In fact, I was very happy after I found these abundant fruits, but when I took one and squeezed it apart, I made some amazing discoveries.

The white sticky pulp inside the fruit flew directly to my face. I was amazed by the abundance of pulp!

I was secretly happy and thought that I had finally found something that could make the team, especially Chen Wenjin, supplement energy!

I picked up the fruit full of clothes, and then squeezed the pulp of some fruits into a glass bottle. Looking at the full bottle of white sticky pulp, I went back to the team happily.

"I'm back! Look what this is I said to the crowd happily.

When other people saw the white sticky bottle in my hand, they all blushed and did not dare to speak.

"Yang Chuan! Why are you so high-profile! Hurry up, Chen Wenjin can't stand it any more! " Miscellaneous hair is a little embarrassed to say.

"Ah? oh Don't get me wrong! " I just remembered that I was actually going to masturbate before, but because I found these fruits, I didn't do that.

However, the people in the team didn't know these things. They thought I had got the thing into the bottle in the forest.

"Oh, hey, you overestimate me too much. It's impossible to have so many this time! You think it's animal insemination! " I said, shaking the little bottle.

In fact, what I said is not unreasonable. After all, if a whole bottle of white liquid is my own, how long will it last!

"Eat it quickly. These are the fruit juices I found in them. They are very useful for replenishing body energy!" I said to Chen Wenjin with a smile.

However, even after I said that, all faces are still a little hot, and you are probably still immersed in the things I said before.

"Zamao, there are still many fruits over there. You can move some to eat. I'm afraid everyone else is hungry except Wenjin." I said.

As soon as he heard that he had something to eat, he quickly took Lao Hei with him, took several containers, and rushed to the forest where I had gone before.

And Chen Wenjin also took the bottle in my hand and looked at me with delicate eyes, hesitant.

"What's the matter? Still uncomfortable? " I asked.

When I asked this question, I especially looked at Ning Xiang. I was afraid that she was always jealous, so I didn't dare to say too much.

If Ning Xiang was not here, I would be more considerate of Chen Wenjin.

"No, no So Then I'll drink it... "

Chen Wenjin opened the lid of the bottle, and then sniffed the taste of the pulp. Although the pulp was a little thick, the aroma of the fruit was unforgettable.

"How's it going? It's delicious, isn't it? " I said with a smile.

Chen Wenjin drank all the pulp in one gulp, and his body gradually recovered some physical strength, no longer so weak.

However, when she finished drinking the fruit juice, I clearly saw that there was a white sticky substance left in the corner of her mouth, which made me a little imaginative.

I feel that there is a little reaction under myself, and other people don't notice it. Ning Xiang just turns around and goes to find Zamao.

Only Chen Wenjin saw the abnormality of my body. When she handed me the bottle, she accidentally touched my bottom and blushed.

Chen Wenjin was slightly surprised and said in a small voice: "how hard..."

As soon as I heard this, I felt a little nervous. If it wasn't for other people here, I would have been forced to bow and handle Chen Wenjin.

However, Ningxiang soon came back from the intersection.

I in order to avoid her to see, but also to avoid greater embarrassment, quickly took away Chen Wenjin's hand.

Chen Wenjin also knew that it was against women's rights to do so, so he didn't continue to have an affair with me.

I sorted out my appearance and said to everyone, "let's have a rest in place! Otherwise, we can't keep on going! "

Za Mao and Lao Hei brought back the wild fruit and distributed it to everyone.

"Wenjin, siyao, you all see who is injured. They are all bandaged. Let's have a rest here!" I said.

After all, the hidden place we found can protect us better, and there are no pursuers to catch up with us now, which is very good for all of us.

Over the past few days, we have come across Lu Wei, the Marauder team, and the potential threat of savages. Each of them is very tired. We need time to recover.

However, after Zamao and Laohei came back, I found that the original noise of birds and animals in the forest was gone!

This moment of silence makes me a little restless.

"Za Mao, you and I are patrolling around. I feel that there seems to be some movement around here." I said.

Later, I asked Lao hei and Chen Lin to protect the rest of the people, and then left the cave with miscellaneous hair.Just a few steps out of the cave, there was some thick fog in the forest.

"Yang Chuan, why don't you go back first? There is not much electricity in my flashlight. If the fog spreads too much, I'm afraid we will get lost... " Said Za Mao.

I raised my hand and motioned to him to whisper.

However, when I went on for a while, and then looked back, I found that the miscellaneous hair had disappeared!

"Zamao, Zamao! Don't tease me. It's not suitable for joking here! " I yelled around, but Zamao didn't respond.

I'm a little worried about what happened to Zamao.

"Here I am! Yang Chuan, come here quickly. There's something going on here! " Cried Zamao.

I followed the voice of miscellaneous hair and ran in his direction.

When I came to Zamao, I found him staring at something.

"What's the matter with you?" I patted Zamao on the back and scared him.

"Ouch! You didn't say a word when you came. You scared me to death His face was white, as if he had seen something extraordinary.

"I'm depressed. Why didn't you follow me just now? But I came to such a place by myself? " I said angrily.

"You see, this place is really a bit strange!" Za Mao pointed to the place not far ahead and said.

I followed the direction he pointed to and saw a very old cave. What's more amazing is that the entrance of the cave seems to have been carefully carved!

From a distance, the entrance of the cave is more like a wild animal in the fog. It opens its mouth and is full of anger.

"It's weird here, or we'd better go back?" Zamao is a little scared.

"Go back what? Go back? Now we are both lost. It's estimated that we will go further when we go to the fog. Let's wait here first. We'll find our way back when the fog clears! Remember later, don't run blindly. This time, it's only the entrance of the mountain. If you meet other teams or wild animals, how can you go back! " I reprimanded Zamao.

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