The next morning we set off on the first step of the plan. We would be flying on Appa to find the southern fleet, and after we found it Aang and his group would take Appa and fly to Omashu. Actually finding the Southern Tribe's fleet was both easier and harder than we expected. The Southern Tribe has very distinctive sh.i.p.s so we could easily tell if the sh.i.p.s we saw weren't the right ones. However, the only clue we had to find them was that the generally patrol the southern ocean near the Earth Kingdom. It took a few days to find them, but that was honestly more luck than anything else it could have taken weeks if we were unlucky.

Our approach set them momentarily on edge before they realized who we were. Appa landed in the water next to the lead ship. With the exception of Toph and Suki, we all dismounted onto the ship where we were greeted by Hakoda, Sokka and Katara's father. The three of them quickly ran toward each other forming a reunion group hug.

"I've missed you two so much"

"It's great to see you"

"We missed you too"

After a moment they broke apart.

"As good as it is to see you two, I take it you didn't come all this way just to see me"

"We have a plan to end the war and we need your help," Sokka told his father.

"Of course I'll help. What do you need"

"Katara, Aang, Suki, and Toph, Aang's Earth Bending master, are going to use Appa and fly to Omashu. Where they're planning on helping the city and King Bumi. I need you to take the rest of us to the North Pole."

"You're splitting up with your sister?"

"It's only temporary."

"Dad I can take care of myself plus it's not like I'm going alone," Katara said defensively.

"Alright, Alright I just worry is all. You need a ride to the north pole? No problem, but I do hope you'll explain more about this plan of yours."

"Of course"

Sokka began to explain his plan, but only git so far as Azula before he was interrupted.

"I can't believe you're trusting one of them. You know what they're like." Hakoda said angrily.

"Do you want the war to end? Or do you want to win?!"


"You can't have it both ways! If we keep fighting maybe we'll win eventually, but who knows how many more people are going to die. This plan is a way to peacefully end the war right now. The killing stops and we can start rebuilding. You didn't let me finish my plan, but we need you specifically to take us to the north pole so we can discuss a peace agreement before we have Azula take the throne"

"You shouldn't have to be the voice of reason." He said softly more to himself than anyone else. "I want the fire nation to pay for what these done, but you're right. If we have a chance to end the war we should take it. Princess Azula, I welcome you aboard my ship under a banner of hospitality. I hope our journey together is peaceful and our goals successful." Hakoda says directing his attention toward the princess with a distinct bod of his head.

"Thank you for your hospitality, I will try not to overstay my welcome" She responded with a shallow bow. With that, most of the open hostilities disappeared. The whole group spent some more time together before exchanging goodbyes. Hakoda, Sokka, and Katara shared a touching farewell before Aang's group mounted Appa and flew away.

Besides the general unease that surrounded half of our group, our journey north was uneventful. There was a brief interaction with a Northern Tribe ship, but it wasn't more involved than exchanging formalities and before we even fully stopped we had started moving again.

Our arrival at the North Pole was met with significantly less fan fair this time around. The Northern Tribe was still protected by a large ice wall and an iceberg infested bay. However, in addition to the traditional scenic defensive, the waters surrounding the city were infested by derelict Fire Nation sh.i.p.s. This ship graveyard acting as a final testament to those who try to invade the water tribe by sea.

"It is a beautiful city. Once you get past the visible evidence of all my dead countrymen" Azula told me as we passed into the city proper.

Our time in the city was brief and spent mostly in deliberation with the village elders. I felt distinctly out of place as the Princess and a bunch of old men argued over minor war settlements. The largest points of contention were reparations for the southern tribe. I frequently had to act as the voice of reason and moderation. I didn't have strong ties either way so I acted as a somewhat neutral party who just wanted the end of the war. The end of the talks was met with no celebration as the talks themselves would remain secret until Azula takes the throne. The end result of the peace agreement was a favorable trade deal with the Northern Tribe. land, trade rights, and minor long term payments to the Southern Tribe. There were a lot of arguments about captured water benders, but most of them had been freed or died years ago.

Besides the peace talks, only Sokka and I did anything else worthwhile. Sokka and Yue continued their relationship from where it left off. I don't know what she said to him, because he went from being really casual about dating a princess to being incredibly worried. I think Yue was playing on his jealousy or something because Sokka decided to lock that shit down and carved and betrothal necklace for her. Good for them, but I don't want to be the one who tells Toph.

As for me, I got away from the talks with old men to talking with different old men. I tried to talk to Paku about the Order of the White Lotus, but apparently, the Order was having its own problems. There had been a high-level traitor or something because Fire Nation members had been getting arrested in mass, and their safe houses were getting targeted. Suffice to say the Order was in no position to help anybody.

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