Light of Konoha

Chapter 360

Yahiko Konan was just a look of surprise, but when he heard this, the two suddenly became ecstatic.

"Can it really be done?"

"Of course it is true!"

"haha, very good!"

They also discovered this period of time that after using Rinnegan's power, Nagato's body seemed to be weakened day by day, and even dark circles appeared in his eye sockets.

Although the situation is not particularly serious, this trend is already worrying.

Of course they persuaded Nagato, but after experiencing that change, Nagato always firmly believes that only with sufficient strength can he protect the people he values.

They can't hold back Nagato, they are worried, now Aizen uncle sent such a gift, of course they are overjoyed!

After the ecstasy, Yahiko was a little worried. "I heard that the ruins only produced a little Grayer Stone. Uncle, you shouldn't get much, right? I don't know how far Nagato can be restored!"

Konan also blamed himself. "I knew that the Grel Stone still had this effect, so we went together!"

Aizen said with a smile, "Don't worry, what I got is a whole vein, as long as Nagato doesn't toss. Too much, the general life force loss can be made up!"

"A whole vein!" Yahiko glared, "Could it be that the person who hollowed out that ruin is the one who uncle you?"

"Don't get me wrong, that ruin is actually fake!"

"Fake?" Konan asked, tilting his head, "It's not that the ruins also produced some Greer stones Is it? How could it be fake?"

"Because I arranged the ruins, and I put the ore in!" Aizen explained.

"these all are uncle you did!" Nagato said in surprise.

Aizen slightly nodded, "Didn’t I say that? After waking up, I checked a lot of historical materials, including records about the Greer Empire."

"Last time When I saw you, I noticed that your life force was losing a bit, and then I thought of the Glenelg Stone!"

"After all, from the first time I rescued you to the last time I met, During the period of less than a year, such a big change in such a short time is mostly related to your eyes... I am worried that Rinnegan will drain your life force, but I am not sure, so I agreed to your invitation. !"

Yahiko shocked, "uncle you agreed to join Akatsuki last time, it was actually to save Nagato!"

Aizen just laughed and said nothing.

Konan’s eyes are shining with moving rays of light, "uncle, you are really good to us!"

Nagato has a little nasal sound, "uncle, thank you!"

Aizen Weiwei shaking ones head, "Don't care. In short, after the last battle against Hanzo, I finally determined that every time you use Rinnegan's power, you are squeezing the potential of life!"

Listening to what Aizen said, both Konan looked towards Nagato with some worry.

Nagato Weiwei shaking ones head, "Don't worry about me, hasn't Uncle already helped me find a solution?"

Aizen said with a smile, "You are also good luck When I checked the record of the Glenelg Empire, I accidentally discovered that there is a historical record. After the destruction of the Glenelg Empire, some clansman voluntarily left behind to guard the veins, so as to prevent the overly powerful force of the Glenelgstone from bringing disaster again!"

"And I don’t have a lot of Grel’s Stones, and it’s probably not helpful to you, Nagato, so I made a ruin with the Grel’s Stones I collected, and tried to protect the mineral veins. The last descendants of the empire were brought out. Didn't expect, it really made me successful!"

"Could it be the book of Greer!" Nagato was surprised.

Aizen stunned, his brain turned rapidly, and the corners of his mouth under the mask slightly raised, "Yes, that's the book of Greer that the group snatched from lost clan! It's a pity that I was too late. One step, Sasori actually grabbed the book of Greer in advance!"

Hearing this, Konan couldn’t help covering his mouth with moist eyes. I don’t hesitate to risk the mortal danger and appear in front of that kind of powerful enemy!"

The surrounding illusion space suddenly became chaotic, and Nagato's mind was shocked, almost unable to maintain the magic lamp body technique!

"Uncle for me, unexpectedly..."

Aizen said with a laugh, "In fact, I deliberately exposed, so as to attract their attention, so as to complete Sasori's Greer The replacement of the book of which...speaking of which, I let Juehe Tobi suffer for me, and let them tell their secrets!"

However, the three people didn’t pay attention to it. Those two "back-to-back" bodies were looked Aizen who was moved.

"Uncle, you are really very good to us!"

"Wu wu, why should you be so good to us?"

The three of them also Just eighteen (harmonious) and nine years old, it was the time for sensibility, and Aizen was the first person besides Jiraiya to give them the warmth of father!

Such care, of course, will move them to tears.

"Ai, I can remember who I was when I saw you, but I failed, I hope you can succeed!" Aizen sighed, and then shook the shaking ones head, "Don't talk about this. Actually, this time is also luck. Fortunately, Shimizu Sōseki found that the ruins did not have mineral veins, and he did not pay much attention to the Book of Greer. Otherwise, it would be troublesome if he could see it!"

All three people are all Fear after a while, indeed, it was too dangerous.

From Sōseki's point of view, Aizen is a person related to the Kyūbi Rebellion!

The three people are secretly annoyed when they think of this.

"Ze and Tobi, these two scoundrels, they almost made uncle uncle!"

"That is, if they tell the story earlier, uncle will be prepared. It will be so thrilling!"

The two Obitos, who don't know they are being disliked again, are currently discussing underground in Kusa no Kuni.

"Finally let Akatsuki back on the right track of catching Tailed Beast!" Obito let out a long relaxed breath, and then asked with a bad face, "Black Zetsu, should you give me an explanation? "

Black Zetsu heart shivered with cold, No way, he has been so hard to fool around, is it still a weak spot that Obito sees?

Obito shouldn't have such wisdom!

As the brain turned extremely fast, Black Zetsu pretended to be silly and said, "What's the explanation?"

"That is, you fabricated me to be an illegal child of two men!" Obito Said with a face of shame.

"This is it?" Black Zetsu suddenly relaxed, pretending to be helplessly said, "No way, the situation was too urgent at the time, if you don't need some special methods, I'm afraid I can't fool them!"


"Furthermore, even I don't mind fabricating rumors about my main body. What do you care about?"

"It seems to be the same." Obito was slightly nodded, but he quickly reacted and stared Open your eyes, "No, of course you don't mind. In this way, you are my dad!"

There is nothing wrong with acknowledging a thief as a father... Said, "Think about Rin, can't you even bear this shame for Rin?"

"Rin!" Obito calmed down, "You are right, I can do anything for Rin!" "

Black Zetsu corner of mouth twitching, suddenly felt that multiple sons seemed to be a very dangerous thing!

Throw these messy thoughts aside, Black Zetsu said resolutely, "Next is the time when Akatsuki is dormant, but we can't relax!"

Obito recovers, "You What do you want to do?"

Black Zetsu said, "The most important thing is to increase our voice in Akatsuki!"

"Increase voice?" Obito muttered said "The best way is to insert our person into Akatsuki. However, this person cannot be seen as having a relationship with us!"

"I suggest considering two aspects, the first is Uchiha Clan... …" Black Zetsu said euphemistically, "These clan people are more idealistic!"

Obito is nodded, "Yes, a small Uchiha can actually appear at the same time. Madara, two idealists, maybe clan has potential that can be tapped!"

Black Zetsu laughed awkwardly and continued, "Secondly, Kirigakure under your control. In addition to Akatsuki, Kirigakure can also become A trump card in our hands!"

"You are right, Kirigakure is one of Five Great Shinōbi Village after all. Sometimes, it may be more useful than Akatsuki, and..." Obito said seriously, " I can also find talent training from Kirigakure and send him to Akatsuki!"

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