Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1237: Rest in the night (fourteen)

Chapter 17 Rest in the night of the night

At the same time, the communication room of [Time and Space Submarine - Ice Crystal].

"Is it." The figure of the Queen of Iceland, Lilith, is projected in the communication device. After listening to the narration of Prince Tristan, the Queen thoughtfully considered it for a while.

"That's not bad, just lend the mysterious treasure [metal detector] to the werewolf." The queen finally decided: "Whoever uses the metal detector will be more concerned about it." It is the fact that the werewolf was able to use this artifact. It is an ancient artifact that only the mermaid royal family can use."

"The Werewolf has been sent for a detailed physical examination." Tristan continued to report: "I believe that I will get an answer soon."

"That's not enough." Queen Lilith glared at the prince: "Tristan, you will follow the werewolf tomorrow, and you can't leave him for a moment. How did he get the metal detector started, what happened in the middle of the use? Alien, you have to record it all."

"Good trouble," the fisherman whispered.

"If you propose to lend the artifact to him, then take responsibility and check everything in person." Lilith's mouth is slightly upturned: "I want to say that. I wish you a happy tomorrow."

"This is not to play." After waiting for Tristan to complain, the Queen has cut off the communication.

The fisherman prince slightly frowned, and the grievances in his heart loomed on his face. At the same time, a mermaid also came to report: "The captain, an intruder in the transfer room, has been arrested and is waiting for the captain's hair."

"Intruder?" Tristan was another frowning. It is reasonable to say that their warships are sneaking into the subspace. How could they be invaded? He turned his head and glanced at the electronic notebook in the hands of the mermaid, and was surprised to find that the "invader" who was arrested was not someone else, it was the leopard warrior Paramitis!

"Bring him over." Tristan had nothing to say.

"Actually, he has arrived." The mermaid crew said again.

"Hey, hahaha, Tristan" was escorted by Paramitis and the prince of the fisherman was a bitter smile.

"Paramitis." Tristan glanced at the Leopard Warrior: "How come you will appear on my boat?"

"Hey, I was going to take advantage of the transmission system of the Great Britain warships and go home." Paramitis explained with a smile: "So I lurked in the transfer room, when someone used the transfer room." I sneaked over. I really didn't think that the person using the transfer room would be you, and the destination was actually set in your battleship."

The fisherman prince stretched his face and said to the mermaid guards on the side: "Let him go, he is my acquaintance."

The mermaids nodded slightly, removed the spears that were placed around the neck of Paramitis, and loosened them for the leopard warriors.

After the mermaids retired, Tristan couldn’t help but curiously ask: "But, with your skill, shouldn’t it be so easily caught by my crew?"

"But I don't want to use force against the ladies." The **** panther licked the hoe: "And your warships are snorkeling in the subspace, and it is not easy for me to escape from here. This is caught and explained clearly, but things are instead Is it simpler?"

"Really." Tristan nodded: "So you intend to plead with me and let you out from here?"

"Just, that's it. Hey, little Tristan, Uncle, I am still waiting to go home to see my wife, can you get through?"

The fisherman’s prince’s eyes turned, and there was a mischievous thought in his heart: “If I asked the mermaid to hold you in the battleship, I will let you go until the end of the exam? You are a very difficult opponent, letting go. We will definitely meet in the competition? Is it better to solve you directly here to reduce the prince’s competitors?"

A drop of cold sweat emerged from Paramidis's forehead: "You don't want to do this."

Tristan smiled viciously: "Why not? You thought we were a companion in the Knights, will the prince tell you about it? Too naive, Paramitis."

"No." The Leopard warrior raised his fists: "I said that you don't want to anger the uncle in this place. Otherwise your ship will become a scrap."

His arm is also worn by the moon armor armor that his son built for him. The mermaid did not understand this arm, thinking it was just a simple armor. In fact, its power as a weapon is also very amazing. If you make a big noise in the cabin, it is not impossible to take a few large holes in the hull of the ice crystal.

"Is this intimidating the prince?" The fisherman prince looked cold. "This is just a piece of advice." Paramitis also glanced back. The power of Luna Steel Armor (Gloves), Tristan should have been known by watching the replay of the game. It is self-evident that it is really worthwhile to fight in this boat.

"Cries out" Tristan sneered a sneer and made a poker face: "Don't be so serious, Uncle Paramitis. Just now is just a joke."

"Oh hehehehe." Paramitis also sneered a little, playing a flush face: "You don't need to be so serious, Your Royal Highness. I was just a joke. - So, can I go now?" "

"Of course. Come with me." Tristan walked out of the communication room, with the intention of leaving Paramitis to leave the warship: "First, your little devil came to the prince's battleship, and now it is a parent. The rim of your big cat and this ship is really not too shallow."

"My little devil?" Paramitis trembled in his ear: "Is it Hal? Is the child here?"

"Yes, the day before yesterday. My stupid brother took his little friend to play and made my room messy." Tristan walked deep into the corridor: "It seems like coming over this evening, But their destination is the opposite of Eitenburg."

The big cat turned his head and looked out from the window of the corridor. The base of the Western Knights, Aitenburg, stands next to the ice crystal.

At the same time, the dragon rider of the Grand Duke of Euns also landed on the east wing of Aitenburg.

"Go here." After the Knights of the Heavens took the children one by one, they waved their hands.

"Are we not going to fish? Wang?" The canine boy could not help but wonder.

"嘿嘿" fisherman prince Calvin mysteriously smiled: "If you don't say that, will your mother let you come over and play? There are no fishing clubs here, but other clubs have it."

"What else?"

"What kind of ghost idea is it playing?" The comet has changed into a juvenile appearance, and Hal, who is inconvenient to move, follows. No way, Husky had to follow him and walked into the castle of Aitenburg.

"Wow, ah, ah, ah, ah," the coast sent a strange scream.

"Well?" Husky looked in the direction of the scream. Where did the sound seem to have been heard?

"Don't care, there are often a variety of sea animals on the West Coast, and they occasionally make such strange noises." Ewings explained: "As long as it is not too dangerous, you can leave it alone."

"哼" The canine boy frowned. There was a feeling that told him that the scream was not from a sea beast. But they have other things to do now, and they have to leave the strange call.

"The ice crystal is also smashing." Hal also looked into the distance, just to see a small part of the submarine that emerged from the "sea" surface.

"Yeah, yesterday's battle made the hull severely damaged. Nashan Zhuona, they are busy repairing now." The fisherman prince laughed unconsciously: "This is the best, Calvin can stay in The time around me has increased."

However, the Grand Duke of Euns knocked on the head of his younger son: "Speak in the tone of voice, young people."

"I'm sorry~" Calvin's little prince apologized on his tongue and had no repentance.

Under the leadership of the Grand Duke of Eures, everyone soon came to a room in the East Wing. The Knight of Heaven pushed the door of the room, and Husky saw a few machines he was familiar with from this small room.

Those metal benches with hoods! They are the devices used to log into that virtual game! ! There are six benches neatly arranged in this small room, theoretically enough for Husky to log in to the game!

"Oh, actually there is Wang here too?" The canine boy is overjoyed.

"Oh, I heard about you from Calvin." The Grand Duke of Euns smiled and explained: "You are hooked on this [game], right? If so, you can freely use the equipment here. Use, no polite."

"Really, really Wang (喵)?" Two orc teenagers shouted in unison.

"Really. The Northern Knights are currently cultivating newcomers to the Cavaliers. Their simulation training rooms are large and can accommodate a large number of trains at the same time. Our Western Knights are responsible for guarding the West Coast and preventing the invasion of the sea beasts. Although there are simulation training rooms here, the scale is relatively small. Our knights usually have duty tasks, and this training room is rarely used. It is not good enough to be idle, of course, it is provided to those in need. "

Husky couldn't help but gratefully watch the Knights of Heaven. If you can log in to the game at the Itonburg side, you don't need to transfer the game to the Crystal Dolphin Bit every time, and use that strange submarine to log in to the game. Moreover, since they came in the name of [fishing club], that is, they can use the same mouth to come back later to play - it also saves the trouble of finding excuses to lie to the mothers. This is really great!

"So," Calvin jumped to one of the benches: "Don't waste time, start playing right away!"

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