Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1389: The battle of the teeth (5)

Chapter 1389 The Battle of the Tooth

At the same time in the room of the Cairo Grand Hotel Safir and Segrad

Seglad licked his chest

He just dyed his body with a hair dye into a deep dark blue body that was itchy and uncomfortable. He had just sorted out the equipment and put a new cast of extremely light and short Moon God steel dagger into the belt. The sheath is going to go out to track the father did not expect

Who is ringing the doorbell -

But there is such an inconvenience

The people outside the Tuen Mun are still on the go. Who will come to Seglader? They should not be the annoying words of the Viscount of Lusford.

Seglade moved from the living room to a chair and walked to the front of the room with a vigilant look through the fisheye of the door.

The person outside the door is not the person Lu Sifu is waiting for outside the door. It is quite a girl and she is quite a bit. Her slightly wavy blond hair is accompanied by a white melon face. It is a beautiful woman. Types that SGLID likes

"哼" Leopard boy (Segred was turned into a child by the magical lake water) whispered and slammed down from the chair and opened the door.

"Who are you looking for?" Seglad asked his kitten's head out of the door.

"Hello kids" blonde girl smiled politely and said: "Is there a match between Sai Fei and SEGADE? I have something to discuss with them"

"Well, you are." Slaged’s face is a doubt. Although the other party is a beautiful woman, the leopard teenager will not completely put a warning on it, or ask to open the door again.

"Oh, where is my courtesy?" The blonde girl made a very graceful demeanor for the teenagers in front of me. "I am the second daughter of the Julius L. Fusfu family. My brother, Lusfu, you are honored. The brothers took care of"

"Lusfu 喵" SGL's brow wrinkled a bit and it was still the Lusfu family. This woman named Rusford came here to find Sedge. It is also unreasonable that she and her brother are just a little bit. Of course, this is only Segley. German unilateral ideas

Juliet knows how to look at her. She sees the expression on Segrad’s face change instantly. She knows that the leopard youth has a wariness. She then kneels down like a child to the leopard in front of him: "What is your name?" Why are you here?"

"I am my name, Hal", Slagard still does not want to use his true identity to deal with the people of the Lusfu family. He is self-proclaimed and has a young body that cannot be recognized by others. He said: "I came to visit my brother. Our seifeige brothers went to the competition and Sergey’s brother had something to do. It’s estimated that it will not come back until noon tomorrow.”

"Hall" didn't think that Slaged's lie was just like a disguised expert. Juliet immediately felt awkward and frowned. "You said that you are also called Hal, that is strange to Harna." Isn't the child a little black panther? The little son of the Paramitis family. Right, I met with Xiaohar yesterday. It was in the base of the Knights of the Great East Knights in Fort Essen."

"Hey--" Slagard is like a person who has been pinched with a needle.

However, his brain turned quickly and he immediately thought of the way he said: "Hey, I am also called Halla. My full name is Halhards Sefer, they are my cousins."

"But you just told them to be brothers."

"Ah, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you see the brothers and cousins ​​of the Gryk (Leopard) are indifferent, anyway, it is called brother to change to English, I said it is not good, hahahahahaha "

Juliet frowned again. She knew little about the language and customs of the Leopard, so this time it was really stunned by SGL.

"Is it true that the language of your leopard is so confusing?" The blonde girl shrugged her shoulders: "But it's worth it. I think I should respect other people's customs and habits. It's better to be too much."

"You can call me the big sister of Hudders." Seglad is very cleverly correcting.

"So Hudders" Juliet corrected: "Your cousins ​​and brothers are going out, leaving you alone in the room. How old are you this year? How can they leave a child at home?"

"I am twelve years old this year." Segrad saw that he had already opened his head and had to continue to edit it: "The age is already big enough to take care of yourself. I don't need my brothers to look after you. I want to visit my brothers. I am also a person." By boat from Athens, the hustle and bustle of Cairo"

"You are coming alone." The blonde girl reached out and touched the head of Segrad's cat. It was a little child's expression: "But recently Egypt is very uncomfortable. The traffickers are very embarrassed. You are walking. On the road, be careful that they like to catch your kind of child with little resistance and buy a rich man to be a slave."

Segrad’s heart is that he is almost caught by the traffickers today. It’s not a good thing for the Fuluthus family of the Viscounts of Toulouse.

"So" Leopard teenager looked at the blond girl and asked temptedly: "Big sister, you are going to go back, my brothers will not come back for the time being. I think you have been waiting here for no reason."

Juliet immediately showed a very confused expression: "That troubles me. I have to talk to the Safir Slyed brothers. If they are not there, I can only wait for them to come back and say you say Mr. Glade has something to go out to come back at noon tomorrow. I should at least wait for Mr. Saifei to go to the round table trial knockout game. After the game is over, I should return to the hotel to rest."

"It's hard to say 喵" Saifei deliberately excused: "What you said is that the lascivious Saifei brother can't do it well. He won the game and relaxed. Tonight, I won't come back for the night. I ran outside and lived happily. Go 喵"

Juliet immediately showed a disgusted look: "man"

"So you really want to wait here all the time." The leopard teenager used a pair of sincere kitten faces to cover up his sly smile: "In the worst case, you have to wait until 12 o'clock tomorrow at noon. I don’t want to wait for it, I won’t stop my older sister’s embarrassment."

"Now the children can really talk." Juliet showed a bitter and helpless smile: "Do you have a way to contact them? The things I want to talk to your brothers are very important. You must meet them as soon as possible. If you have them. The phone number and the like are the best."

However, neither Saifei nor SEGed did not bring any communication equipment. After all, all the belongings they brought with them were confiscated by the organizers of the round-table trials. Now they must be careful in preparing for the round-table trials. How can you keep the money on every communication device without any big use?

"They didn't bring the communicator out." Segrad replied, "In short, they can't be contacted when they get outside. They can only wait here for them to come back."

He said that the original intention is that Juliet can retreat. After all, it is basically impossible for her to wait here for nearly twenty hours.

However, Juliet is a very stubborn observant and nuanced. She has already noticed that something is awkward and smiles: "Okay, I am waiting here. Anyway, the hotel room I booked is on two floors. I can Come over and check out to see if the two brothers of Saifei Syed returned."

"呃-" Segrad began to feel that things are not good.

She looked at the leopard boy with a smile: "Harry, are you really alone here? You obviously came to see your cousins, but they left you alone in the hotel room. How can this be like if you want to come over to the big sister's room, maybe I can get some muffins for you?"

"I don't have to worry about it, I am planning to go out." Seglade replied sullenly that he was ready to go out to track his father's arrival of Paramiti Juliet. The leopard has been greatly delayed. Action of the young man

"You have to go out to play but I told you that Cairo is not very peaceful. It is very dangerous for a child to wander outside." Juliet asked the river to go: "I want my sister to go with you? There are always people who accompany you." Take care of

"But you are not saying that you have to wait for the Safir brothers to come back here." SGLADE intends to push away from having a woman to follow him. It will be very troublesome.

"The knockout starts at two o'clock in the afternoon." Juliet took out her mobile phone and looked at the time. "And the time spent fighting the fight is over, waiting for the verdict, and the time it takes him to return to Cairo Hotel by car. It takes about three hours. So we Come back before five o'clock in the afternoon, you should be able to meet Mr. Saifer. The premise is that he did not go out to spend the day."

Juliet showed a disgusting expression in a moment, which was clearly said by Segrad. But when she listened to a child, she took it all seriously and thought that Saifei was such a person. Seglad saw this scene. I feel a little sorry for his brother.

"So I am going out with you when I go out shopping at five o'clock, can I bring you back?" The blonde girl smiled softly and asked, "Let's go to Little Harris."

Wait, what is this ghost?

Under the circumstance, Segrad’s face could not help but show a blush.

Is this a date?

The progress of the matter was far beyond the expectations of the leopard teenager. He obviously just wanted to get rid of this entangled girl and suddenly became a "date" with Juliet.

"Yes, but I am going to have a mission, I have to track the old Uncle Paramidis."

"I am going to do it." Juliet did not think of the child's words as one thing. She only thought that Segrad was playing a game for some kind of child: "We don't have time, let's go."

She grabbed the claws of Seglad’s kitten and took him out.

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