Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1214: Selected in Fujian and Taiwan (45)

Chapter 1214 Selection in the Taiwanese forty-five

Dangdang! ! Slag's spurs have been blocked, and it's easy!

Viscount Lusford raised the photon shield, an arrogant smile: "This is the best weapon craftsman and designer in Europe, and they are the most advanced products made by their wisdom! How can your poor and self-made weapons win? Have it!"

More blue veins emerged from the forehead of Segrad. However, this is not the time of anger. The Viscount Lusford has raised the lightsaber to the young leopard, and he has to be careful to guard against it!

Boom! ! The lightsaber hit the shield on the moon **** steel shield and bounced off.

"Oh, it’s hard enough." Lusford wielded a light sword and scored a few shots. The speed was lightning fast, forcing Sedge to retreat while defending. Despite this, the Leopard youth's calf was still marked with a small wound.

"Right!" After Lusford repulsed Segrad, he suddenly realized: "The glass weapons in your hand should not be the new works made by the goddess Vivian in the lake? What are their principles?" Why is there such an offensive and defensive ability beyond common sense?"

"I didn't answer your obligations." Segrad angered: "And this is not the singer made by Vivienne!"

"Less deceive!" The Viscount continued to attack, while holding up the photon shield to carry out the impenetrable defense, while lifting the lightsaber to launch a continuous spur, so that Seglader is too busy!

"How can you create such a good weapon in a short time!" Although the attack was like a storm, Lusford seemed to have more room to speak. His mouth did not stop for a moment (it was annoying): "There is no one else." Listening, you honestly admit it! The glass weapons in your group of orcs must be the supply that the goddess Vivian in the lake secretly sent to you, right! You said that I am mean, in fact, you are not much better. Well!"

(Not awkward!)

Some people in the world think that others are as despicable as him. If they do something bad, they think that others are cheating like him. And this kind of person theory is a waste of time!

At this moment, Slaged has been angry with smoke. The Luna Steel series of weapons were clearly created by the Leopard youths, and the Viscounts of Lusfu attributed them to Vivian's head. For a weapon maker, nothing is more awkward than this kind of thing!

No, the most grievous thing for Segrad is that he can’t personally admit the fact that Luna Steel’s weapons are his works! Odin’s old man has been tens of thousands of people, saying that he can’t leak the secrets of the moon **** steel weapons makers – otherwise waiting for Segrad’s will be endless trouble!

Seeing Segrad’s face is awkward, and the Viscount Lusford is more proud. He squeezed out a mischievous smile and went on to say, "Yes! If you insist that these glass weapons are not from the hands of the goddess Vivian in the lake, let's make a bet! - If I am in this game If you win you, you have to tell me the names of the real producers of these weapons!"

"Who wants to tell you?"

"Oh, the bet on this bet is not good enough, right? Then listen: If I lost to you in this game, then the lightsaber and light shield in my hand, you can choose one. It’s a gift I gave you for free! How! Is this bet enough to attract?”

"Are you listening to people in the end?" Segrad became more and more depressed. He didn't want to gamble with Lusford at all. The secret of Yueshen Steel can't be passed away even if it is dead. How can it be broken by a stupid verbal promise? ——

What's more, the lightsaber and the light shield are not rare, even though they are high-end goods, Segrad is not rare at all!

Do not? In fact, the color of this light blade looks quite pleasing. Segrad looked at the sword light that was sweeping in the face, but like it, he gradually became interested in the lightsaber. Lighthearted, the coolest weapon of the world, no boy in the world would hate it. The lightsaber is the romance of men, a spontaneous worship of male creatures with precise mechanical aesthetics and powerful power. Ordinary people are still like this, and the leopard youth who are fascinated by weapons are more likely to fall into it.

"Debbie is better than 喵" Leopard youth whispered, and in the heart I want to promise, on the other hand, I am hesitant.

"Oh, huh." Lusford saw Slaged hooked, and could not help but sneer. Through observation, he is 100% sure that his combat skills are far above his opponent. This is a battle that will never lose, so he has not considered the defeat, and the bet can be pressed as much as he can. He actually only wants to understand where the strange glass weapons of the opponent are. Although there are a lot of wrong inferences in his mouth, Lusford is not an idiot. He actually knew that Seglader could not get supplies from Vivienne - to make supplies. I got it as early as I entered the road to Gili Mazzaro, and I didn’t have to wait until now!

In other words, the real producers of these "glass" weapons have their own people!

From the perspective of the delicate and elegant blade line of Changchun, the person who made this weapon is definitely a master craftsman of craftsmanship. However, from the slightly rough handle of Changchun, this weapon should be rushed to work in a very short time. There is only one purpose for this kind of anti-fighting weapon: to get the weapon out before the knockout! In other words, the maker of the weapon is in Egypt, even in Cairo. His workshop must be not far from the city, and the young Leopards can customize and retrieve the weapons that have been built in such a short period of time!

The Viscount Lusford is also a family of weapons craftsmen. He can understand the true value of Lunao Steel's long scorpion at a glance. It’s just a weapon that has been rushed to work in a day or two, but it has the power to be evenly matched with a large number of famous European masters. If you find the weapon craftsman, give him enough time and materials. Slowly making weapons, what kind of surprises will the finished product come out? !

Therefore, Lusford will never miss this opportunity! Even if it is soft and hard, even if you use it, you must find out the whereabouts of the famous craftsman from the mouth of Segrad!

At the same time (?), Great Britain, Elsenburg, the West Wing of the Knights of the East, the Knights of the Round Table Knight Pasiva.

"Look at the gentlemen, this is our great military equipment in Great Britain." Pasiva introduced with a flamboyant tone.

Long swords, rifles, scimitars, big axes, giant hammers, and even format shields. Thousands of differently shaped and exquisite weapons have been neatly arranged in the glass cabinets for display, and their momentum looks spectacular.

"Wow!" Leopard, a young boy, looked at these colorful high-tech weapons and was completely fascinated.

Of course, Hal is still young and cannot appreciate the true value of these precision weapons. He is only fascinated by the meticulous and beautiful carvings on the weapons, and the meticulous mechanical construction that appears vaguely between the gaps of the weapons.

"Nice Wang." And Husky focused his attention on the weapon test room - the dog-boys paid more attention to their practicality than the appearance of the weapon.

In the weapons test room protected by tempered glass and a strong protective cover, a knight is testing. While the Cavaliers are wielding long swords, the swords are shot on the blade, and the high heat ignites the test puppets, creating more damage while shredding objects.

"Hey, is this your latest weapon system? It's all small toys." I saw the long sword with the plug-in system, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Indeed, the power of the system attached to the weapon is not ideal, and it is far worse than the direct damage caused by casting magic." Pasiva smiled and explained: "But it has its benefits: even if it is not used Magic talents can also make skills similar to magic. Sometimes slashing with a sword can't solve the problem, and some extra attacks may be able to reverse the situation."

"It turned out to be so Wang." Husky nodded in agreement.

"But it is still a toy, a good-looking toy." The comet sneered with a special sword in his hand. This sword is very weird, with a trigger on the front and back of the hilt, which can be pulled with the index finger and thumb. If you buckle down, you will eject something from the two holes hidden in the hilt.

"Where, the weakness of the weak and weak human beings, of course, the great Starlight Dragon Comet Dagong will not understand." A voice interrupted the dialogue of all people, the voice of women.

Feeling ridiculed, the comet turned hostilely and saw a young girl about 16 or 17 years old.

The girl has a flaming and shoulder-shoulder hair, as well as a clear, light-blue scorpion like water. The skin is white and sometimes has some freckles, but it is more lovely. She is wearing a overalls that she is wearing. The clothes should be maximally improved in order not to hinder the work. They are both capable and highlight the beauty of the wearer's line, and show the perfect figure of the girl to the extreme.

The anger of the comet disappeared at once. Who told the other party to be beautiful, it is good to be beautiful, no matter what they do, they will be forgiven by men.

Xinghui Long, who had lost all his anger, said with a sigh of relief: "What is this lady?"

"Oh, I am sorry to forget, where did my courtesy go - please let me introduce it." Pasiva said: "This is the famous door made by the arms, the Miss Lusford family, Juliet Lusford. She Responsible for the main development work of the weapon plug-in system."

"This little girl?" Comet looked at Juliet, who was handed over at a young age with a puzzled look.

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