Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1202: Selected in Fujian and Taiwan (33)

Chapter 1202 Selected in Fujian and Taiwan

"Do you know?" Pasiva, who is unaware of it, seems a little dazed.

"It’s a long story." Daniel smiled bitterly: "In short, we know each other in a simulated combat system."

"Is that system in the internal test of the Knights of the Northern Heavens?" Round table knight Pasiva thought about it: "Yes, you are a person from the Northern Knights, no wonder. But wait? These two Why are children -"

"Please don't pay attention to this detail." Seeing that the two children will be scrutinized will be seen, and the comet will quickly interrupt.

The dragon turned his head and looked at Daniel: "The kid is not seen in a day, and your spirit is much better."

Daniel licked his head and continued to smile: "I have this kind of physique. No matter how tired, I can recover if I sleep well."

"Really Wang." Husky also sighed. Daniel's dark circles caused by a lack of rest for a long time have also faded a lot, and now I can only see it faintly.

"But why is Daniel's brother sent to the Eastern Knights?"

"Because I submitted an application to the Northern Knights for crusade [epic creatures]. According to the regulations, they gave me a week of preparation time, during which I can not participate in any work of the Knights, concentrate on dealing with epics Level Preparation - Having said that, they wouldn't let me be completely idle, and I will be sent over to the relatively busy East Heaven Knights."

"Hahaha, you actually earned it!" Pasiva smiled and patted Daniel's shoulder: "The Eastern Knights are currently responsible for the development of weapons and equipment. It will definitely be rewarded when you transfer!"

"I hope so." Daniel smiled again.

"So, gossip on this." Pasiva walked to the comet: "The two children are led by Yang and enjoy the base. Come to the lab, come to the lab?"

"No." The comet coldly rejected the request of the Knights of the Round Table: "I am the bodyguard of these two little devils, and can't leave them easily."

"It doesn't matter," Pasiva patted the shoulders of the comet: "The Knights of the East Heaven are guarded and the children are unlikely to encounter any danger."

The comet is still shaking his head: No, it can't be.

Pasiva made a low voice from the depths of his throat: "Well, kids, do you have to visit my lab first?"

"Is that a laboratory for studying something?" Husky tempted to ask. If it is not something that is interested in the canine boy, he will not care.

"Weapons." Pasiva bluntly said: "In a nutshell, it's a study that lets weapons directly make magic. Is it so much more interesting than visiting the historical and cultural heritage of the Knights?"

As soon as I heard about weapons, Husky and Hal’s eyes suddenly glowed at the same time: "Of course, go to Wang (喵)!"

About half an hour ago, in the Red Sea of ​​Africa, within the Stone Column, the sixth set of the second elimination tournament was being played, and the Warcraft hunter Albert defeated the giant Nimitz.

When the tiger just jumped off the transport boat, he rushed and pulled the distance.

Nimitz also jumped off the boat and looked far away at his opponent, a young man with a body that was not very strong.

"Where, World of Warcraft hunters? Those guys who sneak in and kill World of Warcraft in the dark areas?" Nimitz sneered sneerly as soon as he came up: "You may have a good grasp of hunting animals, but your skills and It’s not very useful for others to face up."

"You may be right." Hearing the taunts of his opponent, Albert replied without changing his face: "But I will win you in my own way, no matter what it is."

"Hey?" Nimitz suddenly burst into laughter: "Wow, hahahaha - so cute! Your kid is really a cat, talking with a cat cavity!"

Albert glanced at the opponent and did not say anything.

"But nothing." Nimitz sorted out the iron gloves on his hands: "As long as you beat you, you can prove how wrong the **** dragon knight is. Prepare to die, boy!"

Albert still did not answer, concentrating on the opponent's black iron cast gloves.

Gloves? This kind of weapon with a very short attack, Nimitz actually dared to take out his hand? Albert's first hand is the Luna steel scimitar, and the other hand is his custom [gun blade - storm sword], which has an absolute advantage in attack distance!

However, things must not be so simple. Seeing that Nimitz has a well-thought-out look, seems to still have a hand? In short, Albert still intends to approach the enemy in the same way as the original plan, and test the opponent from the middle distance!

After deciding how to act, the tiger immediately ran up and circled the giant Nimitz! He just turned to the side of Nimitz and immediately raised his gun to open fire! Hey! - The large-caliber gun blade makes a particularly low-pitched buzzing sound! Under the driving force of the internal photon explosion engine inside the gun blade, eighteen large-diameter steel **** were shot from the muzzle and sprinkled to Nimitz like raindrops! Their speed is very fast, the scope of attack is very huge, it is difficult to dodge with the power of ordinary people!

"Call." The giant Nimitz smiled scornfully and raised his palm.

His palms instantly became bigger and became a large "shield" that completely obscured his body, easily blocking the shooting of the tiger!

"Hahaha, itchy! What are you doing?" Nimitz learned the words of the tiger: "Oh no-you are doing [喵]?"

"Change, change giant?" Elbert was shocked: "No. Just restore the body and smash it?"

"Positive solution." Nimitz sneered coldly.

The giant Nimitz is a purebred frost giant. He stood in front of Albert, about a head taller than the tiger - but it was all an illusion.

The size of the giants is too large, and it will affect the daily life. In order to better integrate into the human society, the Giants often use [shrinking] to narrow themselves to the standard height of human beings.

But Nimitz's original huge size of 30 yards will not change in nature. He just used the magic to restore the reduced body part!

"Wait" Elbert suddenly thought of something: "You unlocked the magic with money? Unlock this powerful spell, isn't it expensive?!"

Yes, Nimitz also carries the magic bracelet. If you don't spend money to unlock the magic, he should not be able to use this ability! And unlocking the magic that comes with it is very expensive - it costs ten times the original price!

The tiger also heard from the mouth of King Arthur that unlocking the orcs' madness would cost at least 500,000 Egyptian dollars. And the ability of the giant to become bigger should be equal to the essence of madness, and the money spent will never be less - perhaps more!

"Oh, how much did it cost me to unlock this spell? - I won't tell you!" Nimitz smiled mysteriously, but the contempt on his face did not fade.

"Are you swearing by the money?" Albert also looked at his opponent contemptuously.

"Maybe. In short, as long as you can win, you are not [喵]?" Nimitz once again learned the mouth of Albert's cat, deliberately angered the tiger. At the same time, he has raised his right fist and waved to Albert!

This fist is not threatening. Nimitz is at least fifteen yards away from Albert, how could his fist hit Ayre! But since he will punch like this, there must be some unexplained reason! Albert didn't think about it and then rushed back, first avoiding the dangers that might be encountered!

His thoughts are completely correct! Snapped! - But he is still not fast enough, not enough! The tiger was smashed in the face of a huge fist, flying like a white meteor!

Hey! The strength of the punch was incredibly large, and Albert vomited a large amount of blood in the air. When he landed heavily, he dragged dozens of yards on the ground, while slid and spit out more blood!

The tiger feels that he is hurting all over the body! The ribs may have broken two, and the chest and arm that bear the impact seem to be splitting! If he did not raise his arms in the most critical moment, he would have been seriously injured and comatose!

"I can still get up." Nimitz looked at the slowly climbing tiger, a bit stunned: "Hey, how many more punches do you need?"

"呜" Albert smeared the blood of his mouth and looked at his opponent desperately. Nimitz only took one hand, and the tiger immediately realized the absolute power gap between himself and his opponent!

So fast, and a heavy fist! The range is still 20 yards away! horrible! Is this the power of the giants? ?

that's terrible! Albert's equipment does not have the ability to attack long-range, that is, the use of the storm sword, at most, about ten yards of shooting, and the farther the distance, the lower the lethality! And the opponent can launch a super strong boxing against Albert in twenty yards! This fatal range difference can almost kill the tiger!

Do not. It is already dead chess! Can Albert still come up with any attacks that threaten his opponent? I can't get it out! He can't do it with the connection to the giant Nimitz! Even if you avoid Nimitz's attack and die close to him, what can you do? Nimitz is a giant! He can grow up all over the body! Albert's attack is just scratching for an opponent who is ten times bigger than himself! Even if the power is not sealed by the magic bracelet, Albert, who can fight with all his strength, may not be able to win this powerful opponent, not to mention the current strength of Ayr is sealed! ?

The more I think about it, the more I feel the deep despair!

His winning percentage is zero! That is even one in a million accidents does not exist, completely zero winning rate! !

This is a battle that definitely won't win!

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