The next day we were flying toward Omashu and would make it there before noon.

"Aang ever been to Omashu before?"

"Yea, I used to go all the time to visit my friend Boomy"

"Bumi?" I ask for false clarification.

"Yea Bumi"

" Did he happen to be a particularly strong Earth Bender?"

"He was pretty good why?"

"Well, it's just that I know a Bumi in Omashu" Which excites Aang even more about his visit.

"Probably just a coincidence"

"Maybe it's his son" Katara and Sokka add.

"Well The guy I'm thinking about is a crazy old man. He's like 114 years old he may just be the guy Aang knew"

"Really? Bumi was always kind of mad genius" Aang's excitement just keeps going up

"Why do you know a crazy old man in Omashu? Sokka always asking the real questions

" Well, I don't know him. I know of him. He the king of Omashu and also the strongest earth bender in the world." Which got some confused looks from everyone else.

We soon land near the outskirts of Omashu and began walking toward the City. Once we got in sight though Katara and Sokka were stunned at the sight of the city.

"Wow. We don't have cities like this in the South Pole."

"They have buildings here that don't melt"

"Come on slowpokes I can't wait to get into the city"

"Wait, Aang! It might be dangerous if people find out you're the avatar.

"I'm sure he'll be fine Katara, but just in case Aang give me your cape thing"

He hands me his red shoulder accessory after a moment of confusion. Which I then fold into a small turban.

"There should be fine"

Now properly disguised we made our way to the front gates of Omashu and past the crying cabbage merchant. The guards recognized me and let us all in. Aang then explained his use of the Omashu mail chutes as a super slide. A stunt we repeated, this time however we all got arrested. During the sentencing, I just paid the fine, but the King was still Bumi Aang's old friend so we were all invited to a feast. I guess Aang knowing the old king was Bumi already made Bumi do things differently because it was an actual feast no death games or anything. He refused to be Aang's earth bending master, but I could tell that seeing each other again made them both very happy. After being allowed to stay in newly refurbished non-dungeon rooms we stayed the night. Then in the morning, we left.

We continued traveling north stopping occasionally at small villages, but usually just landing for the night in some forested areas. We missed saving Haru and his captured earth benders because we never saw Haru earth bending. So we never saw the town's deeper struggle against the fire nation. We did still get dragged into the Winter Solstice spirit conflict. We set down after seeing a large section of burned forest. While we Sokka and Aang were angrily yelling about the burnt down forest and old man approached us. He begged us, well the avatar, for help. We followed him into town where he and the village chief we're able to explain better.

Once inside the village the old man introduces the avatar to everyone before who I assume is the village chief approaches us.

"So the rumors of your return are true." The Chief bows. " It is the greatest honor of a lifetime to be in your presence."

Aang matches his bow " Nice to meet you too. Sooo is there something I can help you with?"

"I'm not sure..." The chief is unsure, but the old man interjects and explains for him.

"Our village is in crisis, he's our only hope. For the last few days at sunset, a spirit monster comes and attacks our village. He is Hei-Bai, the black and white spirit."

"Why is he attacking you?"

"We do not know, but each of the last three nights he has abducted one of our own. We are especially fearful because the winter solstice draws near." Sokka asks and the Chief explains.

"Let's try that again. Hei-Bai is a type of nature spirit. Even the most malevolent spirits don't act without some form of justification. Someone in this village must have done something, or something nearby has to have happens to anger it"

I already know it's probably the burnt down wilderness nearby, but who knows maybe they done something extra this time. I can't read the villager's facial expressions, but no one says anything.

"Wait the forest. Maybe it's mad about the burnt forest" Katara deduced from the obvious.

"How long ago did the forest burn down and how did it happen."

"A few months ago by traveling fire nation troops"

"Aang are you up for a lesson on dealing with spirits?"

"Sure what do we need to do?"

"If we keep things simple there are 3 ways to deal with spirits. The first is diplomacy. Flattery and Bribery work well for intelligent spirits who are willing to listen to you. In order to bribe a spirit, you have to know what they'd want as well. If a spirit isn't willing to listen to you then the next best thing you can do is avoid them. However, in cases where you need to confront them beating them up a bit helps prove dominance and makes them more willing to talk terms. So how do you want to handle Hei-Bei?"

"Well, I think Katara is right that he's mad about the burnt down forest. Maybe we can make it up to him by replanting some of the acorns."

I nod "Good now tell the village what they can do."

"Hello! People of Senlin, I am the avatar bridge between people and spirits. You have come to me for help to stop Hei-Bei's abductions. In order to that, we need to make up for his forest being burnt down. So, everyone here will come with me to the forest to gather and plant seeds and acorns to help speed up the forest regrowing."

Aang's announcement was met with hesitant acceptance. He led the village out to the forest where we spent the afternoon finding acorns and seeds before planting them. Aang, Katara, and I made sure to water the seeds as they were planted. Once the sun started to set we made our way back to the village and everyone but Aang went inside to hideaway. Aang was left alone outside to deal with the spirit. He kept trying to call out to the spirit when a large panda bear walked through the front gates. He calmly walked over to Aang and held out its paw. Aang took the paw and then collapsed. I had to hold Katara and Sokka back from jumping outside after it. After knocking Aang out the panda causally walked out of the village. When he was gone a hazy illusion of a bamboo forest appeared and from the Illusion came the missing villagers. With the Spirit gone the village emerged from hiding to see the returned villagers. While the rest of the villagers were celebrating the old man, the village chief, me, Sokka, and Katara crowded around the collapsed Aang. I knelt down to check for a pulse. He had one, but it was rather slow.

"I think Aang has been pulled into the spirit world, as long as we don't move the body he should be fine"

Our nervous waiting was rewarded when a half-hour later Aang popped back up in a panic.

"Aang!" Katara exclaimed hugging Aang as he got up.

"I had a vision"

"Good vision or bad vision?"

"I don't know. It showed me how I can speak to Avatar Roku. I have to go to Crescent Island on the solstice"

"But the solstice is tomorrow"

"Yeh, and there's one more problem. The island is in the Fire Nation."

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