Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1382: Trapped in the ramp (54)

Chapter 1382 is trapped in the ramp 54

Bandages wandered around the bath. It was the hands and feet that used to entangle Mutter. A magic bandage to prevent the softening of the limbs of the cat and the boy.

But the magic on these bandages is obviously not waterproof. They lose their magic when they soak in hot water. Loosing from Mutter's hands and feet. Mutter returned to the "original form" because he did not have the protection of those bandages. His hands and feet are softened. It is lengthened. Like a dead snake in the pool.

Because the hands and feet have become that look. Mutter, who lost his physical support, couldn’t even sit on the edge of the bath. So he sank down and slid down. The nostrils have sunk below the bath water level.

"Hey. Hey, beep." The cat-man teenager tried to lift his head out of the water. With bubbles. Spit out a few ambiguous words: "--(save) - beep (me)."

"Hey. The octopus boy is going to drown." Albert screamed like this.

"Oh." Mutt's head sank to the surface again. Before I sank, I didn't forget to look at Albert. If his hands and feet can move. He is afraid that he has been looking for weapons in the bathroom. Give the tiger a head on it.

"Okay, okay. Don't panic." Albert walked slowly. Drag the kitten that is about to smash out of the water: "Hey. You haven't suffocated yet."

"Hey. Keke and cough." Mutt violently coughed several times. Spit the water full of belly: "Poor, almost died."

Albert also glanced at the hands and feet that the cat boy softened and stretched. They still have a long stretch of time to stay in the bath. It's like a noodle in a soup. Mutter almost drowned. The situation is actually quite serious. But I don't know why. Albert is unable to resist the urge to laugh.

"Hey, screaming," Elbert tried to hold back the impulse to laugh. It’s hard to take a break. I began to blame: "I reminded you. Don't take a bath with yourself. If you have a bandage, you will be embarrassed. I am willing to persuade you. You never listen."

"How do I know. Everything was fine when I was washing my body and shower. I didn't see any signs of looseness. When it was soaked in the bath, it suddenly failed." The cat-woman was very innocent: " Ah, ah, don't say it. Do something. I can't feel my legs."

"You didn't feel it. Idiot." Albert used to unplug the bottom of the bath. The water level has dropped rapidly. It stops at about half the depth of the bath. After the danger of drowning. The tiger threw the cat-and-boys back into the bath: "It's really alive. Fortunately, the muscle relaxant has been used for more than half of the time. No more muscle spasms. Otherwise you have to suffer."

He walked to the front of the shower. Start taking off your shirt.

"Wait. You, what are you doing..." Mutter turned to see Albert undressing. The face is white. He has a very bad feeling.

"In the bath. There is a problem." Albert flipped his pants. Flushing the soap bubbles in the mist of the shower: "All men. You are shy. Look at you. Hands and feet should not be cleaned. Just hurriedly jumped into the bath with a bandage." It’s a shower after it’s dirty. I have to wash it for you in the end. The trouble is dead.”

"No, no need." The cat boy refused with all his strength.

"Ah, hahahaha~." Albert ignored the Mutter's request (anti-). I jumped into the bath with a big bang. Laksa. Splashes of water. I have a face with a cat.

"The speed at which you wash your body is very fast." Mutter looked at Albert with a cold eye. A pair of people who want to kill.

"You think fast. Even if it's fast." The tiger grinned. "Come here. Hand and hand to me. I will help you wash it~"

"They are all paralyzed and can't move. You forgot." The cat man was white with a tiger. It seems angry and helpless.

The tiger smiled. Reaching out into the water to find Mutter's hands and feet.

Although the water level in the bath has been reduced by half, it is much safer. However, the limbs of the cat-and-child teenager are still in a state of weakness. The feeling of paralysis extends to his shoulders and his buttocks. He can only rely on his own waist to support. Sitting reluctantly in the pool. Avoid being drowned.

The water level is probably soaked to a little more than half of his lower abdomen. Just in a situation where he is itchy and uncomfortable. The steam is full of smog. The massage from the luxurious baths is filled with countless bubbles. Shocking his whole body - in addition to these shameful "measures". He is naked all over the body. Lying in the same bath as Albert. In this warm water. The cat-and-boys are full of redness because of the heat. Also because of the hustle and bustle of the face.

At this time, Albert picked up a thin, long arm of Mute's bath in the bath. I am interested in the authenticity: "Wow. It's so soft~ I really have a soft bone." Your kid is really a skeleton. The body is very special."

Mutter does not speak. I even moved my eyes away. Deliberately ignore the Albert. He looked at the scenery outside the terrace. From the luxurious baths of this luxurious bathroom. Looking up at the clouds on the blue sky through the mist.

Albert saw Mutter regardless of him. Just pick up the soap and lick the arm of the cat boy. Saying to himself: "The arms and legs are really cartilage. I really want to know what structure your waist is. Is it also a retractable cartilage."

"God knows." Mutter whispered, "I was very small when I was loaded into the octopus pot by the slave owner. At that time, I was so painful that I lost consciousness when I was knocked on one leg. I don't know what they are specific to my body. I have done anything. But I think. They must also break my spine. Don’t do that. My body must not fit into the octopus pot."

"It hurts."

The cat-and-boys took their eyes off the blue sky. Looking back, Albert looked at it: "You are not listening. I said that my first leg was stunned when I was broken."

"I mean. After that." The tiger kept squeezing out the foam on the cat's boy's softened and thinned arm only: "The whole body's bones are broken. It's certainly not so easy to recover." The pain will definitely last for several months."

"No." The cat-and-boys looked at Albert a little blankly. Hesitating whether it should be good to follow the tiger's rhythm.

But he thought for a while. Finally, I had the courage to open my mouth: "Before the hole in the bottom of the octopus pot was opened, the pot was filled with a gel with anesthesia and bactericidal effect. I couldn't feel anything when I was lying inside. I just felt like the body. It melted the same. It was quite comfortable.

But after that. Things get worse. The antibacterial gel will eventually lose its effect. Mixed with the body fluids and excretions of the slaves for a long time. Inevitably it will get dirty. The slave owner must open the plug at the bottom of the octopus pot. Let the waste flow away. Then they just keep pouring water into the pot. Note a lot of sea water. Wash the slaves in the pot. "

Albert frowned. Did not say anything. He remembers that Phileos had mentioned the tragic tortures that slaves who were locked into the octopus pot would suffer. In order not to touch the pain of Mutter. It is better to keep silent here.

"I still remember the situation at that time." The cat boy shuddered: "As long as it is handled properly, eight of the ten slaves in the octopus pot can survive. It is [reformed successfully]. My master Hundreds of octopus pots filled with people were placed in the cellar, and there were numerous drain holes in the ceiling of the dark day.

Every three days. The so-called [bath water] will flow down the ceiling. The icy waters fall like a rainstorm. Flow into the octopus pot. By the way, the dirt discharged from the slaves is washed away. The dirty things in the pot were washed away. Run along the drain hole at the bottom of the octopus pot. Flowed into the sewage system of the mantle. Every time after [cleaning] is finished. The stench in the cellar will temporarily subside. Instead, it is the stench of sea water. And the smell of **** visceral decay. "

"The internal organs are rotted." Albert turned his face.

"Because even if it is put into the pot and live. Some slaves will die slowly. The blood is bleeding from the octopus pot when cleaning. It proves that the slave is not alive. Then the master of my family will take the slave. I even saw people with a pot. I have seen it many times. I sometimes admire them. Maybe that is the real relief."

Albert snorted.

"The slaves in the octopus pot can only eat once a day. The liquid from the hanging hose is infused with the smell of pig food. In order to prevent the slaves from biting their tongues, the hard feeding tube is buckled on the faces of the slaves. Usually almost Never leave our mouths. We can't call if we are blocked. We can only sneeze like animals. There is neither dignity nor humanity.

We are all dying slaves. Occasionally, a few faces grow pretty good. They will be taken away on a regular basis. Be regarded as an ornament. It is displayed like a vase in a collection that slave owners use to show off. For those who are psychologically perverted, they are useful for playing. "

"What about you." The tiger asked tentatively.

Mutt shuddered deeply. There was a great shame on his face: "They probably come every other month. I will also take me away once and wash it clean. Serve the Lord."

"If you don't want to talk. Don't mention it." Albert stopped.

Mutt looked pale and looked like a young man. I took a deep breath: "The place is a complete hell. It is dirty and smelly. People are treated like animals. Even if they choose to die, they are not allowed. They can only live and live. I don't even know how I got from that kind of The ghost place came over. Maybe it was because I was a slave since I was a child. I was abused and numb. I don’t know what is dignity. I watched other slaves go crazy. Despair. Finally died weakly in the octopus pot. I know that I will eventually become like them."

"But you survived. You are stronger than them." The tiger touched a leg in the water. Take a look at the water. Immediately smiled: "Hey. Look at this kitten's leg. So cute pink meat ball."

Mutter glanced at Albert again. Protest against this damaging guy.

"At that time, I almost reached the limit. My master seems to have sold a lot of slaves for economic reasons. His labor force is lacking in the workshop. There are fewer and fewer slaves in the octopus pot. There aren't many [collections] underneath. It is even more forceful to play with the rest of the collections that I have not played. The days are too difficult. Maybe another month. One week. Even one more day. I will die and die."

Mutt said with pain and pain: "The result is that Sphinx's old man saved me. He saved me. He saved me who was being abused by the master. He angrily cut the head of my master. Shattered. The octopus pot. I don't want to abandon me with dirt. I hugged me from the ground. He touched my forehead like a child. Call me not to be afraid."

"That was the first good thing I have ever encountered in my life." Speaking of it. The cat man shed tears.

Albert washes the little feet of the cat boy with soap. I snorted: "It's no wonder that you will die for the Sphinxs. After all, he appeared and saved you when you were most desperate. - Hey. I saved your life just now. How do you feel a little bit?" Did not show gratitude."

Mutt looked at the tiger with a squint: "You and the Sphinx are no match. You are abnormal."

"Good. We don't mention this." The tiger shrugged. Wash the soap bubbles on the cat's feet with water: "But you should be very clear. Sphinx is not a good man. He is the gangster. He kills people. It is lawless. You say you can Sphinx is doing everything. But if there is one day, he wants you to kill."

"I will do it too." Mutter replied without thinking.

Albert continued to ask: "If he let you kill, it is an unarmed woman and a child."

The cat boy is hesitating for half a second: "I will do it too. Although I don't think Sphinx will order me to do this kind of thing."

The tiger took a deep breath: "If one day. He wants you to kill me."

Mutter was silent for about a minute.

"But I can't beat you at all."

"That's not the point." The tiger grinned angrily: "If there is one day. Sphinx will take you to this group of orcs to launch a coup. Let the whole of Egypt and even Africa as a whole get into the flames of war. Are you? Will pick up the weapon. Obey the command of the great man. Kill the innocent civilians -

answer me. "

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