Hatsume

Fight 7:Uraraka vs Kirishima

Fight 8: Sero vs Ashido

I know the fight selection is random, but I'm surprised how different the line up is.

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