Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 998: Guild Wars in Ziyan (32)

Chapter 998 Guild Wars in Ziyan Thirty-two

At the same time, in a virtual world.

despair. despair. despair. Hal quietly crawled forward in the ventilation ducts, making the slightest sound, as far as possible not to let the guards outside the pipeline discover.

There are several branches in the ventilation duct every 30 yards, but their structure is not as complicated as imagined. It is almost the same as the corridor and room design inside the castle. The purpose is to make every channel and every room have Good ventilation.

And the teenagers don't have to worry about getting lost in this dark ventilation duct. Every time they reach a vent, they look down and can see the layout of the corridor below. The light will also seep into the ventilation ducts from these vents. For teenagers in the dark ventilation ducts, there is a "signpost" every five yards. Even if they are in front of the road, they will at least not be completely lost. In the dark.

That's it. From one light source to another, Hal walks a little forward and looks around the vents to observe the situation.

In the following channel, there is a group of fully armed Zhangman guards passing by. Like other patrols, the number is maintained in three teams.

On the second floor of the castle, there are about thirty such squad patrols in action, but it is still very dark and there are plenty of corners to hide. If you use it reasonably, it should not be difficult to avoid these patrols.

Instead of going through the ventilating pipes without proper lighting, why not go outside the ventilation ducts and sneak inside the castle? This may be more efficient. ,

But still forget it. Hal is steadfast in his heart. Their current situation is not optimistic, there is no need to take this risk.

However, on the other hand, the size of the second-level guard is really small. There are many rooms on the floor that are arranged as storage rooms, and there seems to be storage of garbage and food in the room. It’s a bit strange that hundreds of chapter guards patrolled around this ghost place. Is the debris here really worth sending so many people to guard?

Thinking of this, what Halsky first considered was that this layer might have a secret treasure room. It is because of the huge treasures on this floor that they will be so nervous and guarded so tightly?

Thinking of this, the goal of the canine boy has changed.

If you steal this treasure, are they not making a fortune?

The task of [collecting enchanted materials] that they accept can be spent on money. After completing this task, you will not only get the chance to enchant a weapon, but also get the experience value. With these experience points, Husky may be able to rise to the fifth level.

In other words, you don't have to deliberately deal with the leader of the chapter people, as long as there is enough money, you can upgrade. In this case, it will not violate Harr’s agreement to "try to avoid fighting" and reach the agreement with Uncle Arthur. This is the best decision.

"Well--" I thought of it here, and Husky pulled the tail of the leopard's kitten.

"Hey!" Hal made a deep whimper from the depths of his throat and stopped: "Ha, Husky? What do you want to do?"

"Husky thought of a way." The canine boy put his mouth close to the ear of his little friend and sighed a few words.

"Well..." After listening to this proposal, Hal couldn't help but frown, even though his frown was in the dark, no one could see it: "Hal doesn't approve of it. It's too risky."

"But, just look at the treasure and let us pass by, but do nothing? Wang?" Husky tried his best to persuade the little friend: "You think, if you can get the treasures of the people, we will You don't have to work hard to brush any enchanting material. Today's adventure can be done like this. If it succeeds, Husky will promise you, no longer go around for adventure, stay in the eternal altar, etc. Past Wang."

"This--" said the leopard teenager has something to move: "But, there must be someone guarding the treasure? It’s not so easy to break..."

"Have you forgotten where we are?" Calvin interjected at this moment: "We have passed through the ventilation ducts, and we may be able to bypass the guards at the entrance of the treasure and go directly to the treasure room. It will be easier after entering. Calvin came to the door with a magic, even if the treasure room was overturned, people outside could not interfere."

"This, this is OK..."

"So, let's find the entrance to the treasure room first, and then find a way to get in from the ventilation duct." Husky continued to swear: "Since Uncle Arthur has already attacked the city, it is time to join them. The problem is that we don't have to rush to escape, but to take out the treasures in this castle and scrape as much as possible."

"Agree. Smart approach." Prince Calvin also followed the wind.

"This... well, oh." Seeing the little friends say that Hall has no way to say more objections. This plan did not add too much risk to their actions, and it is very likely that nothing will happen, so they quietly finished.

However, the species feels that something is wrong. I want to be more? Leopard, a young boy, was upset in his heart. In order to find the treasure room, what they have to do is actually very simple. As long as you carefully observe the patrol routes of the Zhang people's guards, and gather these routes to find out the rules, you can vaguely guess the location of the treasure room.

In theory, the denser the patrols are distributed, the more frequent the patrols of each team patrol, the estimated location of the treasure room. If this is the case, there should be heavy guards in front of the treasure room, which is well recognized.

What Harr has to do is follow the direction of the patrols and go where they are concentrated.

"Well?" A Zhangman guard suddenly sighed: "zueu, zsdr' souoluke"

"He said, [It seems that there seems to be a voice on the top of the head.]" Calvin, the prince of the fish who can understand the language of the narrator, sneaked into the side of Husky.

The canine boy immediately pulled Hal's cat's tail and signaled that everyone was still.

"hmm, zodaou' zedadeu (don't care, it's just your illusion.) "The other squad in the patrol guards the road."

"da’sdaern asuynz (maybe just a rat in the ventilation duct.)" Another chapterman also said: "deaoaen, wemdieun, deas sdaeun (no one in that place can climb in.)"

"It turned out that the prince was a mouse, it was awful!" Calvin just wanted to attack, and Husky immediately stopped his mouth.

The group of guards did not pay special attention to the noise in the ventilation ducts and continued to patrol according to their route.

The three teenagers also breathed a sigh of relief, and this continued to follow. But they are more careful this time, and they are crippling. Tracking a patrol for a long time is not always an easy task. The other party is not an idiot. If there is noise on the top of the head, they will gradually notice it.

The vigilance of the patrol is getting higher and higher, and it is estimated that it will be revealed. Hal wondered if he would stop first and watch the opportunity to track another patrol.

But they don't have this need. Just 20 yards away, Hal saw a very special room in the distance from the vent.

It was obviously a small room locked by a wooden door, but there were four Zhang people guarding the door at the same time, and the guards were a bit unusual. Plus, just two pairs of patrols pass through the two intersections at the same time, staggering in front of this room. Said that this room is not weird, I am afraid no one will believe it?

"Hey, I found Wang." Husky whispered: "That must be the treasure room, we have to make a fortune."

"Well..." Halillo looked up uncomfortably and studied the road to the Treasure Room: "The road ahead turns to the left. Everyone is careful."

"Of course." Calvin replied without thinking.

The leopard teenager walked forward with the team and turned the squatting road from the ventilation duct to the top of the treasure room. The vents in front of them went straight to the treasure room, and from there, the treasure was waving to them.

"Hey, treasure trove, Husky came to Wang--" Husky couldn't wait to move his body to the vent, even walking past Hal.

"Wait, don't worry!" In a hurry, Hal grabbed the past and just caught the tail of Husky: "Learn and explain the situation first!"

"Hey! Even you are like this!" Husky felt very uncomfortable about his tail being caught. In order to retaliate, he also pulled Hard's cat's tail: "Then you will watch Wang!"

"Hey!" Hal made a low sob, and also put his head close to the vent, and looked at the situation in the "treasure room" from the iron fence of the vent.

A dark room. There is no one inside, no wonder it will be so dark. Also, a bunch of treasures are in the middle of it, there is no need and no one will move it, and no one in the room guards it, it is a matter of course.

"Well..." Because it was too dark, Hal also said that there was no danger in the room.

"Not good yet?" Husky asked impatiently.

"Wait a minute, the dark room, Hal can't see clearly..." The leopard teenager continued to look through the vents. The room was quite large, but there were only four torches around, and the fire could not shine through every corner of the room. The room is full of all kinds of bumpy shadows, which can hide a lot of institutional traps.

Despite this, there seems to be no other figure and no moving things. At least, the squad guards who are in charge of ambush here are not stupid enough to make this room so dark - can't see the invader's posture, they are not convenient to ambush?

So, since there is nothing in the room, can it be considered safe?

But why? Hal’s instincts told him that there seemed to be hidden murder in this room. Going down from here, is there really no problem?

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