Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1387: The battle of the teeth (3)

Chapter 1387 The Battle of the Tooth

After listening to the Duke of Gewen, Biddeville immediately showed a mixture of bored and incredible expressions: "The round table knights shouldn’t have a lot of things to do, but the geeks seem to be idle. Well"

The side of the Soral, while still silent, reveals a subtle expression. The expression is mixed with anger, disgust, and the expression of surprise and uneasiness is so complicated that when Solar reveals this complex expression, Bedieville is quite I looked at the swordsman with a puzzled look.

"It’s interesting, so you haven’t changed.” Solar’s ​​intriguing whisper is even more puzzling.

"Maybe" Round Table Knight Ge Wenxi smiled and said: "You said that Elaine should be one of the candidates for the White Bears Elaine Round Table Trial. The children who I have been paying attention to have been concerned about the round table trials. This is simply not tolerated as one of the examiners. I am obliged to save the child."

"Whatever you say" Beddyville is too lazy to go and the Duke of Gwen's theory: "The biggest problem now is that we don't even know where Elaine was caught. If there isn't even one of the clues, there is no way to save Elaine."

"What do you remember before you faint? Mr. Solar" Gewen turned to look at the swordsman

"I really can't remember" Soral touched the head of his bandage. At this moment, he can be said to be a splitting headache, not to mention that he was in a panic during the fight for Elaine. There is no way to observe the surrounding situation.

"Do you really can't remember anything?" Bettiville also urged Solarar: "Come on and try to find Elaine by your memory."

They are very clear that the careful traffickers who are acting will never be the leisurely generations. It has been several hours since the start of the campaign. The crowds of traffickers have enough time to clean up the scene. It is absolutely impossible to find the scene again. Leave any evidence that all that Solar has seen at the time is all the information that can be used. If Solar can't even think of a clue, it will be impossible to track Elaine.

"Well," Solar looked hard with his head, but from his distressed appearance, he must have remembered nothing.

Bedyville’s look has become dignified and perhaps worse than he expected.

At this time, the Duke of Gewen made a speech: "Go and go to the table next to me and lie down to do something."

"No" Solar pulled the round table knight and said, "I don't need your help."

"Do you have a better way?"

Solar couldn’t speak, although he was very unwilling, but the swordsman seemed to have no choice but to follow the round table Knight Ge Wen’s words.

Beddyville looked confused. He only knew that Gewen had something to do with Solar. Whatever it was to see, he could understand that he stood silently watching and watching the swordsman Soral lying flat on the table. The middle-aged round table knight also came to the table and whispered: "Relax me to start"

Solar is still a face that doesn't want him to lie on the hardwood desk that is not so comfortable. It seems very uncomfortable, and the voice of the Duke of Gewen just falls into the sleeve of his hands that are out of the way. The smog of black smoke is like a life rushing to Surar to wrap the face of the swordsman Solar to **** the smoke into it.

"Relax your consciousness and now return to the moment when Elaine was kidnapped three hours ago." Round table knight Ge Wen whispered. "Look at the big eyes and see what's around."

Bedyville saw that it was basically understood that Ge Wen was using hypnosis therapy for Solar with some kind of smoke. He used hypnosis to stimulate the deep memory of the swordsman so that Solar could recall the details of the fight.

"I saw a man," the swordsman whispered, "I heard the voice is a middle-aged man's face. I can't see clearly. He is wearing a black robe and his face is covered. The robes are very dirty and the edges of the trousers are slightly ruined. There was nothing on the black robe of the robe, but he wrapped his black robe around the body with a dark gold belt. He wouldn’t be wrong. He moved his slanted corner to reveal the metallic luster of the dark gold belt. The belt looks a bit like a chain. Every inch is a lock. The front can see ten locks. So the waist circumference of this person is about twenty inches. From the left, there is a clear scratch on the seventh lock. It was cut by the knife and then smelted back to the metal."

"哼" Bettiville whispered and heard the character, but the description of Solar in hypnosis is so accurate that it is accurate.

Ge Wen slightly continued to give a hint: "I have never heard of this character. Our primary goal now is not that he puts him first, regardless of other details such as the venue."

"哼" Solar has continued to work hard to think back: "The site is very dry and the gravel ground next to the desert is a lot of container yards. There is nothing particularly useful in the port. This port is marked everywhere [Spinx Industry] This pier is the legendary Egypt. The dock owned by the richest sphinx

"I know" Biddyville sighed low: "Now everything has to contact the legendary richest Sphinx, who is really behind the kidnapping."

"Not necessarily" the round table knight Ge Wen did not analyze with emotion: "The Sphinx has many industrial gangsters and white roads in Cairo. There is always no way to say that the kidnapping of the population happened in the dock belonging to Sphinx. It means that Sphinx is behind the scenes."

The werewolf youth did not say anything. He originally wanted to say that this Sphinx had a direct contact with Paramitis and perhaps the contact with Paramitis was exactly what he was trying to do, but he further thought about Sphinx. Si Lao did not seem to have seen the white bear, Elaine seems to have no direct motive for kidnapping Elaine. So, he really can't bite the kidnapping incident is the ghost of Sphinx.

"That's good for the venue first" Duke Gewen continued to ask: "Look at other people besides the black robes who are against you, they must have other accomplices. What characteristics do they have?"

"A group of Egyptians are basically brown and black. The skin is rough. It is obvious that they have been working hard in the construction site because of the sun and rain." Solar continues to recall the details: "The wear is also broken." Tattered rags are not enough to make holes. They are so poor that they can do any dirty work for money. They don’t wear shoes, but they run very fast on the gravel. They are used to this kind of terrain. Carrying Elaine Elaine on a stretcher has basically no struggling strength. Is foaming at the mouth a narcotics?"

The Knights of the Round Table quickly interrupted: "Your attention is distracted, let alone the white bear continue to observe the group of hardworking workers."

"There is nothing to say about the group of hard work. It is very common to estimate that it is to hide the identity as much as possible in the usual attire. He seems to be a bit on the waist of the stretcher."

"Good to pay attention to him." The Duke of Gewen ordered: "Put your vision on his waist. Now he is moving at a speed one tenth of the original speed and watching him look at his waist. What is the next step and two steps?"

"Under the hole in the clothes, you can see a small black dagger that seems to be some kind of weapon hidden in the waist for emergency use."

"Three Steps and Four Steps" Ge Wen continued to help Soral with "slow motion": "Look at what it is."

"That's the handle of the dagger. It's the handle." Solar seems to be more and more clear: "The handle of the dagger seems to have something, I can't see it clearly or move too fast."

"Five Steps" Ge Wen continued to hint: "The flow of time is one thousandth of the original. Now what is that thing?"

"It's it's wings, its mouth is sharp and it's like a hook. Its head is ugly. It's bald. It's a vulture."

Solar suddenly woke up from hypnosis and sat up and shouted: "Yes, it is the coat of arms of vulture and vulture. I have seen this coat of arms."

Where did Bedieville see the same heraldic answer?

"Muhammad Business Group" Werewolf Low Channel

"What Muhammad Chamber of Commerce" Solar looked at Biddeville in surprise: "The one--Muhammad business group, the Muhammad business group that we used to be a guard on the ship"

"Yes," the important thing is really to say that Biddeville can't help but say that he turned his face and looked at Soral seriously: "It looks like you don't know that the Muhammad business team carried it in the mission. What are the things?"

"I heard that the food is mainly canned fish." The swordsman Soral smashed his head: "Is it the fish scent that brought the desert konjac?"

"I know," Biddyville sighed. "Sorar, you are such a fool. The sand boat is used as an excuse to transport food. Actually, it is actually a ton of canned fish under the canned container of drugs." Anesthetic"

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