Azula and Ty Lee noticeably sag in fatigue as their fire is taken from them. The guards chasing us are also noticeably slower now that the eclipse has started. Toph makes an executive decision and kicks open the palace doors. The ornate metal door with inlaid gold will now have a permanent foot mark from the time it got kicked.

As we rush in expecting hoards of guards we are instead greeted by a kneeling platoon and a single well-dressed man likely a member of the court.


"Welcome home your highness, the Fire Lord and Crown Princess Zuko await you in the throne room."

Still a bit shocked by the complete tonal shift, Azula steps forward to address the man.

"War Minister Qin. How surprising to see you here helping me? Or perhaps my father?."

"Not at all Princess. You and the Avatar reaching the throne room is a foregone conclusion. Letting you go there directly will avoid unnecessary violence, so I am only doing what is practical."

"He's telling the truth" Toph adds, so reluctantly we warily follow him through the convoluted halls of the palace into the throne room.

"Daughter. I see you have brought with you the Avatar. You have done what no has been able to for over a hundred years. You have captured the Avatar and have exceeded my every expectation. Now please join me at my side."

A slight doubt spreads through our group as well as everyone in the hall. However, I already know there's no way Azula will accept anything close to being second fiddle to Zuko.

"You're right of course," Azula says

"Excellent. Please..." Ozai tries to respond, but Azula cuts him off.

"I have done something no one has accomplished in a Hundred years. I will end this war."

"You will never have the chance. Guards arrest them they are enemies to the Fire Nation!"

"Fire Lord Ozai! I declare you unworth to rule and I challenge you to an Agni Kai." Azula shouts but is ignored and Ozai gives a signal for the royal guards to move in and attack. Ozai, not wanting to appear weak to such a direct challenge to his power, jumps to his feet to join the fight.

Aang stomps the ground forming a wall blocking our way out and the way in.

"Fire Lord Ozai you and your forefathers have devasted the balance of this world and today you pay the price."

"Ahhh!" I hear a scream, but I can't tell who it is, but suddenly the room shifts, and the fire is gone.

"THIS WAR ENDS NOW!" An ethereal voice announces just as an incredible blast of wind launches the guards away from us and into the wall. As Aang, fully in the Avtar state, brings the best of the fire nation to their knees. I notice what got him so upset. Katara was on the ground. I rush over to her and notice she had a serious burn surrounding a throwing knife still embedded in her c.h.e.s.t. It was embedded in the left side of her ribs. Inches below her heart so not immediately life-threatening, but still serious. I don't know when, but one of these guards added a throwing knife to a fire blast. Which is dirty as all hell, but I need to find out who did it and tell Azula to promote him. Not only was it clever it just ended the war. While Aang was wiping the floor with anyone even remotely near him I began healing Katara.

Katara was stable, but unconscious when Aang finally snapped out of it. The throne 'room' was barely recognizable and we were lucky Aang didn't bring the palace down on top of us. The guards we're in rough shape having been launched through several walls. The rest of our group looked a little roughed up as well. Most everyone had some burns, but they had a lot more bruises and cuts. I can't be certain, but I think they've been more hurt by Aang's friendly fire then enemy soldiers.

"Aang she's going to be fine," I called out

"What?" Sokka asked as he realized Katara was on the ground. Several people ran over to her as I moved toward Azula and the rest of the royal family.

"Agni Kai. I accept your challenge" Ozai said struggling to stand.

"I gave you a chance to face me honorably, and you refused. You made this mess yourself now lay in it. Silva, can you do the thing?" She said as I walk toward her. Acquiescing I nod and punch Ozai in the face knocking him out. In the same movement, I grab his face and start energy bending. Forcing my will against his broken anger and anguish, his flames fight against me. However, they can only muster a paltry resistance as I smother them. I drop his cold unconscious body getting a smile from Azula.

"It's finally over," She says letting out a content sigh.

"It's not over! I just restored my honor and my place in succession. I won't let you take it from me." Zuko yelled from across the clearing that once was the inside of the palace.

"Oh, Zuzu. You didn't restore your honor. You can't redeem yourself through cowardice and betrayal. What you did to uncle was unforgivable. Significantly worse than refusing to fight in an Agni Kai." Azula said sounding sincerely upset

"I did what I had to for the sake of the Fire Nation. Unlike you who betrayed everything we ever stood for."

"Zuzu. You didn't do it for the country. You did it for yourself. You didn't even know why you were betraying Uncle."

"Well, you didn't do this to end the war. You just wanted to be Fire Lord. You love to cause trouble where ever you go. You like to cause other people pain. You're a monster. No one else matters because they're not you"

"I know." She whispered. Zuko was losing it. He had been screaming in rage. His face was red with anger and his hands subconsciously full of fire. Azula on the other hand was uncomfortably still and calm. I didn't notice at first, but her eyes were just barely holding back tears. I held myself back from getting involved in what was now clearly a family matter.

Their bickering came to an abrupt and violent end. It was a quick and brutal fight that showed why Azula was considered a prodigious bender and Zuko was not. Even after everything she's had to do today, Azula's fighting style could only be called perfect. All of her moves flowed smoothly from one to the next. She moved as if there was no opponent, shifting through precisely practiced patterns as if this were a performance. Zuko struggled. He was tired and in pain. His body and mind ached. Every attack seemed to hurt himself more than he could ever hope to hurt his opponent. His form was full of holes and openings. He threw wild desperate haymakers just hoping to inflict some semblance of the pain he was feeling on somebody else. There could only ever be one outcome. Zuko laid on the floor and Azula stood over him only taking a single deep breath to center herself.

"Silva! The thing."

"Are you sure?"

She thinks for a moment

"Not permanently. He just needs time"

Well, who am I to argue with family I thought as I reached down to grab Zuko's head.

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