Light of Konoha

Chapter 480

The battle on battlefield continues.

When I heard the news from the barrier class, everyone in the alliance is a confused face.

"What? That fellow Obito betrayed again?"

"I said that kind of traitor untrustworthy!"

"The final conclusion is not too Earlier, the leader Sama promised him, maybe it was a trap deliberately?"

"It doesn't seem to be unreasonable to say that..."

At this moment, The Impure World Reincarnation army suddenly stopped fighting, each of them uttered surprise sounds.

"Hey? We seem to be free again!"

"It's true, no one controls us!"

Seeing this, the alliance’s Everyone is rejoicing.

"Haha, I said that the leader Sama is a no-brainer, and he must have defeated Uchiha Madara now!"

"In other words, is the war over?"

"Don't go there, be careful is the enemy's trap!"

"You are too careful!"

"no, the war is not over yet, look at those Dark Demons , They are still fighting!"

Everyone woke up suddenly, and looked forward, the army of Dark Demon like corpses became more brutal!

"What is going on? Why are these Dark Demons still fighting?"

"I see, Impure World Reincarnation is controlled by Nagato, and Sōseki -sama defeated Uchiha Madara, Nagato regained the sovereignty of the body, so those who came out of Impure World Reincarnation stopped fighting, but these Dark Demons are different. They are controlled by Uchiha Madara. After he was defeated, he still did not give up the idea of ​​letting these Dark Demon kill!"

"Hateful, Uchiha Madara really is the source of disaster!"

"Where is the barrier? Has the barrier not been repaired yet?"

"The repair is halfway through It is interrupted again. It should be that the enemy is still in our midst. The barrier is temporarily unavailable!"

"There is no way, Impure World Reincarnation's-senpai, please help us resist these Dark Demons together! "

Everyone from Impure World Reincarnation will naturally not refuse their request.

Sandaime Raikage said with a big smile, "haha, the little fellows of Kumogakure, fight with the old man!"

Nothing is a reminder, "Don’t come near us, be careful Uchiha Madara controlled us suddenly back!"

Although they helped, everyone didn't have much ease.

There are too many of these Dark Demons, and they are not afraid of death at all, they rush into the barrier like crazy.

No matter how strong their strength is, they feel powerless in the face of this offensive.

Moreover, they don’t have much chakra left.

After all, not everyone is a monster like Hashirama and Sōseki. After a big battle, their chakras are long gone.

In less than half a minute, Dark Demon suffered more than 10,000 casualties, but there were also hundreds of Dark Demon rushing through the defensive line and rushing into the barrier.

Although these Dark Demon were killed in time, they still scared everyone into a cold sweat.

Be aware that although there are 100,000 Shinōbi and Samurai in the barrier, most of them are Chunin and Genin, and the average strength may not be comparable to those of Dark Demon.

Moreover, the most common barrier is the ordinary person who accounts for more than 98% of the total population!

Once the Dark Demon rushes into the central area, it will inevitably cause huge casualties!

"Hateful! Sōseki -sama has done so much for us, can't we even do this little thing badly?"

"We must stick to this defensive line anyway !"

"Even if the chakra is exhausted, I will die on the battlefield!"

"Not enough chakra?" Kurama waved his claw in Kushina's consciousness space." Kushina, lend them my chakra!

"Kurama, you are not very reliable! "Kushina praised.

"hmph, I'm not helping them. Those scoundrels are for Tailed Beast after all. It's not easy for this Sir to sit back and watch! Kurama hmph hmph chirped.

"Got it, got it!" Kushina waved her hand, and then ran on the battlefield, lending chakra.

Everyone who has been supplemented by chakra immediately refreshed.

"Is this Kyūbi’s chakra? Really strong!"

"It’s just one thousandth of the chakra it creates, which is ten more than what I can extract. More than double!"

However, among the sounds of exclamation, there was one that was too few.

Jiraiya loudly shouted, "Kushina, let Kyūbi lend me some more chakra!"

"Jiraiya -sama, you..." Kushina noticed that Jiraiya had two toads standing on his shoulders With red stripes on his face, he has obviously entered Sage Mode.

"I have a way to solve them, but I still need Kyūbi and your help!" Jiraiya said solemnly.

Notice the movement here, Minato said, "Jiraiya-sensei, please don’t hesitate to say it!"

Everyone resisted the attack of White Zetsu's army, and created his mind to listen to him. What to say.

Jiraiya increased the volume to let the sound reach everyone's ears, "These Dark Demons are distributed in a very wide range. If you want to defeat the enemy with one blow, the general large-scale Ninjutsu is far from being able to do it. Genjutsu is the only way to use sonic waves!"

"But even the sound is difficult to reach that far, so I will summon a large number of toads as microphones, so that the sound can spread out from the mouths of those toads! "

"And what you have to do is to escort these toads to various locations and protect them until my Genjutsu is completed!"

Everyone is the elite of each village, After a little thought, there is an answer.

"This method is indeed feasible!"

"However, Ninja World does not seem to have any powerful sonic Genjutsu, right?"

Jiraiya quickly said," The next Genjutsu to be used is the strongest Genjutsu that Mount Myōboku two Sage training can use for hundreds of years!"

Thanks to the rise of Sōseki, everyone is no stranger to Senjutsu. See what he said. So solemnly, they also let go of their hearts.

Jiraiya added, "In order to ensure that the voice network can cover every corner, the number of toads should be no less than 300, which means that at least 300 Jonin must be drawn, plus Genjutsu prepared It will take a long time, and the defensive pressure will be very heavy in the next period of time!"

Everyone has a solemn expression, they have already taken care of one another before, and another three hundred Jonin will undoubtedly make the defense more difficult. !

Not to mention, they have to create minds to protect those toads!

At this moment, a firm voice came from behind them, "-senpai, please go, leave it to us here!"

A large number of Shinōbi in the barrier 、Samurai come out and join them to stop the enemy team!

"What are you guys?"

Different from their ability to communicate in battle, these Genin and Chunin, although they began to join the war with valiant force, they quickly became confused. , There is no time to answer them.

The strongest of these people said:

"The barrier has failed again. Instead of wasting time in it, it's better to join the battle together!"

"For those who are still half of the barrier, even if there is a fish that escaped the net, they will be stopped by them!"

Speaking of this, Jonin no longer refuses , "Well, we all fight together!"

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