Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1219: Selected in Fujian and Taiwan (fifty)

Chapter 1219 Selected in Fujian and Taiwan

Hey! ! - hit! ! Have the feeling of cutting to flesh and blood! Segrad immediately pressed down the blade and tried to knock the entire arm of the Viscount! !

Motivate and nourish! ! - Yueshen Steel Machete has only fallen about an inch and cannot continue to sink! Lusford, who has excellent reflex nerves, is still holding up the light shield when he is in the midst of a thousand times, blocking the attack! !

"Hey!" Seglad was disappointed, kicking off Lucifer before he was stabbed by the lightsaber. Fortunately, Lusford was unable to make a force because of the severe pain. The light sword has already been reduced by a large part. Seglade has unscathed the other side's sword.

However, the Yin people's secrets hidden by the Leopard youth can only be used once. This alone can't solve the opponent, it is a great waste! !

But at least, his crisis has temporarily eased! Knowing that Lunao Steel’s long scorpion can suddenly become shorter, Lusford will be scrupulous and never dare to make the bold attack just now! Moreover, Lusifu's left shoulder also actually smashed a knife, this injury is not too light, will certainly continue to affect the speed of his shield defense! The moment of the game became a benefit to Segrad!

Really so beneficial?

On the occasion of the doubts of the Leopard youth, the Viscount Lusford suddenly burst into laughter. He did not seem to show weakness, but he was even more arrogant!

"Hahahahahahaha!! I admit that you have so many children, little blue cat!" He still repeated the name that made Seglady a big fire, as if deliberately angered the leopard youth: "But? Just the hilt It's a big deal to be able to stretch and shorten. Ok, although I didn't intend to use it in this kind of battle, it seems that I have no choice! Let's see how the real deformation weapon is profound! "

With a wave of his hand, the light sword that was held in the right hand suddenly changed!

It turned into a photon cross! !

Remote attack 喵. Seglade quickly set up shield defense. The principle of photon 就是 is to launch the part that should be the blade at high speed. Although the enchantment that binds the photon to form the blade cannot be maintained for a long time, that is to say, the arrow of light will dissipate soon after it is shot; but in the middle distance of five yards, the killing power of these photon arrows is very impressive! Seglader has not seen the photon. He also knows that the characteristics of the photon are strong and the distance is moderate, but they cannot be shot. It must regenerate a new enchantment after each launch - to "supplement" the arrow.

However, Lusford also clearly said that this light sword is the highest masterpiece made by the wisdom of the most talented weapons craftsmen and designers in Europe. Photon 弩 can not shoot this shortcoming, do designers have not thought about it?

as expected! Luce took up the photon and shot it, and shot three rounds of arrows in succession! There are more after the block!

Where can't this be shot? It’s simply a series of shots and scattering, and the arrows are always coming to Segrad! !

The leopard youth looked at the changes in the weapons in the other hand. That's it! Because the lightsaber uses the most advanced photon mirrors, it produces the purest light edge. They consume very little energy, and the formed arrow is a whole circle smaller than the ordinary photon arrow, so that the cross-bow always maintains the state of three arrows! The photon arrow, which is as thin as a steel needle, is shot one after another. The moment the previous one is launched, the next shot has been generated instantly! In this way, as long as the battery of the lightsaber is enough, how long it takes to shoot is not a problem at all! !

The knights of the knights generally use the highest capacity lithium-ion battery, which is enough for several hours without changing the battery! In other words, in the worst case, Segrad will be bombarded by the photon arrow in the next few hours! ?

铛铛铛铛铛铛铛铛铛铛 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— that's terrible. Although the power of each of the photon arrows is not so great, they can still easily open a finger-like hollow in the Segrad without the protective body! The youth of the leopard can only use the shield to block every hairpin. With the defensive area of ​​this shield, with the reaction speed of Segrad, it is very difficult to achieve this! !

I can only use that one. Looking at the oncoming torrential rain, Segrad couldn't help but wonder. It’s really uncomfortable to expose more cards to your opponents – or to your opponents in the future! But not here to come up with a full-fledged battle, Leopard youth is likely to lose this game! If you lose, there is nothing left. What are you talking about? !

There is no time to hesitate again! Seglad puts the Luna Steel Shield on the ground!

Boom! ! His shield is getting bigger instantly! It becomes a big shield that can protect the whole body and is as high as people! ! There is no such thing as a clever thing. It just reverses the Lun text in Luna Steel Shield and restores the quality that was originally huddled! !

Hey - Dadun easily blocked the heavy rain of the arrow! No, although it is changed from the middle shield to the big shield, in fact, when the shield is cast, the volume is five to six times larger than the current shield. Its quality is still highly curled up, and it is made of strong aluminum-titanium alloy, which is very hard! How can a photon arrow be shot through!

However, the larger Luna Steel Shield, while the protective area is increasing, the defensive power is indeed weakened! The original Zhongdun even the spurs of the lightsaber can be easily blocked unscathed, but now the big shield is blocking the arrow and the surface has a slight scratch!

"Oh?" The Viscount Lusford is not a blind man. All of this is in his eyes: "It seems that your weapon relies on the creation of the magic, compressing the original mass into a very small volume to achieve that kind of hardness. No wonder so hard! But why? If it has such a huge mass, these glass weapons should have been too heavy to wave?"

Too bad, Singrad’s forehead is sweating. Lucifer's analysis is more and more accurate, he knows more and more! If you continue to fight like this, the secret of the Moon God Steel series will be fully known to the Viscount Lusford! And Segrad will be caught in an unprecedented amount of trouble!

Can only be a quick fix! !

"Ha ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! The tight protection of Yueshen Steel's big shield makes him seem invincible. With this advantage, he will hit the opponent in one breath! !

"Oh, terrible and terrible!" Luisfu’s photon crossbow suddenly stopped firing and began to deform! Has it changed back to the lightsaber?

No - look at the strange crescent shape, it is a hook knife! !

The hook knife is one of the ancient gates that the ancient Persians loved. It was originally developed for the ropes used to cut enemy ships during naval battles. But in the era of the great shield, the hook knife was popular because of the new usage, because its peculiar shape can easily bypass the shield, hurting from the side or the top to hide behind the shield!

The lightsaber used by Lucifer, but with an enchantment, binds the stream of photons and shapes them into a blade. As long as you change the built-in program at will, the shape of this enchantment can of course be ever-changing! Let it change from a straight sword to a hook knife, it is just like a thing!

that's terrible! Lusford actually left such a hand! Worst of all, Yueshen Steel's large shield is extremely transparent. Although it is convenient for Sigrad to see the direction in the shield sprint, it also facilitates the observation of Rusford's movement behind the shield. If there is a head-on conflict, Lusford should be able to use the photon hook knife to really hit the leopard youth!

But there is no way! Segrad, who is rushing to the opponent, is no longer able to stop his footsteps, only to use brute force! ! You can only win at speed, knock your opponent away before being hit hard by your opponent, and take as little damage as possible! ! - So, the Leopard youth rushed to the past!

tie! - His arm hurts for a while, and the hook knife really bypasses the big shield, stabbing the left arm of Slaged from the side! The wound is quite deep!

lb! ! Seglader also tried his best to give Ruthford a shield, thinking that this would hit the Viscount!

However, Lusford also raised the light shield and resisted the impact of the big shield! ! The powerful impact made Lusifu's whole person retire backwards, but the tip of his hook knife was still stabbed on Segred's arm. In the process of retreating, the blade was suddenly slammed back. The youth's arm ruptured a shallow scar! !

The collision between the shield and the shield finally came to an end, and the two opened a distance of more than ten yards. Seglade rushed to take out the small dagger, squirting the unexpected gel from the insert to cover the wound of the arm, while tearing the clothes to make a temporary bandage, wrapped in a sturdy manner.

The wound on Lusford’s shoulder was also severely torn because of the collision. He also hurriedly bandaged to stop bleeding.

"Oh, we are even again." The viscount was sneer.

In fact, it is not even. The wound on Lusford’s shoulder was about an inch deep, and it didn’t affect the force in the place where it was not in the way. The wound in Segrad’s arm was very bad, five inches long and five inches deep, just in the middle of the arm. It will hurt to clench your fists.

The situation is even worse for Segrad. The opponent's weapons can be ever-changing, I am afraid that if you want to get it, you can become. The changes in the Selida Luna steel weapons have always been limited by physical conditions, only a few.

Sure enough, the moon **** steel weapons that he had temporarily produced by a layman could not overcome the meticulous masterpieces accomplished by the European masters and craftsmen.

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