Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1379: Trapped in the ramp (51)

Chapter 1379 is trapped in the ramp 51

at the same time. Cairo, Africa. In the Cairo Grand Hotel.

"Brother. I am back." Segred shouted as he pushed the door of his hotel room.

"Oh." Seefair seems to have just returned. A look of servant. He noticed that Segrad's voice was a bit unusual. Turned his head and looked at his twin brother. I immediately snorted and said, "How did you become this virtue?"

"Speaking long." The leopard teenager walked to the bed and opened the cabinet. Trying to find a suit. However, those clothes were worn when he was an adult. He can't wear it now when he becomes a child. He sighed: "Great. Hey. Go help me buy some sets of children's clothes."

"So I said what happened to you." Saifer continued to ask: "What magic has turned you from an adult to a child? This is too magical."

"We can't talk about it later." The leopard teenager took off his coat in a depressed mood. Put on your own shirt - although they are a big circle. Set on the body like a dress.

"And what are you doing in a diaper?" Safir sneered and asked: "Because it was turned into a child by the magic. Even the sphincter is out of tune."

"Oh." Segrad yelled at his brother angrily. Representing the protest: "This is not a diaper. It is the plaque used by the ancient Egyptians. We have to talk about this kind of can't buy some clothes for me to come back first - and don't forget to buy underwear." "

"Know it. I will go out and squat." Saifei couldn't stand the brother's embarrassment. I had to go outside the door: "Hey. Since you have all become like this. You can come and help me with one thing."

"What is wrong."

"Catch a slap." Sai Fei’s mouth smirked and laughed: "Come on to help collect evidence of Dad’s scams."


After half an hour.

"It turned out to be so embarrassing." Segrad replaced the uncomfortable crepe. Put on the newly bought children's underwear. Finally I sighed with relief: "So you think that Dad and the jewel queen Rosetta have a traitor. Dad is unfaithful to Vivian."

"I followed them all day. There will be no mistakes." Saifei said with a slap in the face: "They both played in the amusement park. They are shopping in the town. They have a good time." It’s just like a couple. If I don’t have a knockout in the afternoon, I will definitely continue to follow it. I find that they have more sins. But I am going to participate in the competition soon. The next tracking task will be I have given it to you. My [small] brother is jealous."

"Their own things. You can't leave it alone." Seglade looked at his brother reluctantly: "It was discovered by Dad. He will not let me go."

"Hey. You are all rejuvenated. Become a child." Saifer slaps his brother's head in a joke: "You become this look. I almost can't recognize it. You think Dad will recognize it." Come out of you."

"You think that Egypt has two besides us. There are a lot of hairs that are blue and leopards." Segrad did not ask for it.

"So I brought you this embarrassment." Saifei seems to have long expected that his brother will vomit. He has reached out to the shopping bag. I found a fist-sized bottle.

really. This is a bottle of dye. A powerful black hair dye.

"No way." Segrad protested fiercely: "I don't want to get rid of my hair. It's a super uncomfortable hair."

The animals' hair is very sensitive. Just as sensitive as skin. If you use hair dye to dye your hair in a different color. They will feel the whole body uncomfortable like an ant bite. And this discomfort will continue until the dyeing material is completely dropped. therefore. Orcs generally refuse to dye their hair in other colors - Segrad is no exception.

"Since you don't want to. Then I won't force you to swear." Saifei reveals a sinister face: "But if Wei Wei An Aunt asks about it later, I will tell her [I don't know]. Because of you The kid didn't track things down to the end. You know how terrible you are when Aunt Vivian is angry."

Seglader shuddered. However, he is still very hard. I don't want to do what I don't want to do: "I don't care about their father anyway. Maybe Vivian Aunt has long known that Dad is stealing from other women. Their [big people] things. When is it my turn [small child] to manage it?"

Safir glared at his brother and said, "You really don't care."

"It really doesn't matter. Unless --" Leopard teenagers began to bargain: "Unless your brother, you can do something for me."

"What is wrong."

"This is awkward." Segrad was busy taking the Luna Steel weapons one by one from the pocket of the object. At this time, he took out the omnipotent tool of the Dragon Hunter. I threw the golden hammer to Saifel: "If you are willing to help me go to the scented pine forest in Novi, I will take some turpentine. I will consider it when I follow my father."

"What a joke?" Saifei grabbed the gold smelting hammer with a quick eye. "You didn't say that there was a Yoon Giant in the big lake in that ghost place. What if he attacked me." You want me to be killed by the Yodon Giants..."

"Hey. He won't attack your cockroaches. He recognizes my scent. I will attack when I appear. But he doesn't recognize your smell. It shouldn't attack you."

"Probably oh..." Saifei’s forehead slammed on the forehead: "You use [probably] to take your brother's life as a bet. You are a good brother. My dear Seglady."

"Then you still go or not." Seglad sneered and said, "You don't help me. I don't have a reason to help you. Anyway, my father is reporting a small report to Wei Wei's aunt." Despicable behavior. I really don't like it very much."

"嗷" Saifei whispered for a while: "Okay. I will go. Anyway, the game from the afternoon. There are still some time."

Seglad smiled. The face appeared as naughty as a urchin.

"Speak back." Saifei looked at the distance and looked away. A small lizard playing with water on a carved silver washboard: "What are you going to do with that little thing. Keep it."

"Hey." The silvery little pseudo-crown looked curiously at Saifeier. As if to know that the Leopard youth is talking about him.

"Of course you have to raise it." Segrad wiped the weapon with a clean cloth. Leisurely: "I will rely on this little guy to make magic turpent in the future. I won't put Xiaoyin back."

"[Xiaoyin]." Saifeier gave his brother a look: "The name of the vulgar."

"Then you can think of other good names." Segrad also whited his brother and glanced at him: "Don't wear it out. Go and help me with turpentine."

Saifei snorted. Pick up the tokens of the Dragon Hunter and knock on the ground a few times. A transfer door opens instantly. It goes directly to the base camp of the Novo Kingdom Dragon Hunter.

"The weapons in [The Great Hall of the Spirit] don't touch. There is a danger of protecting the enchantment." Segred quickly confessed: "There is no way to get close to the big lake. God knows if the Jotun Giant will attack you." Meow."

"Zhen." Saifei was too lazy to listen to his brother's embarrassment. Already jumping. Jumped into the portal.

Hey. He landed steadily. It falls on a quaint and huge stone disc surface full of historical vicissitudes. Here is the Great Hall of the Spirit. Where is the treasure hunt of the Dragon Hunter? Compared to the introduction in Segrad's mouth. Still watching with your own eyes. Can feel the shock of it more.

Safir Group has no time to feel the charm of this monument. He still has tasks to complete. He ran. Going out along the corridor leading to the outside corridor. I saw the exit without running far.

In the silver of a piece of snow. There is a faint green color. It is dotted with the ancient and tranquil natural scenery of the Novi Kingdom. This scented pine forest has just been smashed by the Yodon Giants. Many trees have been uprooted. It’s awkward. However, scented pine is indeed an ancient and tough tree species. They can still remain strong in such an amazing "natural" disaster. The destroyed trees are actually just a few.

Safir struggled to climb the uneven snow in the highlands. Going to the woods. My heart is still complaining. The terrain here should have been very flat. The unevenness of the snow is also the result of the chaos of the Jotun giants.

He walked over to a giant scented pine. Remove the pre-equipped knives and collection bag from your pocket. Do as described by SGLADE. First cut a diagonal downward hole on the bark. So that the collection bag can be fixed on it. The next step is just to wait for the resin from the bark to flow down. Fill that bag.

The process of collecting the resin can take a long time. Saifei thought about it. He may be able to leave first. Come back in the evening to collect the resin. Just as he thought about things. But suddenly I felt another cold look.

There was a chill in the whole body. The young Leopard could not help but turn his head and look at the cold eyes. Look at this. Almost his heart was scared to pause.

I saw that the Yodon Giant was exposing half of his head from the Great Lakes. Looking at Seifer from afar.

As described by Seglader before. The Yoon Giant was a cold blue. It looks very similar to the Frost Giant. But his body shape is different from the ordinary frost giants; the sense of oppression emanating from him. Other giants are totally incomparable. The giant's silver-white hair blends almost like frost and snow. At first glance. The head of the Yodon Giant who was exposed. It's like an iceberg.

The giant did not attack. It just looked straight at the leopard youth. The cold glow radiating from the eyes of Yodon. It has the power of a sultry soul. It hits the depths of Safir's soul. The young Leopard youth was shocked.

(Challenge me. Warrior.)

Saifei seems to be able to hear a certain voice. Constantly reverberating in his mind.

(One day. You will come to challenge me. Challenge your destiny.)

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