Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 988: Guild Wars in Ziyan (22)

Chapter 988 Guild Wars in Ziyan 22

The machine is not lost, the werewolf and the swordsman did not talk much, and rushed out and rushed toward the enemy's place. They all know that what they should do is to solve two of them at the fastest speed. The remaining enemy is dealt with by the opponent who solves the opponent first!

Laksa! ! Bedyville rushed to the front of an amethyst statue, a sudden brake! The enemy is still firing a fireball in the direction of Tristan. It is not expected that the werewolf will rush over at this moment. At the same time, the werewolf has already waved the tortoise whip, and has to use a force to violently push the monster to fire the ball. Pull the head down first! !

And he has another meaning to do this! He raised his whip and threw the head of the Amethyst statue to the other giant statue—the one that he and Solar couldn't take care of! - Of course, that thing has turned to Bettyville, ready to launch a fireball! Although it can not be traced directly, the lethality of the fireball is still not reduced!

The werewolf did not pay attention to the opponent in the distance who was preparing to fire the fireball. He first dealt with the amethyst giant statue in front of him. He swung the shield bow around the foot of the giant statue. The bow of the shield bow has now turned into a sharp blade. Knock on the monster's foot like a tripod!

Oh! The amethyst's feet are instantly broken. It is designed for stability rather than movement. It is not particularly strong and resistant. It is a matter of course to be beaten under the force of Biddyville! The Colossus uses only three feet to support the body. If you lose one of them, you will not be able to maintain balance and fall down immediately!

And the first wave of fireballs fired from the amethyst in the distance also came, almost hitting the back of Biddeville! The werewolf raised the shield bow with his backhand and climbed over the body of the Amethyst giant statue. The more the moment passed, the sword was taken out, looking for the weak part of the stone, and a sword stabbed in! Oh! He can clearly hear the sound of the stone in the depths, which is the proof that the core of the giant image is broken! This amethyst statue is dead, at least temporarily!

At the same time, the head of the Amethyst giant, which was thrown out by the werewolf's tortoise, also drew a gorgeous parabola in the air and slammed it on the head of the enemy in the distance! The guy was still in the middle of the rapid launch of the fireball bomb. Suddenly his head was smashed in the middle of the thing, and the fireball bombs fell on it, instantly breaking the large amethyst and causing an explosion!

Bang! The head of an Amethyst colossus hit the head of another Amethyst colossus, and the explosion that took place far exceeded that of Biddyville - he thought that if he could stop the opponent's shooting, he would earn it!

And Solar has just solved the third amethyst giant image, and saw the werewolf successfully blow up the head of the second giant image, then rushed over unscrupulously, and went to the monster!

However, it seems that something is wrong! ! Beddyville was half cold in his heart. The head of the second Amethyst giant exploded a bit too fast, too easy! In this way, it is like deliberate acting, tempting the opponent to be close? !

"No! Don't go!" The werewolf shouted out of the bunker, and the tortoise whip in his hand had already risen and flew toward Solar!

It is already late! The explosion of the head of the second Amethyst giant was really a trick to lure the enemy. It saw Solar rushing toward himself, and the shape of the body immediately changed dramatically! Amethyst instantly proliferates, swells, and makes a glare! That thing became vicious and sorrowful, as if to avenge the dead companion in the form of suicide!

The Amethyst giant image has become a huge, expanding luminous sphere! It is a bomb! It looks like it is about to explode! !

The werewolf was shocked. It is also a bad thing for him to rush out from the bunker. This will not only save the Solar, but even Bedieville will be difficult to protect himself!

Do not! According to the power of the attacks made by these amethyst monsters, you can imagine how powerful their explosions are! It is not necessarily safe to hide in the bunker. The air waves that may be raised by the explosion at any time are even blown away by people, falling into the purple fire pillars!

To survive from this horrible big bang, you can only escape far away! But they are so close, it’s too late to escape!

What should I do? !

"Fus!" The werewolf screamed out loud and pulled out a bottle of potion from his waist!

Desperate, let your stomach go! Bedyville's body instantly became red, and even his equipment was dyed like a color, and was instantly covered in deep red! !

The red wolf of Chaos, wake up again!

He raised the deep red tortoise whip, and rolled up the body of the giant statue behind him with hundreds of times the power that is hard to reach. It was a huge rock weighing thousands of pounds!

He rolled up the boulders high and smashed toward the Amethyst statue that was brewing the explosion!

Hey! ——

Hey! ! ——

lb! ! - The boulder flew over the head of Solar, and slammed into the Amethyst statue in the explosion! The megalith collided with the giant image, and the body expanded several times the amethyst giant image. It was first hit before the critical explosion point and flew to the distant purple fire pillar!

It did not have time to explode, it fell into the pillar of fire, swallowed by purple inflammation at a faster rate, completely vaporized, disappeared without a trace! !

"Mr. Bedieville--!" Solar stood up and still couldn't believe what had happened. The werewolf reversed the irreversible danger of death with some kind of rude and completely incompatible with physical laws!

The deep red steam evaporates from the body of Bediville, and the deep red werewolf quickly recovers from the original, except that the clothes on the body tear apart countless crossings under the intense expansion of muscles. Outside of the child, it seems that this has never happened!

When Bedieville came back, he remembered that his secret was discovered by Solar. He stared at the swordsman: "Can you tell anyone just now?"

"... Of course, my friend." Solar paused for a long time before answering.

Tristan also estimated the time of the battle, and came over to see what happened. He just saw that Bettiville's wolf tail turned from deep red to silver, and the red faded from the base of the tail to the tip.

The fisherman prince squatted for half a second and licked his own eyes, thinking that he had an illusion after using the spirit pollution technique: "Is it solved? How are there only two left on the ground?"

"Solved." The werewolf aimed at the remains of the remaining Amethyst statue, which was Solar's hands-on destruction: "The other two were hit into the flame column and evaporated directly. Don't care - we move on Let's go."

"Of course. There is not much time left, let's go." Tristan walked in front of him and subconsciously patted the dust on his body, even though his armor had been damaged, even if it was untidy. Bedyville also followed the trend and lifted the shield to open the way.

And Solar followed the wolf with a word, watching the tip of Bediville's tail - probably the illusion of Solar? He blinked again and tried to see clearly. There seems to be a dark red on the tip of the werewolf's tail, which can't fade for a long time.

At the same time (?), in the virtual world of a game.

"So?" After listening to Hal's explanation, Husky was puzzled: "What do you mean, there is some kind of procedural error in the castle of this chapter, which will make us hurt in the real world? Is it possible? Wang?"

"Yes, it’s true." The leopard was anxious to persuade his friends to quit the game, but couldn’t tell the story of the black spider directly to Haski, only to ambiguously circle Speaking: "Hal has just confirmed with Uncle Arthur. It is really a bit wrong here! If you die in the game, we don't know how it will be affected in reality! For the sake of safety, listen to the adults, It’s wonderful to log out of the game."

"Well..." The canine boy stared at the group campfire in front of him: "But we don't have time for Wang. Today in the real world is approaching the evening, if Husky has no way to rise to level 5 before then, Uncle Arthur said that the reward for Husky would be ruined. Although he did not know what reward it was, Husky seemed to get Wang."

"But! It's too dangerous here!"

"That's it, Hal..." The canine boy thought for a moment and tried to find a compromise: "The game is approaching zero in the early morning at 0:00. After the next day, after the resettlement of our combat skills, it will be immediately From here, try to find a way to leave the castle. We just use the ventilation duct to sneak, and will not encounter too many battles, probably..."

"Probably? God knows what troubles we will run into!" Hal is obviously not willing to take the risk: "If you don't have to take risks, it's better not to risk it. Hal doesn't want to... don't want to see the last thing, then Once happens..."

This sentence stung Haski. The last time he took the Leopard youth to explore in the castle of King Arthur, he accidentally crashed into a different space, almost lost his own life, and even almost the life of his friends. Husky always has some kind of vague feelings about the leopard youth, and he is not willing to involve Hal into dangerous things.

But on the contrary, Husky is therefore eager to become stronger. As long as he can become stronger, perhaps he has a way to protect his little friend - in reality, the one who sits in a wheelchair, has no force in his hands, is pitiful, and always needs a leopard boy who is protected by others.

And Husky is convinced of this, and his Uncle Arthur will have a way to make him stronger. The reward for trying to upgrade today may be the first step to make Husky stronger.

The canine boy is also convinced that if he just hears that there is danger, he will never get stronger.

His dad told him more than Bediville.

Therefore, the canine boy has long since had a heart, no matter how he persuaded him, he would never escape, and would never log out of the game for safety.

Even if he faced it, it might be a real death.

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