Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1240: Rest in the night (seventeen)

Chapter 1240 Resting on the night of the night

After some rectification, the game continued. The possession of the ball is still in the hands of the Guinea Giants.

"Oh." The giants who took the lead in the enemy made a scornful smile: "The squadron's defense is ineffective in the absence of Philaeus. The six points of this touchdown are steady!"

The Sphinx players didn't respond, but they all looked like a torch, and there was anger burning in it. A group of dwarf orcs are challenging the giants who are twice as tall as their own bodies, but they have no fear, but instead reveal this ferocious beast, as if to kill the giants.

And Albert was also infected by this group of temporary companions, shaking his spirits to watch the ball.

kick off! ! - The enemy center lost the ball behind him and gave the Giants quarterback. The quarterback didn't even think about it and threw the ball to the running back, let the running back launch the charge!

"Death must stop him!!" Captain Hiloma shouted.

However, the giants' offensive and defensive lines were pressed together, and their brute force instantly destroyed the attacking and defending lines of the orcs! In the collapsed wall, the three giants rushed out with the ball and headed straight to the Sphinx's bottom line! !

They must be stopped! Only Albert can be left alone! The tiger rushed to catch up, recalling the captain's embarrassment - reaching out to pull the back corner of the running back! ! This time, he started from his position and has an absolute advantage in distance! His explosive sprint is just enough to catch up with his opponent!

Bypassing the two guards, the tiger went straight to the running sprinter with an arrow, and his hand was shot like a hook and hooked the opponent's corner!

"What??!" The Giants' running back didn't expect the Tigers to have this. It was already late when the induction came! He lost his balance and was unable to fall to the ground! !

Yes, although the height is the advantage of the giants, the higher their body, the higher the center of gravity, the lower body is attacked, it is easy to lose balance! Albert's full-featured pull-tab has an outstanding effect, and it knocks down the opponent with one hit!

lb! ! The giant fell heavily and set off a big shock wave! He fell so badly that even the ball in his hand flew away! !

"Catch the ball to the hand!! -" came the call from Hilo.

Albert just pulled down his opponent and landed, but the small man recovered his balance quickly and immediately stood firm! The ball is less than three yards in front of him!

However, the two guards who ran out with the running back also attacked from the left and the right, intending to destroy the blind tiger before Albert grabbed the ball! !

Worse, being caught directly will definitely be seriously injured! The tiger gave up the idea of ​​grabbing the ball in an instant, and first self-protected! He leaned all over the ground!

lb! ! The two giants smashed into a group on the tiger's head, but did not hit Albert! Ayr is agile and slipping away! ! However, the weight of the giants is still deadly, and can't be slowed down for half a moment! El even rushed forward and ran away, first escaped from this death trap!

Boom! He hit the ball flying out and hit the ball farther!

"What are you doing?!" There was a cry from someone behind Albert. A figure flew over the top of the tiger's head, hitting the ball in the air like a cannonball, and then opened the limbs before hitting it, making a hug of strength and holding the ball firmly in the local area! !

Rolling billowing! The pick-up player rolled out at least 20 yards on the artificial turf. While protecting the ball with the whole body strength, it is also equivalent to using the body to withstand the friction of the ground - it feels painful!

"Ha, ha, ha!" Mutti, the bruised cat, climbed up, and said: "The ball is ah, ah, ah!"

The playground once again boiled. No matter who you are, no matter how you are born, as long as the performance is exciting enough, the audience outside the venue will be praised and applauded!

This is Diablo American Football!

At the same time, Great Britain, the Knights of the Western Knights, Aitenburg, a virtual world.

"Hah!" The canine boy Husky raised his heavy iron sword and smashed his face and instantly smashed the head of a forest giant bear.

Hey! The leopard, the young boy, also raised his acupuncture sword, and stabbed it in a super-accelerated sprint, running through the chest of another forest giant bear.

"Death!" Calvin's little prince Calvin waved his staff and fired three fist-sized ice arrows, which smashed the heads of two Timberwolves.

Although there are still a few soldiers on the battlefield, the battle has come to an end, and everyone can't help but take a breath.

"Hey--" Husky suddenly slammed his lower body: "It's bad! - You help Husky guard it all the time. Husky goes back to the toilet and comes back to Wang!"

"What?" Hal was originally focused on dealing with the remaining miscellaneous soldiers. He was shocked by Husky and was almost hurt by the claws of a Timberwolves.

He stabbed the monster with a sword, then turned to complain: "But you can't run away like this!"

"I just took it to this place after dinner, and Husky hasn't been to the toilet!" The dogman refused irresponsibly and opened the menu bar to log out of the game: "I will return soon." !"

Hey! The canine boy has already logged out of the game, leaving his uncontrolled body in place, and will be attacked by monsters at any time!

"Abominable!" Hal quickly ran to Husky to guard. Several monsters have been around!

"呜呜呜" Husky returned to the game as soon as he got out of the game and immediately picked it up from the bench: "Toilet, toilet Wang -"

He glanced at the uncle of the comet next to him, and glanced at the dark and deep corridor outside the training room: "Uncle Uncle, Husky wants to go to the toilet."

"Let's go." Xinghui Long had a snack, and his hand was pressed against the handle of the demon knife on his waist.

The canine boy looks uncomfortable: "Walk with Husky, Husky is afraid of black."

The comet stunned the canine boy: "Are you still afraid of ghosts?"

The canine boy looked at the Xinghui Dragon with his big, watery eyes: "But Uncle Xing said that he wants to be Husky's bodyguard Wang."

"Hey." The comet climbed up from the seat: "Good, let's go."

The two then pushed the door and headed towards the signage of a bathroom in the depths of the corridor.

Wow, ah, ah, there was a scream of screams in the depths of the castle.

"呜汪!" Husky was shocked and quickly hugged Uncle's legs.

"What is the Gang just now?"

"God knows. Maybe it's really a ghost?" The comet continued to move forward without hesitation: "Hey, was it scared to flow out?"

"No, no Wang! Just can hold Wang!" Husky replied blushingly: "We are going fast and fast."

The dragon didn't say anything, but he did feel a little bit of a breath from the air, a breath of death. Just in case, he took out the photon dagger from Husky's waist, and adjusted its output to a minimum, letting the dagger's handle pop a small red ball of light for lighting.

"Call." Looking at the light of the photon dagger, Husky temporarily breathed a sigh of relief and asked casually: "Why can't Uncle Xing play the game in Wang?"

"I can't spend time with you to play with these little devils." Xinghui Long replied coldly. He had just received an incomparably sinister blushing knives from Pasiva. Just bringing the knives to his body made him nervous, and he was free to play any games. Moreover, there are very few knights patrolling the fortress of the Western Knights. The garrison is not strict, and only one of them is in the simulation training room. When the comet is afraid that he will log in to the virtual game and play with the devils, someone will hit their body in the real world. Therefore, he would rather sacrifice the time of the game and stay in the training room to stand guard.

After a few steps, they finally came to the bathroom. The washroom of the Western Knights seems to be clean, but the light is dark, giving a very strange feeling. Especially in those compartments, there are many dark places where the lights can’t be found, and what seems to be hidden

"Hey, Uncle Xingxing doesn't come together? Wang?" Husky asked with trepidation.

"Have you seen a dragon going to the toilet?" The comet asked.

"But you always have to go to the bathroom?"

"Don't ask, stinky boy!" The comet shoved the canine boy: "Go! Go slow, I will leave you alone!"

"Well, please return the photon dagger to Husky Wang."

The comet was angered and stuffed the dagger into the hands of the canine boy, then Husky was stuffed into the compartment, and he was waiting outside.

"哼" Husky shouted dissatisfiedly, and there was a stream of water flowing in the compartment: "Uncle Uncle is also a ghost of ghosts."

"Nonsense, how can I be afraid of Laozi." Xinghui Long replied with dissatisfaction.

"But, Uncle Xing Xing is afraid that even the toilet will not dare to go to Wang."

"I am not in a hurry!" Long said. Dragons can not sleep for hundreds of years, they don't need to eat for thousands of years, and their digestive system is surprisingly good. The nutrition of food is extracted to the utmost extent, leaving almost no residue. The substance utilization rate of eating and drinking is extremely high, and there is almost no need for defecation. Moreover, they can use the subspace magic to simply dispose of the waste in the body, and the living efficiency is different from that of human beings.

But the more convenient the life, the thinner the reality. Eating, bathing, and sleeping like a human being, although it is a very inefficient way of living, is surprisingly interesting for comets.

(Is this envious of human life?)

"Speaking back," Xinghui Long asked curiously: "What are the ghosts in the human world that will appear on this occasion?"

"Hey, Uncle Xingxing, do you want to ask this question at this time? Wang?"

"Just curious."

"Husky listened to Mommy, and it might appear in the toilet or bathroom. It seems to be a female ghost named [Bloody Mary]." The canine boy explained it to him: "It is a female ghost who is covered in blood." Image, often in the mirror to show the shape of Wang - oh, out -!"


"Out and out!"

"It’s ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!--" Husky slammed the door of the compartment, and the fart ran out, as if he had seen something terrible.

"Wait!" The comet hurriedly called the canine boy and wanted to chase, but he wondered what Husky had just seen. The dragon turned his head and looked at the shadow of the compartment. Something that appeared in the exhaust duct of the toilet immediately made his heart cool for half!

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