Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1277: Hunting the Devil in the Night (20)

Chapter 1277 Hunting the Devil in the Silent Night

"When I realized that my body became unusual, I was still in the process of rehabilitation." The cat boy whispered: "That is really strange. The hands and feet that have been cut off are re-established in the bones." After healing, there is variation. As long as you concentrate, my hands and feet can bend, stretch or shorten like rubber."

Speaking of this, Mutter stretched his arm about three feet, and his fingertips reached Albert and played the tiger's nose.

"The therapist said that this [rubber man] ability, which was originally a talent for the cat family, it had to undergo a lot of training to do it, and it is impossible to have this softness. And my situation, I am afraid It was tortured for a long time under the limit state of [Octopus Pot], and the body gradually became different in order to protect itself."

"The situation is the same as that of Philaeus." Albert whispered.

"Maybe." Mu nodded. "The whole thing is probably like this. My ability is the ability to be awakened by the cruel torture for a long time. It is an unnatural physical variation. Others want to achieve the same by exercise. The effect is almost impossible. But if you want to try it, I can fulfill you. Let me break all your hands and feet and put you in a vase for two or three years. The same ability may be awakened. "

The tiger shuddered in the whole body: "No thanks, I don't want to die."

Mutt gave a look at Albert, and suddenly he turned: "Are you tired? You have been sprinting since the beginning, and you have been running for nearly an hour."

"What?!" Albert was too fascinated by listening to the story. After Mutter said this, he suddenly found his lower limbs sore. He began to soften his feet and slammed down from the treadmill.

"Hey! Help, help me." He squatted on the ground and found himself unable to get up.

"Look, if you have the heart to do it, you can still do the training." Mutter took a bottle of milky white drink from the kitchen refrigerator and handed it to Albert: "protein drinks, drink it. Drink. Going to bed right away, super recovery will make you stronger."

"I have to take a shower first--" Albert struggled to get up and found that his feet were almost sore and almost melted. Just getting out of sweat made him more sticky and uncomfortable. He drank the eccentric protein drink into his stomach, although it was not so good, but its coldness made Albert feel refreshed.

"Let's wash it tomorrow. In short, sleep now." Mutt ignored the opposition of Albert and put the tiger on the bed: "Take off the wet clothes and take the ice bag to apply the leg. Others Things will be left to be dealt with tomorrow morning."

"Hey," the tiger took off his coat and took over the ice bag that Mute had thrown. By the way, he asked: "The stories you just said should not be edited. I always feel that I am distracting. And deliberately said?"

"Oh," Mutter said with a malicious smile: "You are aware now?"

He threw an ice pack at Albert and lowered the temperature of the room air conditioner: "Don't worry, go to sleep."

Albert had just taken off his sweat-soaked pants and suddenly it came. His eyelids sank and fell asleep.

Mutt slowly walked to Albert, wiped Ail's sweat with a towel, and covered the quilt for the tiger. At this point, the cat’s teenager’s phone rang.

"It's me." He responded plainly: "I have successfully slapped him to sleep. I have to sleep, and report the situation to you tomorrow."

"Let him drink the medicine?" There was a mysterious voice coming from the microphone. The voice was changed and the voice was not recognized.

"Drink." Mutt replied without emotion: "Besides thinking that the taste of the medicine is bad, he did not notice any abnormality."

"Good. Keep watching him and let him drink regularly. The call is over."

The cat boy nodded and hung up. Then he threw the phone into his bed and climbed into the bed to sleep.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, London, Great Britain, East Knights base, Aldenburg.

When Daniel climbed out of the frozen dormant cabin, he couldn't help but sneeze. The Knight, who is responsible for his response, has handed a blanket and a hot cocoa for warm-up.

"Thank you." The trainee knight, rubbing the frost on his body, hurriedly poured hot cocoa into his stomach, and finally it was warmer.

"Is it effective, that freezer?" asked a girl's voice.

Daniel turned a little in amazement and found that it was the deputy director of the Winter Knights Weapons Development Department, Juliet Lusford.

Scared the trainer knight to quickly put on his pants: "Miss Juliet, why are you -"

The girl smiled: "I introduced you to this frozen dorm, and of course I have the responsibility to supervise the end."

"呃" Daniel moved to the bones. Although the fatigue of the body has not been completely eliminated, but he feels refreshed, the fatigue of the brain is really greatly relieved because of freezing dormancy, it is like sleeping for three days and three nights.

"It should be effective." The trainee knight replied ambiguously.

"Then summon the comet of the comet, let him take you to kill the nightmare." Juliet deliberately concealed the feelings she was expecting, and hurriedly urged.

"Hey?" Daniel felt a bit strange, but he was too embarrassed to ask more questions, so he took out the dragon scales that the comet left for him from his private possession, and concentrated on calling the comet while walking outside.

Hey! The Xinghui Dragon appeared in the corridor in an instant, scaring Daniel. As soon as the comet passed through the portal, a small box was spit out from the mouth. The canine boy in the box jumped out and grew bigger and scared Daniel.

"Danny, brother, are you ready?" Husky asked with a smile.

"Husky? Are you coming to see me off? Thank you!"

"No, Husky will go to Wang together!" The canine boy shook his tail.

"But the place we are going to be very dangerous!" The trainee knight is a little unhappy: "What if you are also attacked by a nightmare?!"

The canine boy pulled the hand of La Xinghui: "Uncle Uncle will protect Husky's Wang. Husky promises that he will only look at Daniel's brother far away. You will fight against the nightmare without adding chaos."


"This matter has already been decided. Don't waste time discussing it." The comet said unhappyly: "I can't convince this little devil, and you can't convince him more with your mouth. This road is quite far away, we have to Go ahead and get back before dawn."

The canine boy squinted his head and asked, "Hey, why is it far away? Uncle Uncle's transfer is not able to reach anywhere in a flash?"

Xinghuilong just smiled: "The reason you will know soon."

He jumped out from the window next to him and just returned out of the window and changed back to the prototype. The dragon grabbed the corner and said to the two teenagers: "Come up."

"Will you fly?" Husky was a little confused.

"Because I am a [no magician], right?" Daniel didn't think much about climbing out the window and jumping onto the dragon's back.

Husky understands why. Because Daniel's brother is a demon, his physique is extremely resistant to magic. It is impossible for Uncle Xing to use Daniel's brother to use teleportation, and it is even more impossible to put Daniel's brother in the box (and mouth).

To go to a place with an unmagic person, you can only fly.

"Okay, okay, Wang." The canine boy carefully climbed out of the window and slowly touched the dragon's back. At this time, he began to regret coming.

Xinghui Long grinned and seemed to have long planned to let Husky, a nosy kid, be taught.

Hey. I did not expect that in addition to Husky, someone actually jumped to the back of the comet!

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Xinghui Long looked back angrily and found that it was the girl named Juliet. She was holding Daniel's waist from behind and sandwiched Husky in the middle of the two, making the two boys' faces red.

"I want to follow and see if it is allowed by the big star." Juliet smiled a little. "If the child hunted the nightmare, there would be no notary. God knows if someone will help?"

"Mixed, do you want to insult me!" The star screamed angrily: "The dragons are all talking and cherishing, and I have said that I am only responsible for bringing this little devil to the nightmare, so that it is impossible to help him to kill the nightmare." The people in the Knights should have had a consensus on this matter, and you are a little girl who is pointing at me!!"

"Under normal circumstances may not, but if it is happening in a corner of the earth that is not known, the benevolent comet will do something." Juliet smiled: "Maybe in the Knights On the surface, people are willing to believe that you have not helped the child of the comet Dagong; but the mouth said nothing, always some people will make irresponsible remarks to you in the back? So, it is better to let a completely neutral person be a notary Better, only I can shut up those who dare to make irresponsible remarks."

Xinghui Long bit his teeth, resisting the swearing words that almost reached his mouth, and thinking for a while. Although the feeling of being led by the nose is really annoying, I also know that Juliet’s words are correct to some extent.

"You will die." The comet can only threaten: "I have no obligation to protect you together."

"The nightmare is just a piece of cake. I have already defeated it once when I passed the Silver Knight exam six months ago." Juliet said indifferently.

The comet whispered and didn't say anything.

"Where - Parisstone, stay here to meet us." Juliet Lusford took a look at the back of the Star Dragon: "Now, can we set off?"

The comet reluctantly jumped out of the edge of the castle, and the wings spread out and suddenly climbed into the air.

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