Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1404: The battle for the latent teeth (20)

Chapter 1404 The Battle of the Tooth

The stone giant approached the stairway with an extremely slow but almost unstoppable trend. It is so huge. Almost blocked the entire corridor. People can only see the opposite situation from the gap between the glass walls of the corridor.

"It turns out. Is it covered with a petrochemical outer layer?" Seeing the huge stone egg at the same time. Bedyville can't help but admire: "There is no need to be afraid of ultraviolet light. This monster is quite thoughtful."

"Boss. Now is not a time to admire." The guard next to the werewolf could not help but urge: "No more way. It really has to escape from here."

Bedyville whispered: "Kana."

"No. I haven't seen any flaws here." Kana's voice came from the opposite side. "It seems that it wraps itself in the water."

"No. There will always be loopholes." Biddyville shouted: "If it is petrified all over the body. Use what to crawl forward."

That's right. At the bottom of this stone giant egg, there must be a "foot" that has never been petrified. It continues to move forward by the soft tissue attached to the ground. Trying to be immune to UV light. Run away from here.

"It turned out. I went around to the lower floor -" the guard at the stairway shouted as soon as he understood it.

"No. You are standing still." Bettiville shouted out the guard: "Don't move. It's waiting."

This is without a doubt a conspiracy of the stone giant. Now the light of three ultraviolet flashlights seals the monsters. It did not dare to act rashly. However, it must be waiting for the dead angle of the three sides of the ultraviolet light to lose balance on either side. As long as the light has a dead angle. There is a place where ultraviolet light does not cover. It will release its tentacles. Attack the people here from the dead end. When someone is injured, the light will be chaotic. When the light is chaotic, it will create more dead ends. Eventually created a path for the monster to escape. And this is definitely not what Biddiville wants to see.

However, the stone giant is still approaching the stairs. This is also an indisputable fact. Just moving around will make it easy to take advantage of. If it doesn't move, let it approach the stairs. Things will get very bad as well. and so. What should I do?

"Let me find a way to penetrate it." Bettiville has wrapped his arm with a tweezers. Ready to make a strong puncture attack. He used this to penetrate the door of the "garbage room" wrapped in the meat wall. And escaped from there. The same power can penetrate the petrochemical shell of the monster and the tough meat wall. Directly to its body. This can only be considered a bet. Close to the monster. The chances of Bediville being attacked will also be great. But don't do anything now. I can only regret it later.

So Bediville lit up the ultraviolet light tube on the left arm. With the courage to walk into the stone giant. The light from the tube is fairly bright and stable. Under the protection of this ultraviolet light. Even close. The monster must not dare to do anything with Bediville - at least he thinks so.

"Be careful. Boss." Lawrence cried behind Bettyville.

"I have said that don't call me boss." Bedyville was so troublesome.

step. step. One more step. The werewolf walked very slowly and was very careful. Every step of the way, I re-estimate the effective distance of my tungsten tortoise whip with a strong puncture. And the distance that the monster can be hit by an instant counterattack.

Six? Five yards. Four yards. He also had to count the timing of the throwing and exploding of the flash grenade thrown out by the other hand. This is the hardest thing. Because he had to throw a grenade while hitting the outer shell of the monster stone. Let the grenade enter the monster's body. The time was too fast and the whip was too late to recover and blocked the gap. His plan will not succeed; the time is too slow and the outer wall of the monster will regenerate quickly. Grenade can't be thrown in. If you can use time magic. All this is obviously a piece of cake. But why is it at this time. The time magic was used up.

Complaints don't help. Bedyville walked to the place of the giant stone egg three yards. Even now. The huge stone egg continued to move in the direction of the stairway at a slow speed. The guard who was at the stairway was already nervous to the point where the spirit was almost collapsed.

It is not too late. The werewolf took a deep breath. Raising your left arm is a boxing out.

Uh... The tungsten tortoise whip rolled up is released like a spring. Create powerful kinetic energy. This super-pervasive blow is no less than a powerful spear. The dagger at the tip of the whip is the sharpest spear in the world. It punctuates into the petrochemical outer wall of the monster.

Then Beddyville felt a strong reaction. [Polymer] The outer wall of petrochemicals can be described as hard. By feeling that the outer wall is at least ten inches thick. Ordinary people pike with such a thick wall with a spear. The arm must be broken at this moment because of the reaction. Fortunately, Bediville's left arm is a prosthetic made up of Mithril. It is tougher and stronger than a fleshy arm.

auzw.com啪呖——啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦Under the puncture attack of the Werewolf youth violence. The outer wall of the stone giant egg began to break. The crack spreads to the point where it is hit. Spread across the eggshell. The situation is really similar to the broken egg shell.

That's right. Bedieville understood it instantly. The part of this monster that is petrified is actually the part of "dead". It is a hard cuticle. And it does not have any regenerative capacity. The cracked petrochemical shell is not automatically repaired. The monster can only construct a thicker petrified outer wall from the inside. To make up and fix the petrochemical shell that will be cracked. To avoid UV light penetration.

"So you are very busy. Right?" The werewolf smiled insidiously. He slammed his tungsten tortoise whip. On the petrochemical dome, there is still a large pothole caused by the strong blow of the tungsten tortoise whip. Although Bediville clearly saw that the interior of the pothole had begun to regenerate.

"Try this how." However, it doesn't matter. Let it regenerate. Betteville used a tungsten tortoise whip to wrap the flash grenade that had opened the safety ring. Drive the whip again. Stinging at the big hole in the surface of the petrochemical dome...

Oh... just half of the potholes that have been regenerated are easily penetrated by the whip. The flash grenades caught by the tungsten tortoise whip have been smoothly fed into the body of the polymer. It becomes more unstable under strong impact and high pressure. It is about to explode soon.

Bang... A special UV flash grenade bursts inside the monster. There is no protection. Deadly ultraviolet light spreads through every cell structure in the monster's body. That thing began to wriggle. Purple light shines through the numerous cracks that have shattered on the surface.

"This time it should be dead." Betteville stepped back a few steps. Retired beyond the scope of the explosion.

Oh... the whole petrochemical dome exploded. It turned into countless stones and shattered.

"Call. Finally -" guard Lawrence is about to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Give your UV light." Biddyville shouted.

It’s la la la la la la... as the last death is recalcitrant. Countless tentacles pierce from the petrochemical dome. Sting to the people around. I am afraid that the monster knows that he is going to die. No more scruples. Even if you expose yourself to ultraviolet light, you will not hesitate. I vow to kill all the people here.

"Wow, ah, ah--" The guards frightened and shook their UV flashlights. Burn the oncoming tens of thousands of tentacles with the greatest light.

Bedyville also raised the UV lamp in the hand to the highest brightness. The lamp can only last for a few seconds at this brightness. But it should also be enough to stop the monsters from raging.

However, the monster's tentacles pierced the guard's chest that was guarded at the stairs. A blow is a deadly attack.

The tentacle also penetrated the belly of another guard next to Karna. The guard's liver is sprayed with black and red blood.

Sharp tentacles resist strong ultraviolet light. A thorn was on the leg of the guard named Lawrence next to Bedyville. Let Lawrence scream with pain. I have to kneel down.

The three guards were simultaneously recruited. The flashlight they held also fell to the ground. Stained lampshade by blood. The light of the three flashlights suddenly became a lot weaker. The angle of illumination was changed as the two guards fell completely. Create a lot of dead ends. These dead ends can still be covered by the ultraviolet light tubes of the Bediville hand. but. If you go on like this.

"So, you guys can't stand it." However, Kana seems to have seen everything. Another UV flash grenade in her hand has been thrown out.

The grenade collides precisely at the center of the monster. Several gushers were hit by the gushing. Become extremely unstable.

Hey - the moment when the tentacles raged the most fierce and crazy. The grenade also exploded.

At first it was a dazzling white light. Then there is a more dazzling purple light. The purple light is shining. Even the white light has covered the past. It is a kind of dizziness. High-energy radiation that can temporarily blind. An ultraviolet storm that is dozens of times stronger than an ultraviolet flashlight bursts in midair. The scattered highlights almost completely illuminate the entire glass inverted pyramid. The brightness is almost a flash of the dog's eye that Bediville has already closed.

Its destructive effect on monsters is also quite remarkable: under a flash. The frenzied spine tentacles immediately twitched, curled, shrunk, carbonized, and then vanished in high-speed weathering.

"Well, it's done." Lawrence, who was strangled through a calf, removed his defensive posture. I have a strong pain in my eyes. Looked aside.

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